Grain of sand testicle reddit

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On palpation, my right testicle is not lumpy, but it feels rough. Every grain you add you bring a new person to view and identify it. A man who declared himself to stand among the thieves, the prostitutes and the homeless. In short, I think there would be some statistical chance that two grains of sand might be the "same" but the probability of this would depend greatly on how you define "sameness". USA About 6 months ago I noticed I could feel lymph nodes in my neck/ groin. Joy. Ive always wondered what would happen if you injected hgh into your testicles. This time F2=F1/10, M1 is the mass of a grain of sand, M2 is the mass of the sun. This leads to swelling, infertility, and often a dull aching pain. One tumor was pea sized. The study shows that supplements that include both protein and creatine in them had a significantly increased risk of testicular cancer for the user. Look at a pile of sand and count the grains. I've done some googling and have found similar posts but nothing that fits my specific situation. Or eat a testicle if your testicles are bad. 2 mm diameter. Enlargement or tenderness of the breasts. Matter can't ever travel at the speed of light, as it would require infinite energy in order to do so. it seems to be attached to a membrane that fits over the testicle, or So, recently (3 months back) I found a small 5mm, grain of sand (the common description!) on the upper anterior pole of my right testicle, visable… White Males 22, 5,4 130 lbs. Sep 8, 2008 · It is attached to the testicle. There's also the issue that the other side has both prophesies and magic, and people can and did convince him to talk about the horcruxes and their locations. "In the fury of the moment, I can see the master's hand in every leaf that trembles, in every grain of sand" speaks for itself. (Until a physicist tag comments, you might want to check out wikipedia article The only real answer is maybe. "Bitter dance of loneliness fading into space" sounds like an allusion to the themes of Mr. Add a Comment. If you bring any foldable to the beach, you deserve whatever happens to it for being a bozo. it hasn't changed size. On the other end, using the smallest value I found for grains of sand it would be 256,000,000 grains of sand. I don't think that's true. This doesn't account for the fact that the grains of sand won't fit together perfectly, so a second layer might be needed to block the holes in the first layer. Then goes back to being mild. Reply. "Tennis shoe" is not a standard shape or size, even though you specify M 10 1/2. nih. I randomly found a salt grain sized bump on my left testicle in the shower. left testicle it is not hard to feel. I’ll preface this by saying I have an appointment next Wednesday to get it checked out. I'm not going to freak myself out and will definitely be consulting my doctor this week to get it checked properly. 999c (99. Average volume of a human: 66. I am going to see a doctor but would appreciate any advice, knowledge and possibly similar experience would be really helpful thankyou! So making the grain of sand is out. This has caused me to be severely depressed and anxious. true. These "grains of sand" are actually exoskeletons of marine protozoa, which lived on the ocean floor 550 million years ago. Mine was the size of a marble. Just wondering whether you think this is testicular cancer or not. One, they only use the beaches and deserts on Earth. But his earliest memory was of the question. According to here, there are roughly 1 million grains of sand in one square foot of sand. Small bump on left testicle for years, now a very very small bump (like the size of a grain of sand) on my left. I'm really worried right now, I was laying down and then my ball sack stretched out aka when your balls drop and then I felt one of my balls go sideways and didn't really care and I touch it and see that I can feel the things that attach from the top of your balls but for my right ball I felt it at the bottom. That's how far from the sun you'll have to be to make it work - even in a minimal way. I found a small, hard-ish lump on the front left side of my left testicle. r/Testosterone. r/everymanshouldknow. Did you mean cm? . It's very small, imagine cutting a grain of rice in half and it's that size. 67 mg. I would suggest seeing a doctor about your digestive health and seeing if that resolves the diffuse testicular pain. Ive had times where my testicles have ached for weeks at a time. your problem was probably a varicose vein, infection, or a tumor. See also. For the past few days I have had a dull ache in my right testicle. It's around the size of a grain of rice. . Hello everyone. For the past few years I've had what feel like little white grains of sand on my scalp. Fish water from aquariums are also really good since the waste is nutrient rich that plants just love. $1000's of dollars. 5 * 10-6 m and 2 * 10-3 m in diameter, we arrive at a very rough Nope. I've previously had an ultrasound (2007) that confirmed epydidimal cysts and spermatoceles in both testicles. They became convinced that George Spencer, a local man with one eye, had sex with a pig and was the biological father. I wouldn’t call the pain severe. Assuming the person lived to 100, they would have eaten roughly 36,500 grains of sand, if they ate one grain of sand every day from birth. i can actually pinch it off, but it snaps back in place. This is midnight me typing about how I can't get the texture and crunchiness out of my head and it feels really gross. The idea here is that once you create a Horcrux, you need to attempt to be aware of where it is. ncbi. Any guy who said "Blessed are the poor. I can only find it about 70% of the time, but its there - I have seen other posts about the exact same thing - with no initial outcome response. 4 l * 1,538 g/l * 90 grains/g = 9,191,088. It doesn't move and it's not squashy or painful. No symptoms. Super glue the grain of sand to a hammer, hit person with hammer. Testicular germ cell neoplasia (intratubular germ cell neoplasia) is present. Gluck. All very achey and weird, like flu aches but without the flu. ago. The best way to shave your goods: To do this right you need A body trimmer, Razor, Shaving lubricant, Shower, Conditioner, Loofa, And some time. 5 weeks ago. Not so fun factoid, the beaches of Normandy have a bunch of iron in the sand from D-Day. • 5 yr. 3. I basically had to crawl another 20 feet grinding my dick into sand. I can find almost no reference to "grain of sand" size lumps. . Most of which belong to the group Foraminifera. i'd get it checked out with a urologist. Grains of course sand per gram: 90 grains per gram. Yea when mine first popped , felt like I got kicked in the nuts for a few days. Took several different antibiotics and was on Cypro for close to 10 weeks. He had an ultrasound ordered that revealed it to be a fluid cyst, non-cancerous. Depends how big your screen is 😏. He says it happens and it's nothing to worry too much over. Business, Economics, and Finance. You can always get a second option if your worried. LH stone gives me periodic pain (it's anywhere from 3-7mm - opinions It's only one picture! It can only have one magnification, so choose. I'm thinking it's an epididymal cyst, as I Nov 13, 2013 · it could be bigger than a sand grain, but not by that much. 19M with retractile testicles. It feels like feeling a rough skin or a grain of sand. With the factor of weight defference being 20, it's easy to make a simple experiment - if sand is falling on your skin, you feel the grains as they collide with your skin, while snowflakes are undetectible (apart from the melt that you feel as temprature alternations). They usually are persistent and do not resolve spontaneously. There's no pain and nothing feels swollen. Pain in the testicle and inner thigh can be triggered by any number of acute or chronic conditions. Why YSK: If you are planning to conceive in the near term, avoiding high-temperature exposure to the testicles will likely improve the chances of conception. I have read that retraction is normal for young boys but can not find anything about this happening to adults. A dull ache in the abdomen or groin. Your edit makes it sound like it's an inflamed section of epididymis. One of my nuts got quite swollen and uncomfortable (earlier, it felt a bit more firm but I didn't think anything of it). 999c that grain has a kinetic energy of 1,287,000,000,000 joules. After the very first one, the next night I started to notice a dull ache. I had an ultrasound 7 months ago and the doctor said it was fine. I discovered when I was 12 and I'm now 15. Over the last five months, I have noticed my left testicle will retract into my groin and leave the scrotum during ejaculation. " Definitely get it checked out to see what's The left "lump" is a bit more prominent than the right one, but both of the testicles have it. Doctors are closed over the weekend so will make an appointment on monday but has anybody had similar findings? Using the lowest mass of a grain of sand of 0. im very scared and nervous right now and i plan on doing a more thourough examination when im in the shower. Using the highest mass of a grain of sand of 13 milligrams and a speed of 0. lajin. Four but it needs to be in this configuration. 03924 tons of TNT. Go for chelated form of zinc. Different shoes have different widths, heights, and lengths. I can’t tell if it’s soft or hard really it moves but I think it’s my testicles moving with it. It started out of nowhere and has persisted since. Naturally I was freaked out. Back pain. Found small bump and have questions. Private Area Question. Was doing a routine check and found a lump the size of a big grain of sand on the side of my left ball. Secondly, the grains are specifically on my scalp and It can be a lump with no symptoms to excruciating back pain and everything in between. They don't hurt or anything but I just got really scared that it's testicular cancer. The study was looking at the use of creatine, andro and a host of other supplements. He may be the most beautiful guy who ever walked the face of this earth. 05mm is the smallest a particle can be before it is called silt. Tambourine Man, except that now he sees "disappearing through the smoke rings of my mind" as a rather dark and empty experience. 52506 * 106 m long, and assuming an average width of approximately 34 m (twice it's depth), and an average sand depth of approximately 1 m, there would be approximately 85. Some problems, such as a strained muscle or pinched nerve, typically run their course If we want at least ten orbits, we want the gravitational pull of our solar system to be smaller by a factor of ten. 4 liters. Well basically about a month ago i started getting a rather dull pain in my testicles (it was alternating from right to left and occassionally both at the same time) and have researched that this is very rare for TC. several professionals have told me that torsions are always extremely painful to the point that you can't walk. For how long—he did not know. ) And I like the following even more: “The Universe Train" Imagine that each star in the known universe were a grain of sand. Any experience with this type of lump? I’ve noticed 1 or 2 grain of sand sized bumps on my left nut. Waiting for the last one to work its way out. (And that’s a shit ton of universe. 852 * 106 m3 of sand. The other tumor was the size of a large peanut. Looking for some advice/reassurance. Asked my primary doc about it, he said pain can radiate to places nearby because of the hernia. Not taking your foldable to the beach is Foldable 101. I opened up to my mom 2 weeks ago and she talked with my dad, there searching for a doctor but still havent found one(i live in bulgaria). Tumor is confined to the testis, with lymph-vascular invasion and focal rete testis invasion (pT2). • 2 yr. 4 cm and 0. 999c, then the amount of kinetic energy would be 7,114,057 MJ After doing some poking around, I found a small mass about the size of a pimple/grain of sand that's firm and immovable, located on the back of my right testicle in the middle of where the epididymis lies and near the top of the testicle. That's a lot of stars. Building Insanity from a Grain of Sand. ” Cysts of the epididymus usually occur at the upper end and are in the epididymus. I’ve had an ache in my groin area, last… Hey, hey. A grain of sand weighs about 0. 1-grain-of-sand • • 8 mo. So like, if you have a bad heart, eat a raw heart to gain the benefits. But let's not get ahead of things, just visit your GP and see where it goes. As I said it's right at the epididymis on TOP of the testicle, but not on the epididymis itself, it's on the testicles. Astronomers estimate there exist roughly 10,000 stars (in the universe ) for each grain of sand on Earth. Blessed are the meek" has got to be a figure of unparalleled generosity and insight and madness. I had a PET scan for non-cancer reasons and the ball lit up like a lightbulb. 6. So I have a small lump on my right testicle that I just realised a few days ago, for some background, I used to get recurring epididymitis, ( not from intercourse) but that eventually subsided and it came back a week ago and sort of went away, but i just noticed a small bump on the testicle where the infections used to occur, it isnt visible but you can feel it, it is about the size of a large Feb 10, 2010 · Small "rice grain" like lump. I think it was a grain of sand and that was lunch. You could probably get away with using regular xerox paper and then a tissue paper for the last two parts. According to Google the river Ganges is 2. 3 cm - 2 foci). Good evening. I had testicular cancer at 12. It hasn't grown in size at all and I haven't experienced any of the symptoms of testicular cancer. He had to be airlifted because he lived in rural New Zealand, puked all the way to the hospital not because he got airsick, but because of the excruciating pain. 66. This is a subreddit for questions about testicular cancer, if you are wondering if you have TC… hey guys! im 15 and just recently found a grain of sand sized lump on the front (being the part of the testicle that points out infront of you) near the top of the testicle. gov/23411620/ Edit: Other sources of reduced sperm count based on various submissions in replies: Laptop computers Again, maybe not. Testicular Pain in Men with Kidney Stones. it is slightly mobile, but seems to like staying over the same spot on the testicle. Alas I’m shit at google so I can’t find it anywhere. Hi, I’m a 25 y/o make who found a rice grain like lump in left testicle that moves around that I don’t think is directly attached to the testicle itself but causes intense pain if I pinch or squeeze it. There is a study that suggests that creatine can increase testicular cancer. More like "the coolest things you'd get lucky to find in sand magnified 100 to 300 times". • 1 mo. Solve for the radius r. So I've just been having a feel about and noticed a small and hard spot on the top of my right testicle, almost like a small grain of rice, close to a vein. Days before the surgery, my right testicle started to really hurt when I accidentally touched it too strong. The testicular pain subsided over the weekend and is at a 0 now. works a treat for keeping your nuts a good size. 11. Small hard bump on left testicle - 3 week wait for doctor. Antibiotics did provide me lots of relief while on them, but once off symptoms came back including pain that radiated out to my upper legs/hips. 2mm, sorry. A doctor will do an ultrasonic exam, and the testicles is one of the easiest to spot cancer. Went to a urologist. A sudden collection of fluid in the scrotum. In fact the white cliffs of dover are mostly made of a microfossil known as coccolithophore Forams are usually found in sands that formed in warmer Carbonate rich waters. Sand started getting into my pants, so I started lifting my butt up until I completed the crawl we needed to do. I can’t tell if I have a VERY dull pain or if I’m over thinking it which I do a lot. 2. Crypto It would not be cancer if it hasn't changed over the course of a year, much less 12+ years. Which explained my inner thigh pain and left testicle pain. I got diagnosed with testicular cancer five days after the birth of my daughter. Seeing as a grain is defined to be between 62. 1. ) 17 M 5ft 7 190lb. For comparison's sake, that's the equivalent of about 300 tons of TNT, basically a small tactical nuke or the amount of energy used by about 20 automobiles over the course of an entire year. First of all my scalp doesn't itch at all so I'm confident I can rule out lice/nits as well as psoriasis. The texture was hard, non-mobile. My left testicle has a large pea-sized lump in the epididymis which I've been told is fine. Hi guys, I am just on looking to see some other peoples views on my situation. like i said, it's not directly attached. A bit later I went to the doctor and he told me it was just an enlarged vein. ADMIN MOD. The pain is random and is almost always coming from Use zinc and folic acid . I've had a small lump maybe half the size of a pea on top of my left testicle for the last few years. 4K subscribers in the testicularcancer community. I can’t remember where I saw or heard it or what % it was, but even like 1% would be nuts. sand with 400, then 600, then 1,000, then 20,000 and finally 500,000. Let's say that doubles the total to 2,560,000 big grains of sand. I’ve been to the doctor recently with a concern of a vein on the front of the testicle Yup. Put the grain in your hand close your hand, punch someone until it dies. I have recently found a sand grain sized lump on my left testicle, I am getting occasional shooting pains and both have considerably shrank in size. This is less than u/talkstocats estimate by a factor of 70. 24M , 180lbs , 6'2" , Hispanic. A friend went through this, he was woken up in the middle of the night by the pain after he tossed and turned in a weird way that caused the torsion. Pain or discomfort in a testicle or the scrotum. • 9 yr. ionicmonkey. Edit: Yes these can be found in high concentrations in certain sands. You can sorta check if it is "loose" or "integrated" int o the testticle. You could add another 25 grains for leap years. 28 votes, 54 comments. Today I was eating some crabs that I caught and felt something super crunchy while I was chewing. If you want a really fine finish, you can vigorously wave it in the air for maximum smooth. Link to Study: https://pubmed. Also cold temperature around the testicles or groin area cause problems with prostate, it’s why most divers have prostate issues due to cold water! Lets talk about epididymal cysts! I've seen several posts on this thread describing symptoms consistent with scrotal cysts and wanted to share my short ordeal. Also, this lump is supposed to be sensitive, so don't sweat it. I advice using hcg in your cycle (if u want to blast) at 200ui x2 per week to keep the testes size. You have really small sand. From there we got up and marched 5 miles. Testicle pain after starting trt. I’m a healthy young male, 25, high level athlete and take care of myself and all that. There are various factors, of course, such as the size of the EMSKR: [NSFW] how to shave balls : r/everymanshouldknow. I noticed today while showering and examining my testicles a small bump on the top of my right one. TC tests are pain free, but if TC is suspected things can move fast and you need a (bearable) operation. it's definitely not pea-sized like some people have. Some circles say that if you have an ailment of an organ you should eat those same organs in the raw form. omg dude icing your testicles isn’t good tbh and yes this can damage your testicles but for now just avoid doing it again. r/todayilearned • TIL in 1642, the people of New Haven, Connecticut were horrified by the birth of a "monstrous" pig with one eye. I recently turned 15(3days ago) and since i have turned 14 i have experienced alot of pain in my testicles. I'm on my 4th stone (64M), they come about every 20 years, but I hit the jackpot this time and had one in each kidney. Symptoms. • 6 yr. If there is a sandbox and in the sandbox is a bucket, if the bucket is filled with sand, is the sand still in the sandbox? He'd been asked and he did not know the answer. 99% of C, you won't have any effect on the sand's invariant mass and thus you will avoid a black hole. marielheslop. It doesnt hurt alot but the pain is weird (i think because i havent felt pain there)and im worried. Your testicles are abdominal organs and their nerves run through your abdomen, not your groin. The "vein" is still present but it comes and goes. Trying not to freak out. What do? I am actually sitting in the docs waiting area about to get my 3rd injection. The "violence of a summer's dream" seems to be an allusion to 60s political turmoil. Also felt a tiny firm 'pimple' on the testicle, like a grain of sand but on the opposite tip of the testicle. so if i go to the doctor the doctor will just do an ultra sound scan? thanks for the help! Hello, M17. 02-10-10, 03:22 AM. Testicle may be upside down. Today when I was doing my TSE I felt small grain of sand-like lumps at the top and bottom of my left testicle. Get some HCG. Just put it in a certain part of the body really. If he dropped a grain of sand in the ocean and revived at that one then he'd be a soul stuck in a small radius around a horcrux with very little to do. Water from the hose should be enough to supply enough nutrients however if you want to increase yield / growth you can make compost tea (basically adding grass clippings to a body of water or similar organic material). Pain is mild one minute, then hurts a bit more the next. Depends on how many steam shovels it takes to move it. I felt a lump and noticed my testicle was larger than the other. It kind of feels long like poking up. It’s a hell of scary thing. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. 21. Hi, about a year and a half ago I noticed a lump on my right testicle. 9% the speed of light), then the amount of kinetic energy it would have is 164 MJ of energy or about 0. You asked some good questions! The epididymus extends from the top of the testicle to the bottom and hugs the rear extent of the testis like the letter “C. DevilsFirstAdvocate. In terms of how geologists typically define sand grains, there certainly exists the potential for two or more sand grains to be the same. for a level that has a single muscle memory part thats consistency, if somebodys good at consistency, then 13500 should be enough to pick it up. He'd been here long. I’m not freaking out but also not ecstatic to notice even those small things. Depending on the size of the grain of sand, it would result in an explosion anywhere from around 400 tons of TNT, all the way up to a blast on par with the Tsar Bomba. Before I made it another 3 feet my drill sergeant came over, put his foot on me, and pushed me down. GladPermission131 • 5 mo. My urologist says he hasnt ever seen or heard of this Average grain of sand: EDIT: . Creatine has even been shown in at least one human study (and several laboratory studies) to protect DNA from oxidative damage from various sources, such as exercise. grandmasbroach. Using the sources I found, there would be around 9 million grains of course sand in an average human body. 30 micrograms and a speed of 0. sortiecarr87. It was right where the epididymis meets the testicle. Sometimes it’s really hard to find and feel and sometimes it’s harder and easy to feel My husbands testicle swelled to the size of a large egg. I talked to my dad about it and he had mistaken it as a sign of puberty and my body going through natural changes (an understandable mistake that I do not blame my dad of at all) it wasn’t until it kept bothering me while I was in little league whenever I wore a cup that I brought it up to my mom Physical Health. When it's identified as a pile of sand then you know. Density of Sand: 1,538 grams per liter. Use the same equation F2=GM1M2/r 2. Mar 24, 2022 · Takeaway. If you don't have the time, just stop at 1,000. There's tons of sand on the oceans bottoms and other places on the Earths surface that isn't under water. Scared beyond comprehension. Tests all came out negative--urine, blood, ct scans, ultrasounds, cultures, etc etc every one imaginable. It has been pretty consistent since I started trt. And it’s just tiny little balls/grains from the tides over time, it just looks like it’s part of the sand. At 0. I had a lump during a monthly check. supertaquito. 6 months later haven’t gotten surgery, no more pain, but I do It is normal for testicular pain to radiate to the abdomen, as well as the reverse. he had 13500 on the original grains of sand with the impossible ending and was probably very consistent at the spider by the time he started playing the remake. It’s just a constant throbbing dull ache. Could this lump be something other than a blood vessel or t Share My pathology reports as follows: FINAL PATHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS: Left testicle, left radical orchiectomy: Seminoma (2. It is near where the veins connect. Its a lump and it belongs there. Loose suggests something else. So he'd sat and pondered. Horcruxes require a "good faith awareness effort". Just so you are aware, testicular cancer occurs far more often on the sides of the testicle than the top or bottom. Yeah, go see your doctor. Technically you can but for this to work would need to shoot it out at redicules speed. Google - it has quite a lot of tables with parameters for almost every object imaginable. [deleted] • 5 yr. However, testicular cancer can be the cause for an inflamed epididymis, as well as infection or too little support of the testis. probably. Both were hard and while the testicle ached, the lumps were painless even when squeezed. You could get close though, like 99% of the speed of light. Since then I haven't been able to go for a follow up appointment. I ate a grain of sand accidentally and can't get it out of my mind. A couple weeks ago I found a BB sized lump just above my testicle in the epididymal tissue. Cancer Scare. The RH stone passed -I have no idea it was there until a scan because of the LH stone showed it up. Luckily this pain has gone for me and moved elsewhere (stomach, chest, arms, neck, hands, lower back, legs, feet). I've found a small hard bump on the bottom/underside of my left testicle. However, we don't know what else is going on inside the testicle without an ultrasound, so there could be something malignant that recently developed, but it's probably not related to that "grain of rice. But a grain of sand is still a grain of sand regardless of where it's located on earth. Basically this pocket of space behind the crease can accumulate anything over time like fur, grime, etc. Once you create it, and leave it on a shelf or in a cave or whatever, you then need to be consciously aware of where it is, or else the connection to that piece Hi all, I intend on going to see a doctor when possible (things are a little crazy atm for obvious reasons) but thought I’d just see if anyone has… The song appreciates the beauty and mystery of the world while acknowledging the singer's own flaws (the ultimate paradox of religion), but trusts our creator enough to make peace with it all. They removed my right testicle and I've been… "Recognize that the very molecules that make up your body, the atoms that construct the molecules, are traceable to the crucibles that were once the centers of high mass stars that exploded their chemically rich guts into the galaxy, enriching pristine gas clouds with the chemistry of life. Ultrasound showed very small hernia of fat. Hey how small were they? I’ve got this really small, like smaller than a grain of sand bump that appeared 1. Sometimes testicular cancer hurts and sometimes it doesn't. It was about the size of a grain of rice. You know that thing your dad was suppose to teach you but never did? Get yer dadvice right here! Members Online. 4 so that you can place them like a tetrahedron and call it a pile of sand. nlm. As for the scrotum and testicles, there are no lumps or bumps. I did the right thing by going to the urologist, getting the awkward ultrasound and everything Ive been to the doctor with lower stomach pain and also separately with testicular pain. Well it helps to explain the acronyms: TGCC is testicular cancer, and MBS is muscle building supplements. I found it back in 2012 by accident after having a basketball hitting me on the underside of my scrotum which lead me to finding it on Invariant mass does not increase with velocity so by accelerating your grain of sand to 99. It's supposed to give you the benefits of that organ. Left of center from my perspective but more towards the top than the middle. u/1_set_of_testicles The sand in Okinawa, Japan looks like thousands of tiny 1mm "stars". yn rl no ib qs ic gc ux ns wz