”. This can only be applied to any Ranged (Heavy) weapon. Skills Reference - Detailed document that outlines all skills, how to use them, how to scale difficulty, and suggestions for spending advantage and threat. In general, the best use I've seen for the light tractor beam on the Firespray is found in replacing it with a better weapon (a heavy laser cannon or concussion missile launcher being the ones I've seen) without it costing a hard point. Superior Weapon Customization. The droid may spend from a check made to resist a restraining bolt to overload the bolt, rendering it entirely useless. Step 3: Construction, the PC actually assembles the item with the check. Welcome to our New Player Guide where we explain how to play SWRPG. in: Equipment, Weapon, Ranged Weapon, and 2 more. 2. In the AoR rulebook page 170 Ion specifically references damage to droids as strain damage. Any ship. 157. The Engineer creates, maintains and even destroys the great technologies being used to fight wars. Sep 28, 2016 · This is not really about a player vs player set up as nothing in the ffg star wars game is really about that. This weapon can also be used to accurately target technological security measures. A cheat sheet for playing Fantasy Flight's Star Wars RPG Ion (Passive) Ion weapons are designed to affect electrical systems Burn Quality: Gain Burn 1 Weapons database for Game Masters playing Fantasy Flight's Star Wars RPG The KSE CloakShape is an aerospace fighter first built by the now-defunct Kuat Systems Engineering in the decades leading up to the Clone Wars. Category page. “Scoundrel. If the field of a disruptor contacts another energy field, the other field ceases to offer any defense as long as they intersect. Weapon must waith a number of rounds equal to its Slow-Firing rating before firing again. So it would have to deal damage past soak. The Ion quality (EotE p. Modification Options: 1 Quality ( Accurate +1) Mod, 1 Decrease Encumbrance of weapon by one to a minimum of one Mod. JayArr_TopTeam. A droid installed with an Escape Circuit can resist a restraining bolt with an Easy () Discipline check instead of the normal difficulty. This applies to droids as well. Rarity. A repost of the original thread by kaosoe. Skill. Up to 3 micro-rockets may be loaded, replacing damage / crit and qualities of the launcher. 42. Nearly indistinguishable to the backbone of the Imperial navy, the Imperial II is distinct in its high output octuple turbolaser batteries that line either side of its hull. The 3 Advantage bit is if your attack missed. This can only be applied to one handed weapons. Ship's Complement: 37085 officers Ion Quality: The weapon gains the Ion quality (this can only be selected once). In Star Wars ™: Rebellion, you control the entire Galactic Empire or the fledgling Rebel Alliance. However, these weapons are also used as tools of the trade by many careers. When installed in a lightsaber, they create a searing, fiery blade that burns so fiercely it nearly Mar 15, 2016 · This upgrade reflects the simple act of mounting more or heavier weapons on a starship or vehicle. Weapon. It fires a plasma round which is capable of piercing through the tough armor of smaller vehicles - and de-atomizing entire groups of life forms at once. Warfare is an inescapable part of the Star Wars universe, from the Rebel Alliance’s defeat in the Battle of Hoth to a few elite Rebel strike teams taking on a legion of stormtroopers on the Forest Moon of Endor. Heavily armored and armed with an array of heavy laser cannons, ion cannons, proton torpedoes, and Oct 29, 2023 · Ion Bolts can disable vehicles, droids, electronics, or other items of modern technology Ion Bolts create shocking electrical effects that can stun biological beings Optional Electrocution 'Kill' Setting will kill biological beings with Elemental Electrical Damage, but consume two charges for each shot. These weapons draw so much power which makes this variant all the more vulnerable than its predecessor. Here you'll find a compendium of SWRPG resources. Most of the familiar design cues are there- the spherical cockpit, the solar collectors in the wings, the twin SFS ion engines, but beneath the relatively familiar skin is a completely different fighter than what has come before. It is treated just like normal damage in that it is reduced by armor/soak. Sensor Range: Long. Disorient 5, Ion. * After ship is hit by the torpedo (regardless of dealing damage), for the remained of the encounter, whenever the crew performs a check while in the ship, 2 disadvantages may cause the ship to suffer 2 hull trauma or system Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki. Ranging from the smallest pistols and knives to massive rotating battle chain-guns and lightsabers Aggressor Assault Fighter. Gunnery attack, Close range; if successful, use Maneuver to maintain lock. It is extremely fast for its size, capable of catching most fleeing cargo vessels. 45. Price. The Technician is enamored with technology. This system began with the release of the beta Edge of the Empire rulebook in 2012, and it's since blossomed into full fantasticness with three core rulebooks, four beginner's boxes, and over a dozen adventures and sourcebooks. Ion Grenade. Ion Pike. Base Modifier: Speed +1 & Handling -1 Mod Options: 1x "Innate Shortcut talent", 1x "Innate Tricky Target talent". Price: 1500 credits. I think ion weapons exist mostly for vehicle combat, and personal-scale ones are also in the game because those things do exist in Star Wars. 8. Dam. Weapon deals damage as strain instead of wounds. It can only be installed on a melee weapon with a cutting edge. The beam emitted by the C9-GP is a rapidly pulsing plasma beam around a millimeter thick with an adjustable range This is a community for friendly discussion about Fantasy Flight Games' (now Edge's) Star Wars RPG. T-SM p. This attachment is more a series of tweaks on the weapon to improve it. Technician. Maximum Altitude: 25 metres. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Blaster rifles are more regulated than pistols, especially military grade ones. These micro-rockets are designed to be fired by the specified T-7 Ion Disruptor. The Cyber Tech specialization gives a Technician a way to explore the realm of medicine, using technical and biological know how to craft and maintain cybernetics, as well as to integrate them into living bodies. Step 2: Acquire Materials, the PC acquires the supplies to build it. Hard Points Required: 2. Consider joining us on Discord!: A field disruptor is usually used to disable starship or vehicle shielding, but scaled down it allows the neutralising of a target's defenses and weaponry. I'm not at my books, but I think a Stormtrooper minion has 3 Soak and 6 Wounds, so 10 damage would be reduced to 7 (due to Soak). I believe it is 2 Adv. But inconsistencies only add to the rule juggling of the FFG books. HP Required. Yeah, that was one of the things that got me wondering, it says "1 Defender chooses ship component affected by Ion quality, as opposed to the attacker Mod" in the modification options. Posted at Jan 3, 2015. The galaxy is full of threats and most citizens carry at least one weapon for self defense. 49. When replacing an existing weapon on the ship, the new weapon has the same firing arc as the original. Secondary Ion Blaster: 400 6 2 Ranged (Heavy) Add an ion blaster underslung Set Trigger: 450 4 1 Non-Gunnery Increases reflex speed Sonic Scope: 1,500 8 1 Ranged (Heavy) Allows aiming at targets behind cover SoroSuub "Bantha's Eye" Laser Sight: 500 5 1 Non-Gunnery, Non-Blast weapon Improves accuracy SoroSuub "Final Word" Secondary Missile Whoa! What was that?""Ion cannon. Many technicians would likely have a spare couple laying around and they can be used (albeit ineffectively) as a weapon in a pinch. Developer Answered Questions Episode I. 300 (for the pair) 1 (per weapon) 3. The degree and subtlety of an individual Cyber Tech's The ion pistol was a type of ion gun that fired ion energy instead of blaster bolts. Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 1, Backup: Class 10 Navicomputer: Yes. Ply your trade as a smuggler in the Outer Rim, collect bounties on the scum that live in the shadows of Coruscant, or try to establish a new colony on a planet beneath the High-Output Ion Turbine. Disabled their shields. 173), last paragraph, it states when a cybernetic is hit it shuts down for the remainder of the scene or until repaired. Engineer. You must command starships This Rothana Heavy Engineering heavy anti-aircraft tank was produced during the Clone Wars, equipped with an ion cannon - which was typical of capital ships. 326. Expanded Magazine: If the weapon has the Limited Ammo quality, increase its Limited Ammo Page 156 of the EotE crb details the Ion weapon quality. This weapon is primarily designed as an anti-vehicle and -aircraft weapon. Capable of speaking the languages of computer systems and quite intelligent when it comes to mechanical systems, these members of a war effort may not always see the front line - but they're represented in the machines they construct. However, the point of interest is the intense speed at which it can travel - but it is equipped with some safety systems that decrease handling so that a pilot doesn't knock themselves out maneuvering the vessel. With their relatively aerodynamic, lifting body fuselages, CloakShapes were designed as aerospace superiority fighters with an emphasis on atmospheric and near-orbital combat. This modification sharpens the blade all the way to a single molecule in thickness. Ship's Complement: 200 officers and enlisted crew This is a community for friendly discussion about Fantasy Flight Games' (now Edge's) Star Wars RPG. Base Modifier: Gains the Superior quality. The G9-CP is a handheld, low-powered, precision beamdrill designed for work in excavation and light duty mining. They are based off the former bulk freighter of the same class. Posted at Oct 28, 2014. It can be installed on vehicles and starships with shields. This rifle may be holstered as if it were a side-arm due to its collapsible nature. So, from what we saw RAW, stun setting works on droids. Found everywhere, they often keep to their work but are incredible assets on a team. Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner, 1 Vehicle Commander. Blurring the line between starfighter and patrol boat, this massive fighter can take a beating. These torpedoes are used specifically as anti-vehicle and anti-droid weapons, thus proved popular during the Battle of Mon Cala in the clone wars. Base Modifiers: Grants the weapon the Accurate (+1) Quality. This Fandom Wiki aims to have a quick-check platform upon which you can find all the most basic rules for creating your character and equipping them. Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki. Participate in grim and gritty adventures in places where morality is gray and nothing is certain. It can be installed onto any starship of silhouette 3 or smaller. The user must perform a number of Prepare maneuvers equal to the weapon's Prepare rating before making attacks. It can be installed on all vehicles and starships. Edited Jan 3, 2015 by SirSprinkles. Disorient Quality: The weapon gains the Disorient quality (or increase its Disorient quality by 1). Stun damage absolutely affects droids. in: Equipment. They are powered by a pair of KSE 807b/9 afterburning ion engines backed up Jan 3, 2015 · Member. Dec 1, 2020 · Ion Cannon (light) Close 5 4 Ion 5000cr/5 3-10 AoRCore240, EoECore230 Ion Cannon (medium) Short 6 4 Ion 6000cr/6 5-10 AoRCore240, EoECore230 Ion Cannon (heavy) Medium 7 4 Ion, Slow-Firing 1 7500cr/7 6-10 AoRCore240, EoECore230 Ion Cannon (battleship) Medium 9 4 Breach 3, Ion, Slow-Firing 2 10,000cr/8 8-10 AoRCore240 Laser Cannon (light) Close 5 3 The Star Wars Roleplaying Game is a tabletop role-playing game set in the Star Wars universe, first published by Fantasy Flight Games in 2012. You can seize your chance to get your boots on the ground and lead your troops to victory with Produced by Fantasy Flight Games, there is a vast catalog of player options; weaponry, gear, vehicles, species, careers and more. Sci-fi. The pointed tip is used to pierce the armour plating of a droid, allowing the ion charge to release directly into the circuits. Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup This heavy frigate is often referred to as a "pocket cruiser", built as a skeleton holding an excessive suite of weaponry and a couple massive laser weapons which face the front of the ship. The ion weaponry will safely disable the droid without significant structural damage, allowing collection. All ion weapons (including ship based) receive Breach 1. Unlike the ion rifle, this weapon could be operated one-handed . Barab ingots are rare kyber crystal variants from the heavily irradiated world of Barab I, home of the saurian Barabel people. When a character uses a single maneuver with a lucky blaster to aim, they gain 2 boost dice on their next combat check, they Weapons Name,Skill,Dam,Crit,Range,Encum,HP,Price,Rarity,Special,Header Energy Weapons,,,Energy Holdout Blaster,Ranged (Light),5,4,Short,1,1,200,4,Stun setting,Energy E-EtU p. Reply. Each sourcebook and rule book has a code assigned by FFG. Let's say someone is using a weapon that has an active stun quality, such as a shock gauntlet, and makes a successful attack against an opponent inflicting 5 damage. A few security programs and redundant systems can be installed into a starship or vehicle's computer network to make it resistant to enemy slicing efforts. So it's also possible it's just oddly One can add more weapons, or upgrade weapon systems, on vehicles and ships from a massive array. It was commissioned by the Black Sun and is extremely attractive among Bounty Hunters and Smugglers due to its versatility. Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 8 Navicomputer: Yes. in: Weapon, Equipment, Ranged Weapon, and 3 more. Base Modifier: Reduces advantage results required to hit with the secondary weapon Dec 1, 2020 · Sienar Grappler 213 Tactical Tractor Beam. Ion Thruster Guns damage only unshielded equipment, droids and cyborgs, and only deal strain damage as per their Ion quality. If the character succeeds, the item is fully functional and has the profile listed in its The actions of a handful of men and women shape the course of the Galactic Civil War in Star Wars ™: Rebellion, a board game of epic conflict between the Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance for two to four players. Ages 14+. Social Encounter Cheat Sheet. Encumbrance: 25 Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki. The SW is Star Wars, the third letter is either A (Age of rebellion setting), E (Edge of the Empire setting), or F (Force and Destiny), and the number is the specific book. An Escape Circuit is a Cybernetic implant that can only be installed in droids. Base Modifier: Critical Rating -1 (to minimum of 1) Mod Options: 2x "Pierce +1" 1. This is a community for friendly discussion about Fantasy Flight Games' (now Edge's) Star Wars RPG. These are all covered by a single shell giving the ship its shape. I like the sound of that. 26 minutes ago, Smoothjedi said: So I was curious about a question someone in our group asked, and I wasn't sure of the answer. It consists of different standalone cross-compatible games where each one is a separate themed experience. When adding a new weapon to a new location on the ship, the GM must decide what firing arc makes the most sense. Base Modifier: Upgrade difficulty of all Computers checks to slice into the ship's computer systems once. Given this ability to skillfully alter bodies with cybernetics, most Cyber Techs perform at least some upgrades on themselves. It can be installed onto any vehicle or starship. Considered the "face of the Imperial Navy," and one of the most powerful ships in current service, KDY's Imperial I-class Star Destroyer is the latest in a long line of frighteningly powerful line of battleships fielded by the Imperial Navy. Mod Options: 2x "Add 1 setback dice to Computers checks to slice into the ship's This modification improves the shields of a vessel. Lightweight: Reduce the weapon's encumbrance by 1 (to a minimum of 1). [2] Larger types could even disable a large capital ship, such as the Mega-ion cannons that were mounted on the side of the Subjugator-class heavy cruiser Malevolence, the v-150 planetary ion cannon used Strapping an ion blaster to one's primary weapon provides a user with an easy alternative when dealing with droids. Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 12 Welcome to the Star Wars RPG community! Tell your own tales of scum and villainy, light and dark, tragedy and triumph in the best tabletop roleplaying experience for Star Wars by Fantasy Flight Games & Edge Studio. Many gunslingers tend to believe in lucky blasters, but mystics are capable of sensing a blaster imbued with the anomalous force powers. While the Ion Quality means the Damage is dealt only against Droids' Strain, does it also mean the Disorient Quality is only triggered against Droids or is it possible to trigger it against Organics too? In EotE "Ionization blasters" have lost the anti-vehicle description, no longer have the "Ion" quality, but instead have "Stun (droid only)" This is probably meant to be identical. Officially listed as a patrol boat in SFS advertising, the Skipray seems to defy classification. Marlow January 9, 2021, 2:33am #1. It was designed to be much more portable and less cumbersome than the ion rifle. •. 7 damage is enough to take out one of the minions and do a point of damage to a second minion. When a living target suffers a critical hit from this weapon, the minimum injury is "Crippled Ion Thruster Gun. This design by MandalMotors takes certain elements from the CEC light freighters to produce a starship for use as a patrol vessel. This humongous starship is more like a station which massive ion drives strapped to its rear. Star Wars. Silhouette Jul 17, 2018 · 10156. Categories. While affected, enemy ship gains to all Piloting checks and attacks, and suffers 1 System Strain when performing Accelerate/Decelerate, Fly/Drive, or Punch It maneuvers. Base Modifier: Shield (on a single side) +1 Mod Options: 2x "Shield (on a single side) +1" This pistol is often mounted on armor or on a wrist, used by many bounty hunters due to the devastation payload that it is capable of delivering. At the beginning of the descriptions for weapon qualities, it says that if the Advantage cost is not listed, then the required number of Advantages is 2. Star Wars: Edge of the Empire. (Superior Weapons increase their damage by 1 and produce 1 bonus "Advantage" on die rolls involving their use. The game is set across the different eras of Star Wars films. Blaster Rifle. This may be fired with the Mon Cal Defenses Mini-Torpedo Launcher . Weapon Qualities Ion and Disorient. Teri Litorco is a mini wargaming YouTuber (who broke the Star Wars: Legion demo ), the author of The Civilized Guide to Tabletop Gaming (a survival and etiquette guide for gamers), and a social Oct 23, 2014 · 10156. Another pre-Clone Wars design, Sienar Fleet Systems' Skipray Blastboat is a heavily armed and armored patrol craft and gunboat descended from the ancient Turbostorm-class gunships used by the Old Republic. They appear as long, bulky rods with a tank at one end and a variable-angle plasma cutter at the other. Designed to counter the wave of new and This is a community for friendly discussion about Fantasy Flight Games' (now Edge's) Star Wars RPG. I did some digging and managed to compile a modest list. in: Equipment, Weapon, Melee Weapon, Bounty Hunter. Next, activating Blast with the two advantages does 8 damage (Blast 6 and 2 This attachment can be used with any melee weapon. ) This is a community for friendly discussion about Fantasy Flight Games' (now Edge's) Star Wars RPG. So, Dagobah is referenced in “Star Wars: Force and Destiny book #2”, which I believe is Jan 31, 2015 · Ion blaster is a catch-all term for portable anti-vehicle and anti-droid weapons that fire bolts of ion energy (as opposed to blaster or laser energy). This option dramatically affects how much strain the shot does, and increases the likelihood of a takedown, even against combat droids like the droideka. The central sphere is the command and habitation center. If the field enters in range of an This is a community for friendly discussion about Fantasy Flight Games' (now Edge's) Star Wars RPG. In the Component and System Crits both do state that the Attacker Chooses the component/system that goes down. 3. Dice Adjacencies for Unmatched Fortune. Alternative Social Encounter Reference Sheet. Ion Thrusters can still push non-electronic objects around due to the Concussion quality. All ion weapons deal damage normally, but if any damage passes soak/armor, the weapon causes an auto "crit". The ringed hull contains the massive cargo capacity and hangars which carry a planetary invasion force and almost unlimited fighter screen. Technicians often work on starship engines to boost their output to enable a greater getaway speed. Found in small clusters in mountainous regions, Barab ingots are hot to the touch and glow with a fierce inner light. Printable Cheat Sheets by sfRattan. Hopefully at least one member of the group gets a good initiative slot and the character with the repulser arm pops the biggest baddest guy in their Initially classified as a space superiority fighter, and occasionally used in that role when X-wings or A-wings are unavailable, the Y-wing is a dedicated medium attack fighter used to destroy ground targets, space stations, and capital ships. In the cybernetics section (EotE p. Used by more ruthless droid owners, the pike is capable of quickly disabling a malfunctioning or escaped droid. Modification Options: 5x "Pierce +1" Weapons Name,Skill,Dam,Crit,Range,Encum,HP,Price,Rarity,Special,Header Energy Weapons,,,Energy Holdout Blaster,Ranged (Light),5,4,Short,1,1,200,4,Stun setting,Energy Crafting is simple and follows these steps: Step 1: Select Template, the PC chooses what kind of item to make. Ion thrusters are generally used as engines for all sorts of vehicles, from speeders to capital ships. Star Wars role-playing game stats from The Outer Rim. These grenades are used to disrupt electrical and computer systems, easily able to eliminate groups of droids. 156) states that droids hit with Ion suffer strain damage. 250. 2 players. If the field enters in range of a droid, the droid suffers 5 stun damage. The Star Wars Roleplaying Game (SWRPG) is a tabletop RPG game originally created by Fantasy Flight Games (FFG) and currently published by EDGE Studio. IDX-9 Ion Stunner. The Phantom Menace; Attack of the Clones; Revenge of the Sith; A New Hope; The Empire Strikes Back; Return of the Jedi; The Force Awakens; The Last Jedi; The Rise of Skywalker 1 – 2 hours. someone suggested starting an “official” thread to post questions answered by FFG developers. Attachments. Jun 11, 2020 · First, the minion group would take 10 damage. Also on page 170 Stun (Active) does not specify that it doesn't affect droids (or only affect biologicals). This tank was a lighter, more versatile version, than the SPHA walker which uses the same NNJ-40 "Thunderbolt" ion cannon. And its absolutely about using it right off the bat against the biggest target you can. It can be installed on vehicles or starships with the required silhouette. Massive, imposing ships with a long arrowhead shaped hull and a towering, heavily armored superstructure, these vessels were designed as much to Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki. Generally carbine-sized, with squat, thickly insulated barrels, ionblasters are short-ranged, shoulder-fired long arms designed to take down droids and cyborgs, disrupt machinery, and disable T-SM p. Posted at Jul 17, 2018. Ezra Bridger and Jon Vander Ion cannons were a form of armament that fired ionized particles capable of disrupting electronic systems. Often, many vehicles favoured by pirates and scoundrels are a little slow out-of-the-factory standard. Base Modifier: Speed +1, System Strain -1. The Tenloss IDX-9 can be used to disrupt non-droid's neural pathways just as well as it can disable the electronic components of droids. Does it mean that the Ion weapon only needs to hit the character or does the attacker need to make a called shot to hit the cybernetic? This is a community for friendly discussion about Fantasy Flight Games' (now Edge's) Star Wars RPG. Base Modifier: Cumbersome +1 and Encumbrance +1. Many Ion Weapons also have the Disorient Quality. Jan 9, 2021 · Rules & Game Mechanics. They are capable of creating anything with a bit of scrap and a power pack thanks to endless creativity and expertise. The sourcebooks support games set from the Clone Wars era to the original Star Wars trilogy era This is a community for friendly discussion about Fantasy Flight Games' (now Edge's) Star Wars RPG. While one can often find a weapon, set of armour, or even fresh off the manufacturing line with all you will ever need Some individuals find it either cheaper to get a more basic model to modify, or just want to push that last inch of customisation out of their equipment. Custom Attachments: Base Modifier: Remove Ion quality. The system is broken into three main games; "Edge of the Empire Lucky Blasters are not a weapon of a particular manufacturer, they are more an anomaly among blasters that one may become attuned to. The TIE defender is the latest evolution of SFS's Twin Ion Engine fighter series, and perhaps its most radical departure. The micro-rockets it fires are of various types, and capable of mounting a modification. This type of energy disrupted electrical systems, making it an effective weapon against droids, vehicles, electronic devices, and cybernetically enhanced creatures. Character Creation Aid. posts. in: Careers, On the Fringe, Source Book. Sep 12, 2019 · Ghostofman. This upgrades the raw energy output of the thrusters. This modification is a matter of balancing a pair of weapons to feel better to use in tandem, as many gunslingers enjoy using two weapons for combat. 12,703. These are innately hot crystals found on Barab I. They pack a heavy punch, along with having a long range. Weapon may be fired with following profile; Mod Options: 2x "Damage GAT-12H Skipray Blastboat. Ion damage doesn't affect organics (outside cybernetics and equipment like you mentioned). It can be applied to any weapon. Mini-Torpedo, Ion. This wiki does not provide any GM tips and rulings, or the lengthy This is a community for friendly discussion about Fantasy Flight Games' (now Edge's) Star Wars RPG. These cheap blasters are used all over the galaxy as a non-lethal measure to control droids, by firing an electronic signal blast into the droid's systems. pt pc cs ru su ix qu ak di lg