Reddit hoa board

Vote for new board members if neighbors are upset. Communication between owners is up to themselves. If the management company isn't doing their job properly, blame the board. I was wondering if any of these are breaking national or state laws, on top of possibly breaking our HOA by-laws. However, the Board is proposing new restrictions to include a minimum of 90 days and only a 5 units (10% of the complex) can be rented out at the same time. So, I record every interaction, every meeting, every e-mail that can make them look bad or back up my situation/argument. Whatever path you choose, evidence is critical. We had this one strange guy in our neighborhood who liked to build strange things in his house. If the work has not been done in time then the HOA board had a right to get involved. I'm frustrated at this lack of communication -- I get essentially zero communication from the HoA board but I still thought a major decision like this would be announced before it happens, not after (excepting the bulletin board, which the property manager told me was the only statutory requirement like 5 times, even though I didn't try to play A petition of 5 percent of the membership must be turned in calling for a recall of an individual board member or the entire board. So everyone will know. Very few HOA board members want to be on the board. copies of those minutes shall be made available to all unit owners before the Washington State Our board (and it's not the first time) has not given proper notice of a meeting. He has voiced some general criticisms of the board (which he is a part of) for not doing its due diligence on various projects and for Crash-Bash. Just go to the meetings and express an interest. HOA keeps bothering my family about our grass we just cut the other day. Have a board that’s condescending and sneaky, and you get HOAs like mine that replaced 90% of the board halfway through their term to send a message. When you go to the board meeting note how this woman made you feel when you arrived and what she has told you and how you think she is misusing her position on the board to browbeat others. It was about the time they brought out the drones that we'd had enough and moved 1,700 miles away. I know HOAs can be a good thing but I can vouch for her husband, he would probably get a few complaints. 35. The members activities are deemed a nuisance for which the board is authorized by the CCRs to mitigate. Over the few years I've got a lot of complaints from the HOA (Home Owners Association) over grass and petty stuff. LOL u/Wbigly-Reddit is a complete moron. They have a professional management company onsite and things seem to run well the place is maintained and they have very nice facilities. So. Over the years I’ve served across all the positions. If you need copies of Rules or ARC Guidelines, that isn't going to be filed with the county or state, you'll have to get it from the HOA/Management company. But it's also your home. If they have been doing it one way for a long time, don't try to change too many things at once. The attorney said it was ok. The board is likely split 50/50 and he would make it a majority if allowed. It's about ten years old and all the homes are single family. The years go by, and the community is now 25 years old, and in need of be roofing. Plus all the things others have noted here already. "Drones were used to make sure no one was growing vegetables in their backyards. Ranting like a lunatic at the board meeting accomplishes nothing other than making you look like the party in the wrong. Read our guidelines before posting! [State] and [Type] of property tags are required in the title of posts. Checks and balances are essential to good governance. The person being appointed in that case is very controversial in the community and otherwise would not have the HOA Board member came to our open house today and loudly complained to my realtor about a tree he wanted removed. (30 years). The HOA board decided to wait till the next election to replace the president. It's a law. The Board is saying no election ballots will be mailed out because of this rule. Instead of approving my fence, he sent me a certified letter with all the "legal" reasons that he had rights to use the gravel road. Therefore, voting can only be in person at the annual meeting, quorum is 30% about 81 votes for my community. 5 year loan obtained, dues go up $20. And as a Board Member, you'd have the ability to manage the community around your home, which is an opportunity you wouldn't have outside of an HOA-managed place. At the time, the realtor put us in touch with the supposedly HOA president. If a tree falls onto the house the hoa would repair the damage. After careful consideration we have decided to ignore it. Otherwise, your CCR should have the rules for amending itself written in. A couple of years later all the decks and privacy fences need replacing. The third person wants to resign because she has babies that need more attention. 7 states that volunteer association board members aren't personally liable for damages beyond what the HOA's insurance covers. Likewise, it is the Board that sets the amount a management company can spend before the Board has to be consulted. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. Board members, managers, and video footage all confirm the entry but OP is conflicted 5) with a digital door lock, you need to provide the HOA access to the unit. Allow the neighborhood Karen’s to gain full control of the board and you’re going to have a bad time. Corpotate boards are paid, and being voted out is a financial and reputation loss. I am unable to make an informed decision due to this mess, and another board member who has been here the longest, and had a spouse who was president when some of these issues were created is actively putting hurdles into my path to correct things, as well as research things. inexpensive and may jolt your Board into compliance. Thinking about running for HOA Board of Directors. I always though CA has really good HOA laws, but the whole mail only ballot is total BS. ) The HOA does not o ffer any utilities, no amenities, and there are no buildings owned or maintained by the HOA. But of course, the two parking lots next to the board members house weren't closed. The HOA owns and maintains a small amount of low-maintenance greenspace. The HOA president emailed everyone back and said the board is just A community to share the problems and horror stories associated with owning or renting a home in a community with an HOA. I understand the need for fines, and liens. The man co gets three bids, gives to board, and they vote for least expensive. The ballots would have been counted at the recall meeting. Want to raise assessments? Your state might have caps on how high you can raise them in one year. It's the law, simple as that. In short, the core issue is overstepping authority. Most homeowner volunteers won't want to do this "work". e. A lawsuit can be expensive, over $25k, take many months, and even if you win the courts may not be able to grant effective recourse. In essence, if I miss the window of rental opportunity and 5 other units have contracts in It adds to the operating costs and basically all the owners in the building pay to defend the HOA. It is your right as a homeowner to demand to see the books. He's an outdoors guy, who likes loud trucks, dirt bikes and boats. Board has a limited time period to set the date of meeting which can't be more than 90 days out. My fiance is on the HOA primarily to counter the stereotypical HOA hard-ass who is also on the board. " FHOA People masquerading as HOA board defrauded us by providing unrecorded CCR's. They have had a history of dishonesty, resigning after requesting such documents, levying huge capital assessments over $25000 per unit without an owners vote. Ouch. The first thing you should do is get the board to step up and take back control. Only a few dozen houses and a dozen more vacant lots, about 2/3 don't live here it's a 2nd property for them. Here's what happened after. They claim speed bumps are not a “capital expense” that they are an operational expense, thus they can proceed without adhering to the vote. They were leaving me alone. My brother is on our HOA board and he always takes a minute after the meetings to throw out an update on the community FB group to keep people informed. For me I would think the power should reside with the home owners and not with the board. (I. 2- a board member can be removed by a vote of the shareholders (owners) In our case, same threats, we’ll call him Jeff. These damages can include property damage, emotional distress, bodily injury, and even wrongful death. She is a one person company with a part time assistant but our subdivision has 525 single family homes, so it was time to automate some of the processes, especially the violations. NY, 89 Units, Condo, Multi-family BreakfastBeerz ๐Ÿ˜ HOA Board Our HOA documents required all letters to receive a response. HOA board members on a power trip. HOA board sends cease and desist to member of HOA board. It's not one vote for each voting members like other HOA Our HOA has 3 boards of directors. The HOA board has provided some documents such as insurance information, bank statements, and tax returns. I know there are a few things that I would like to change in the current Looks like HOA board spent time last year making a guideline document but it never went out for a vote for people living in thw HOA. They managed to hold a recall election in June but two-thirds of the ballots were thrown out by the board. This week the Management Company sent us a letter / email stating that two Reddit community I could use some help. •. On top of that, the board has the fiduciary duty to inform its members (us, the owners) of new and ongoing litigation as they pertain to our association’s financial liabilities and obligations. I live in a community in Texas with an HOA, and the developer has recently begun handing over the HOA to the neighborhood. GENERAL GUIDELINES. In 2022 as part of the escrow process, we got a signed document from the Management Company stating that our unit was not in in violation of any HOA rules. No one else in the community knew there was a vacant board position and therefore could not apply. Literally it is being on the Board of Directors of a nonprofit business with $1. The complaint should be lodged sa HSAC. The Board has an email list of the owners, but any mass communication is sent bcc to protect owners’ contact information. Letter is fairly. Changing the HOA rules was intentionally set up to be difficult. The HOA of course pays me nothing, but having a gig like that on my resume gets attention from local companies of similar size that are quite willing to pay. They serve as officers as well. NY, 89 Units, Condo, Multi-family BreakfastBeerz ๐Ÿ˜ HOA Board In 2021, the previous owners installed new windows without getting prior approval from the HOA Board (an HOA rule). Now that you're up to date. There are a few things that require full ownership vote, which would be noted in the bylaws. I have a friend who's a lawyer and people call him up all the time asking how much it would cost to write a letter. However, the episode raise the question of what guidelines ought to be in place regarding the use & control of master keys. Hire an attorney to write a letter outlining relevant sections of the Condo. Recall is by mail vote and ballots must be mailed out at least 30 days before meeting. This subreddit is for civil discussions regarding Homeowners Associations. You also can't adjourn to lessen the quorum for a recall in California, only to lessen the number for an election. The president’s term will be over by May. Toger. 2 - 3 of the 6 units rented are owned by the Our HOA board now consists of two people making major decisions for the entire neighborhood. Reply. I’m sure you’ll find a board member who is more than happy for you to take their place. The hoa has zero say in either abiding or not by the new law. The account statements are mailed to the management co, they include them with the monthly financial updates, but This subreddit is for civil discussions regarding Homeowners Associations. She continued to send letters that had nothing to do with the HOA so we crafted a malicious compliance response that read, "Thank you for your letter to the HOA board. So while legal fees aren't ideal, the board brought it on by making a bad decision. I understand keeping up with your house is important but they'll complain about us having a couple weeds in our yard but right across the street I have a The board recently changed the fines and penalties without putting it to a vote by the community. HOA boards are unpaid and being voted out is in many ways a relief because it means someone finally bothered to run. It was dead and in the middle of summer. We bought in this rural HOA about 5 years ago. The ballots need to be sent before the recall meeting. The other 3 board members aren't. Please post personal stories involving HOAs overstepping their bounds or causing troubles, links to news articles, links to other Reddit posts, and similar content. Problem: I keep trying to recruit people to join the board or even come to meetings. So after this I emailed everyone in the HOA and said that things were getting ugly and I am hiring a lawyer to go after with the HOA board who are involved in self-dealing, which is a serious breach of their fiduciary duties. Currently our Board of Directors is comprised of 2 residents and 3 members from the builder's company. So, there will be an election at that time. SnooPies4304. The HOA board still makes the decisions, the management co just handles what they are paid to do. I'm frustrated at this lack of communication -- I get essentially zero communication from the HoA board but I still thought a major decision like this would be announced before it happens, not after (excepting the bulletin board, which the property manager told me was the only statutory requirement like 5 times, even though I didn't try to play Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: [r/bestoflegaladvice] HOA board members illegally enter condo while OP is away. 5 million in annual revenues and over $2 million in reserve funding. Some people join the board to get a handle on costs. Reply reply. My sister wants to move into an HOA neighborhood and my brother in law is trying to talk her out of it. That is not something the management company can do as they do not have that mandate. In Georgia in the same described situation. Want to call a meeting? HOA president got sued by me and sold his house along with serving some jail time. Act and CCRs that apply and are being violated. You would need to look at your governing docs to That is overstep and does need to be documented. The most important thing you have to understand is that, like the various levels of government in the US, everything you do is subject to control by law. We did collect proxy to vote people out and at the day of annual meeting got informed that is not allowed anymore proxy for cvorum and are sole for voting (they got on your D&O insurance Yeah that is cute, that is one if the issues at hand. After noticing a few odd items in the year-end 2023 financial report, I asked about the items and received unsatisfactory responses. Many HOA have a management co for things like book keeping, collecting dues, customer service/accepting complaints, managing vendors. This percentage rule is highly restrictive and positions unit owners who rent against each other. My advice is to find three people, nominate 2 more people to the board, then resign. § 5:20-1. HOA board members are not to be paid or get kickbacks or perks that don't provide to the community as a whole. It is your right as members to complain, voice your grievances and demand for This percentage is also used for our board election. Some states will put your HoA into receivership (Florida for sure) and run it for you till you guys pull together and get a board but that costs serious money. Florida has an 8 year term limit by statute. Then send them a letter asking for their emails or to come to a meet and greet at a specific location. My husband became the estate holder when his father passed away. I'd really like some good HOA horror stories. 5) with a digital door lock, you need to provide the HOA access to the unit. ADMIN MOD. During the time, many of the original owners sold and just a couple of them remained. In other words, all the votes from voting members are calculated by their respective designated % to determine which candidate got the highest percentage of votes. The members need to vote to remove a board member if none of the applicable situations apply where a board member can be removed. Anything written in your bylaws is overriden by Davis-Stirling's recall rules. They say, how can you vote for candidates if at the meeting someone can get nominated and they need the same chance. Award. Its worth it overallthankless as you say, but you really can make a difference. Any expenses from neglect, of course, come from the dues. This is not really unusual and probably a good idea. If you want to address the board directly, you can request a hearing at our quarterly board meetings, this hearing would be in an executive session. HOA docs are a pain, but every once in a while, they will help you out tremendously. You can remove dumb, stupid bylaws, And more Important, you can make bylaws contradicting other bylaws, making the entire HOA useless! This will help tenants years ahead, as any time a crazy board rise, the bylaws will cripple its ability to harm the tenants. Hey, u/Wbigly-reddit sue me. But end of the day, it always more about the BOARD than the HOAs. You get to have a say in how your home/community is managed. For us the directors with positions, so the treasurer, secretary, vp, president are account signers. People are shocked, but he tells them he needs to research the legal situation first to make sure what he's writing in the letter is correct. ESTATE DEVELOPMENTS > SUBCHAPTER 1. , the one who is currently insisting they do walks through the neighborhood and fine anyone who does not have the exact requirements of "7 plants and 1 tree" in their yard. Current hoa board is taken over by a couple (family) and does do everything to not get a cvorum for meetings and all becomes “non-formal” discussion and no decisions made. Furlessxp. Dfly12345. Hammocks residents at a Justice for the Hammocks meeting in 2022, signing petitions to recall the HOA board of directors. Our property manager recently implemented Buildium and she's very happy with it so far. If a BOD accepts payment for services, that liability shield is broken and they could be sued as a professional. If it is part of the sealing on the outside then the hoa would be responsible for repairing the sealing around the window and the home owner the window. Communication with the Board is via a board specific email address and via the management company. We own a condo in Utah that my elderly mother in law and disabled Brother in law reside in. You have their physical addresses. HOAs do it all the time when a need arises and it usually has a process for submitting the change for review, having an open meeting with a certain quorum of homeowners and a vote. Three bids, give to board, least expensive used. The management company is just hired help. Just a man short. When the Homeowners Association Comes for Your Home. There is currently one seat open for the election in October. For background, the neighborhood was originally platted in 2011, and the bylaws state that the developer will transition the board when 90% of homes are owned by residents. The law trumps any and all bullshit an hoa board tries to play. The new board will elect officers among ourselves. Our HOA president was a city councilman at the time, and he was not happy in the slightest. Lied to me and hired a lawyer to also lie to me. 5. Yep, no D&O insurance. A Condo Board, lead by a disbarred for life attorney, who has a 40 year history of embezzlement and stealing from anyone that he can , got on the Condo board, without being elected, and fired the attorney of 15 years and the property manager of 20 years and hired another unit owner from the building, (conflict Presumably the VP doesn't want to resign. Once you understand that a quorum of directors discussing HOA business IS a meeting, it shouldn't be hard to understand why the open meeting law applies. The officer positions we have are President, Secretary and Treasurer. It’s a thankless uncompensated job where you get stuck, effectively, mediating bullshit neighbor disputes. About 10 years ago, I moved and rented my condo. Yes indeed this is a topic catching on in mainstream media. The President worked extremely hard, intervened to remove the punitive measures and when it was clear that the direction of the old board was flawed, stopped an illegal attempt to modify the governing documents, and took the actions necessary to make the HOA “legal” again. That’s the perk. hire people off task rabbit or some other gig website to go door to door knocking to get ballots completed is the only way OR perhaps saying the dues will raise 200% due to receivershiip and board quitting might also work. You’re probably better off communicating with the board through email. ago. He says about $3,000. My parents HOA has about 650 houses in the Sacramento, California area. I'm a long term owner of a condo. See also California Civil Code 4955 -- every time you don't follow the HOA Open meetings act, every member can sue in small claims court for $500 for each violation. Depending on the state, you may have an omsbudsman for these matterslike the DBPR in Florida. You absolutely need a board in place to look after the best interest of the community and residents. Some people like the feel of the power, even though it is very small. A spate of foreclosures filed by HOAs in Denver illustrates the potential risks of an increasingly common homeownership model. Read the HOA rule book and know what you can and cannot do. Aug 5, 2022 ยท 13. About 5 years ago, I got notice of Making such a change would mean changing the HOA's common elements. Long hard fight against corrupt HOA. Based on the HOA Magna Carta, membership in a HOA is optional unless this has been explicitly stipulated in the Deed of Restrictions when you purchased your property. Park your car where it BELONGS - in the middle of the parking spot. But until then the HOA itself were still the power-tripping fatcats they were before. I live in Texas and our 3-person HOA Board is convinced it can litter our community with speed bumps even through the vote failed 112-13 (not joking). No new e-blast was sent to owners asking for interested volunteers. • 6 mo. The post was made without HOA board permission. Previously the board of directors talked among themselves and picked an officer position they want. Friends say The VP of the HOA Board has a house further down the gravel road, and it turns out he wants access to it again, and he's also the only one on the architectural committee and would have to approve any fences. Just vent on Reddit and wherever else makes you feel better. We barely get 25 people at the meetings. If I had to rank what was most important in a HOA for responsibility: I’d say first, the treasurer, if one had to decide. 1. . The way I read the bylaws (below) we need to receive a paper by mail or hand delivered with the info about the meeting 10 days prior. Each voting member's vote = the percentage their condo is designated. •• Edited. People assumed they were being repainted or somthing, but eventually it was discovered that the assholes on the board thought the complex would "look nicer" if everyone parked on the road. However, back in 2011 the Texas legislature In general, the rules don't cover these minor things on how a board operates. Further the board members keep complaining about the amount of time they are having to spend on the community. Lastly, as others have said, RECORD EVERYTHING. My current HOA board HATES me and I'm currently trying to kick them off the board. But for the most part, the board has the authority and responsibility to act on behalf of the good of the community as a whole. However, they are extremely hesitant to provide the invoices. I am on the HOA Board. That can be hard to accomplish in some neighborhoods. Go contact HOA management company and find out HOA Board never shared approved HOA Covenant with the management company. The HOA board is elected to make decisions on behalf of the ownership. I had never been contacted about it until the day before when a new neighbor in an adjoining HOA said something to me when he introduced himself. Corporate boards often report to professional investors who have the time and interest in oversight. If your management company won't give you a list, get it from the county records or just drive around with a notebook. All good points by the posters. Advice/resources/links appreciated! 1 - 6 out of 12 units are rented, aka 50% non-owner occupied. It's largely thankless. They will have a right to enter your unit upon reasonable notice for maintenance or to address an emergency. The homeowner's can try to sue the BOD, but as long as they followed the rules the homeowners are liable for 100% of the legal fees and costs and it usually ends a lawsuit quickly. Depending on your bylaws, this likely would require a vote of the HOA membership, not just the board, and maybe even more than a simple majority. The HOA board can revoke his position and make someone else VP at a regular meeting, he would still be a board member though. Anyone had any luck turning in their HOA BOD for holding closed meetings that do not meet the requirements for holding such meetings or the Most HOA don't have member meetings multiple months in a row Your options are to hire a lawyer or elect a better board. Maybe recruit a fellow neighbor to join the board. Option 3. The HOA usually makes the homeowner pay for the second visit because they didn’t get everything done for the first one. The management company does not spend their money on the HOA. First - you do have people's contact information. For profit or not for profit, does not matter. Well I guess one day he decided to take his hobby outside and build a tree house in his backyard. For reasonable accounting and management purposes, the Board should pass a resolution allowing a threshold of spending before a Board vote is needed on an expenditure. If you can't get them, then see if there's an unofficial Facebook or Nextdoor page and see if any of your neighbors have a copy of what you need that they can shre with you. The board has already started the process of finding a replacement and has two candidates and the moving board member expects to vote for a replacement. Just found out they are now using this document for enforcement and fining. Board member 'D's' son-in-law (who owns the house next to D) was quietly added to the Board. The hoa can legally go fuck itself, it has to avoid by the new law. OF GOVERNING BOARDS OF ASSOCIATIONS OF CONDOMINIUMS AND OTHER PLANNED REAL. Don’t expect to make any significant changes. If it's old and decrepit then it's the home owners responsibility. they need your code to enter, just like a key. As a board member you can actually get the HOA to make sense. • 1 yr. In fact, even the 3rd board member did not know of the addition of son-in-law. I live in a high-rise HOA that has been taken over by incompetence and criminals. We have several issues with community members, primarily those who rent their units out. I live in a newly built community in Southern California. Two and a half years ago my mil needed the air conditioning/furnace replaced. Each board typically finds their own system. Best to combine above 2 strategies. The remaining two will nominate the third. It makes the ccr's and any hoa laws irrelevant. If you’re a HOA board member and an owner sues the HOA because of a property manager screw-up, and the HOA loses and has to pay damages to the owner, how do you feel? I assume you’d hate the owner and would be angry at the property manager? An HOA board is a mini-government. You still need to document what you think is breach of rules, covenants, by laws or breaches of state law, fraud. Don’t give the board a chance to assume the high ground. Running for board advice . If a kid breaks a window with a base ball then yes the hoa Shake off the letter and if anyone says anything, remind them that the board changed their position after the HCA complaint indicating they were wrong. So, seems like all on the up and up and the board is doing their job. When I bought my condo, many of the original purchasers still remained in the association. Or you can get enough homeowners and vote in a new board, find new volunteers. Up until now we have relied upon the common sense of board members to unlock doors for locked out unit owners. 2. HOA Faction Trying to Take Over Board. I gladly gave that up when we had a board member who worked as a financial analyst and didn’t mind being treasurer. Our 64 unit association also has master keys & gratefully no voyeuristic board members. We have an open annual meeting to provide a state of the HOA address, hold board elections, and any votes that For instance, in California, Civil Code Section 1365. The reserve accounts require two signatures for a withdrawal, the management co has zero access. 1 Open meetings (c) At each meeting required to be open to all unit owners, minutes of the proceedings shall be taken and. The property manager will take the feedback and provide a response if there is one. : 1-an officer can be removed with/without cause by vote of the officers. jt cz ew vd aw fk ly if jq ip