
Aitah for blocking my credit card after my gf again took it without asking my permission. It's involuntary for many people to just freeze up.

Jan 28, 2024 · If you have another creditor, look online to find their customer service line. See more Enroll now. He did tell me after we met irl, “I have a hard time with the emotional stuff but I do miss you”. 24 hours a day. The second you were not that anymore, she dumped you, not the opposite. Of course the attorney did their best to cheat my insurance out of full reimbursement. i started doing this every night when We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 5 years. It is usually just for cigs, but once she "accidentally" used my card for 50 bucks at home depot. Sometimes blocking is a way to avoid seeing his updates and starting to move on with your life. For context, we have been dating for 2 years, this only started recently Yta. I blocked her immediately on snap & her old discord and anything I could think of and she texted me on a third party app asking to forgive her, asking if we're over or not. My husband (43M) is WFH. The next day, her friend texts me that she is crying because I blocked her, and said I was an asshole. I got mad. My parents are also saddened by the entire thing but they are respecting my privacy and not asking me too many questions. I'm sorry to be so brutal, but I don't think you have any clue how terrible things can get for you unless you can find a way to make an actual living. i had enough so i decided to be petty and park my car as close as i can to their bumper, barely blocking my driveway, then i took our trashcans and pushed them in front of their car so they were blocked in. I saw it as a sign of shadiness, bordering thievery. Based on the level of contact you had with your ex, and your immediate offers to show your current SO your texts etc, her asking you to block her was out of line. Keep trying to communicate with her that this is temporary until finances are in a better position. After about an hour of that, my mother and brother’s GF left the room very obviously to go talk about my GF and were gone for about 20 mins. AITAH for dumping my GF after moving in with her. So, I went to my doctor's appointment yesterday and the doctor that checked on me was a total ass. Dec 29, 2023 · There are several strategies you can employ to effectively pay off your credit card debt: Snowball Method: This method involves paying off your smallest debt balances first while making minimum payments on larger debts. Told them that I blocked her right after I found out she was pregnant and used the fact that I didn't visit because I was being resentful and jealous. And if the girlfriend is dumb enough to park there again, block her in again and don’t answer your door. However, we still remained in touch and were good friends. UPDATE: AITAH for dumping my gf after moving in with her. No perks and pros (well, maybe some pros, but for a long term of use). This is the only thing he submits the payments for. Bc parental rights not terminated. •. Take your proper time to mourn now and then, when you are ready, go out and have your fun! Meet someone new. Even tried to cheat the doctor who actually helped me recover. I 25M, moved in with my gf 24f of four years, three weeks ago. There's a classic trope of women grieving a relationship instantly, whereas it can take months for men to begin that Sounds like your husband might fall into that group. I call her and ask whats up and she tells me she didn't want me to get mad, so she took my credit card without asking for 'emergencies'. Eventually I was there all the time and they just stopped asking. Last week I discovered she had cheated on me with an ex-BF from high-school. . My sister came out at 14, from then on she was the scum of the Earth in our house. For me (I'm from Europe) having credit card was awefull. 5years of things". Your support has meant everything to me. About 2 weeks We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. We went official last year after we met in person. She’s one of the few best friends back in You should lay out your boundaries regarding money, and then ask her about her thoughts. My parents would ask what my plans were, and I'd tell them I was over at her place. For the first few months after the divorce, I did try to maintain a friendly relationship with my daughter, I gave her gifts, I never blamed her mom, I tried my best. She was never your friend, you were someone she could use to feel better about her pathetic self. Electronic_hurt_561. I 14 (Male) had my credit card taken away when I was 12 in 2021. AITA for blocking my mother for taking a gift that my boyfriend bought me? Not the A-hole. The reason Bob gave sounds like total bs. Apr 25, 2024 · As I’m sure you’ve noticed, my sister is lesbian. He told me I was clearly being bitter and disrespectful. We lasted for about 3 years. Asshole. Control and fear for how her perception of your image reflects on her. She’s doing way too much. Do you have kids with them? Do you have kids with them? As long as you aren't withholding any property, assets, or anything that's hers, NTA. Not the A-hole. Especially since the landlady is now pouting and making things uncomfortable. Some Context: My ex and I broke up around 4 years ago in 2020. I (19f) was asked by my mother (49f) to give her $1000 to pay off her credit card. this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that The concept here is "easement by prescription" - that if someone uses your property (e. This story takes place a year to 2 years ago. So here's some context:I had 115 dollars in my credit card, I used my card to buy 400 robux without telling my dad. g. You can move on. 2. I have yelled at her for this but she never seems to get the point cause she keeps doing it. Everyone was in agreement with the plan. I explained it, and then she panicked a bit and said she was worried about not being able to pay it all off. I never once put my hands on her or even thought about touching her in any way when she's made me upset before, considering she has cheated once and I forgave her (mistake). My parents are extremely religious and very homophobic, so as soon as she came out they hated her. It can cover your home, work, school. throwaway-exgf25324. aita for wanting to break up with my gf because I went to my ex’s funeral? so some background I (34M) was in a relationship with my ex (33F) K, throughout high school. At least in my area, of threats of violence have already happened, it'll be free, and the sheriff will serve your ex. Sounds to me like the EX was hoping OP would beg her to stay with him and grovel and is mad that it back fired and he just doesn't want to talk to her anymore. You don't owe her access regardless of the reason for separation. I had to fight tooth and nail with my ex husband to even go. When my mother (who was a widow for 12 years at this time) was marrying my stepdad, she wanted her daughters to be her bridesmaids. NTA, she’s obviously feeling like she has more of a right to him than you do. Apparently my ex gf told him we broke up months ago. Yes, including the trip. So it's not even "hey I'm spending 150$ on my gf's dad and brother" it's "hey I'm only spending ~75$ on my gf's dad and brother to express gratitude for the past 1. Just took you awhile to dump her after that point. I spent my birthday (April 13th) with my boyfriend a couple days ago, and one of the gifts included a ceramic cupcake. She helped me through so much of the mental anguish and panic, especially after my last- whom literally almost killed me. You need to think if she would be with you if you weren't funding her whole life. after the third time I dropped a long letter off at her house basically saying leave me alone or I will block you but in a nice way. He's gotten upset about various aspects of my social media accounts--which I don't have much to do with anyway. It's flight, fight or freeze. MembersOnline. It is a wise decision to block the card until she can get her spending under control, given the tight spot you are in right now. $1000 is 2 weeks of full time work I should have frozen my accounts or gotten a new card after one of my exes. Agree - easement and permissive use. So they didn't have much to say. 2 - leave them at home. If there's no fun money, then OP should not be setting aside funds for a tattoo, at least not without the approval of his wife. He said that my ex was talking mad shit about me, and he was confused. In the future, give her very very clear instructions if you give her your credit card, or just don't give her it again. Thanks again to everyone who reached out. I also paid the first month of bills. One of them took all my broken electronics and said she would get their bf to fix it for me for free and try to recover my pictures and other files. Recently I went away with her family to their holiday home for the first time since we’ve been together. Jan 6, 2020 · Usually, a credit card block happens when a merchant, such as a hotel, car rental company or gas station, places a hold on your card for the estimated amount of the bill. The first few weeks in the house were fine. Well I guess she found her own ATM, you. You’re not the sole decision maker and you obviously don’t respect your girlfriend at all if you expect her to not have an opinion about roommates. 3 backups is not super paranoid, it is the standard for something being truly backed up. It’s not “moving in with me”. My gf started getting embarrassed and told her to shut up and everyone laughed. Yeah, it's not actually fight or flight. There're thousands of people who are in your brother's position, and they're actively trying their darndest to stay on course for their family, friends, and themselves. , to access their own), without permission, for some period of time, they acquire a legal right to do so. So, this happened during high school, when I was 15. He chose you by blocking her. Tf Yes money management is a red flag, but she's 20. (Not nearly as much though) No one caved to his relentless asking, so now he's asking me and holding the money he gifted me over my head. Discuss uninviting your parents with her and get on the same page. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Later I went to a restaurant with my dad to hangout with him and I asked him if I can buy a digital comic book (11 dollars), he said to show me how much AITAH for blocking my (30F) bf (28M) without letting him reply. This is why it is so important that copies of any legal custody papers be given to the child’s school. At your age, it is a cruel world without credit or money. AITAH for not sending my gf money to help her out with her credit card debt? Advice Needed. Reply. My dad already told them to stop, they did for a bit but the past few days they began doing it AGAIN. Basically my best friend (let’s call her A) and I ( D) have been friends for about 12 years now, we are always common in our friend groups but about… ( As of right now) he asked my Mom for some money which she declined to give him, my older sister and my younger sister as well. When I found out he was emotionally cheating on me, I was never the same. Check your statements, get account alerts, set up auto pay and more. Background; I have been with my gf for 3 years now, long distance for 2 of them (I moved away for work). He actually apologized. After you get your results you might wish to share them with your husband then tell him to make an appointment and have the same testing done then provide his results to you. She chose the place and although her name is on the lease I paid half of the deposit and paid the first month of rent as she couldn't afford it. No hiccups or glitches with the cameras. My mother began staring at my GF, I noticed, and whispering to my brother’s GF who she’s very close with. 1 - use the points, have them at your wedding but accept you won’t get paid back. If this is his fear response, then he wouldn't have been able to say anything. AITAH for blocking my gf everywhere on social media after she disrespected me? i (21m) always respect my gf (20f) even during arguments. She should’ve got the message loud and clear. I haven't contacted her directly but I went with my brother and my friend while she went to visit her parents ADMIN MOD. She is stealing from me, and using my money without my permission. I felt like this way of living at the time was better than constantly being yelled at for my decision making, and my girlfriends parents seemed to like me a lot. Now, my husband and I have 2 sons already and for both births, my mother was present. After logging on to your online account or mobile app, find the account or card management section. YTA you don't give someone your credit card, tell them to treat themselves knowing you are prepared to pay off the credit card and then get mad the spent it. And they have been hooking up regularly since. Sorry that you had to go through this. AITAH for blocking my ex when she broke up with me (via TEXT)? Wtf, no one gets to tell him how he's supposed to grieve that relationship. She broke up with OP by text and didn’t get the reaction she wanted. Even if it 'was awkward after you left', I still cant fathom why she didn't leave after you left. Ask for at least 100 yards and 3 years. But glad its over now. However, my sister told me what my girlfriend did was girl code for cheating and that my girlfriend was probably ashamed about accepting about my proposal, given that she most likely was having an She gets back from her trip and told me she ended up spending more than she thought and asked me how credit card debt works because she didn’t actually know. We're taking it one step at a time, but things are looking up. We lived in Florida then and never ever had money because he drank it all away. I’ve had a long distance relationship with him for over 2 years. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. The first week he was solo in the house and the first day the kids go off to school, when they come home So I have been with my gf since we was 14. (My brother keeps parroting her words and won't even So I confronted my crush. That requirement will very likely lead to a criminal prosecution of your girlfriend. Look for a link titled “Misplaced Card,” “Lock Your Card,” or something similar. After about a month any time she would drink she would call me and text me she loved me. You are not at fault. I’m just going to paste the conversation verbatim because it’s easier: Me: Can I start making more payments on my credit Mar 28, 2013 · Alhtough this was your card, it would ordinarily be accepted to have a legal spouse use your card. “Am I the Asshole?” is a subreddit where users tell a story of interpersonal conflict, and ask who’s in the wrong. It was 8:30 am on a thursday ( i only remember this cause it was my last day of my work week and had worked a closing shift the night before, just getting to bed around 4am. Bringing a charge is a serious consideration and will likely cause alot of family strife. AITAH for blocking her bc on the first date she wanted to “chime in on my therapy”? So first date with this girl wasn’t going well on my end. So my first suggestion is if you haven’t already had any tests done for STIs request them. 3- move the wedding home, or have another event for them to go to. I (23F) blocked my mother for taking a gift that my boyfriend gave to me for my birthday. I wouldn't have been able to stay. I found out through an Instagram post that they all planned an entire trip to Disneyland without even telling me, despite the fact that I have a 9-year-old daughter that my parents pretend to care about, who would have loved to go. My insurance paid it and then the attorney had to cut them a check when the settle was done. Them calling the incidents “little lies” sounds extremely manipulative. Of course she should ask before taking your credit card. Sounds like the husband saw an opportunity to stay out for a night and took it without hesitation. I was at a friend's house 'cause we had a project to finish, and since we were a little behind schedule, we had spent the entire afternoon working on it. I am really thankful for my family’s support, I don’t know how I would have even endured this nightmare without their support. As you pay off each debt, you can allocate the freed-up money towards tackling the next debt. Update - AITAH - My Ex-GF told me my current GF sabotaged our relationship. I (28/M) have been in my career for 5 years now, and my girlfriend (29/F) just graduated university last month. I’ve gotten many questions asking why I don’t want my parents involved with the child, let me answer them. Subreddit Announcement The Asshole Universe is Expanding, Again: Introducing Another New Sister Subreddit! Holy shit NTA and feel free to never-ever- invite them to your home again. I might be the asshole for refusing to pay my sister’s wedding groceries on my credit card Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. Honestly, if you don't, you're asking for trouble. If there is a budget for fun money, then since OP is the breadwinner and his wife a SAHM, the fun money should be generally split evenly amongst them— the incoming fun money that is, not the outgoing. I feel bad for the baby because it’s not its fault. I had became very bitter and toxic towards the end. While in the car her mum says “Ooh are you excited to see ___” in a teasing sort of voice. You were much kinder to your guests than I would have been, and clearly they do not deserve your We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I didn’t see a reason to keep her in my life when it took me figuring out that she was dating my friend for her to confess. Since I pay the bills, we discuss ahead of time the amount that we can afford for him to pay towards his credit card (he’s got a $500 limit/credit line on the card). He said he didn't know that we were still dating. He seems very avoidant. I had to call them and tell them to pay my doctor, what he has billed, cause he deserved it. I'm more stable keeping my finances in check with a debit card (plus my expenses for keeping the credit card was much bigger than a free of charge debit card). She tried to play it like I was the one who was in the wrong and maybe he would've believed her if I didn't have the video on my phone. After all, if there are multiple people with legitimate reasons for feeling uncomfortable with someone being around, especially when there have been threats to a person's safety, it would stand to reason that it would be better to block access to that one than to get a bad rep for not caring about the safety of others at all. You are not obligated in any way anymore. Our relationship became toxic because of me. bakedbeanz32. She wanted to come over to my house and I said no bc I had therapy and the date needed to end. For context my Mom quit her job recently and has been getting money from my father (48m) for expenses. This is a question that you needed to ask your gf before you ever broached it with your sister. About a month ago, we were sharing In writing and over the phone both. 1. 9M subscribers in the AITAH community. Take care, and thanks again for all the kindness. AITAH - For breaking up with my girlfriend after learning about her credit card debt My gram was to watch my two kids in the waiting room. What a weird sister, just ask if your brother is okay and if there's anything you can do. After getting the answered I wanted, I blocked her. AITA for using my dad's credit card without his permission and then ignoring him? Not the A-hole. I thing that's depends where You are from. My gf and I have been together for 7+ years, have long talked about marriage, and talked even more about future kids. NTA. I have reached out and texted every single one of my family members Thanks again for your best wishes and the support I received. ) And my phone starts blowing up with msg after msg from my Manage your account on your schedule. You had better hope that one or more of your adult children will take you in, or you could quickly find yourself homeless. Julie broke up with me in December after a 4-year relationship, and Mindy reached out to me when I And his gf's (which presumably he's not morally against paying for her food occasionally since she's helped him out with food, flights, etc. Mom can seek full custody. I have an IG account that I'll post a story to every day. The ring door bell worked like a champ at every slight bit of movement. She quit her job a couple of years back to pursue a medical degree. Apr 1, 2011 · Seriously now, if you want the credit card company to believe and rely on your statement that the use of your card was unauthorized, and excuse you from payment, you must make a police report and cooperate in any investigation by law enforcement. But she always had this bad habit where she disrespects me and calls me names during our arguments and disagreements which i never did. So then she has the nerve to get friends and family involved to force him to react so she can stay “friends. I am a university student home for the summer working to save money for living expenses for the school year. Thank you for the update. Talk disrespectfully about you/your fiancé you’ll leave immediately and they’re on a timeout for 1 month and then timeout will continue until apology is made. Redditors give their opinions, and the Nov 22, 2022 · Credit card fraud is an alarming issue, and in most cases you are likely to think the perpetrator is a stranger. It's involuntary for many people to just freeze up. After reading a lot of the advice here and talking it out with my family and friends it seems it's best to not continue my relationship. These periods are actually quite short - five years is common, I think - so it's probably important that OP acted to restrict access. They betrayed your trust as hosts, set your wife's progress back knowing your recent loss, and then had the gall to imply it was somehow your fault for losing the pregnancy. He broke up with you. We are both 17 now. I don’t know how I can ever trust anyone ever again. It could be your child, parent or even your spouse. After my brother’s GF left (this is a little after 10 PM at this point) my mother tried NTA. I think your hope for them to pay themselves isn’t very realistic so you and fiancé need to have a talk. Right now, my focus is on making sure my niece feels safe and loved. I again tried to call her, but as expected, she just declined again. My brother was angry that I blocked her. I deactivate my FB every January through September. The fact that OP gave them permission to use the driveway means this does not satisfy the requirement of being hostile. My brother told me maybe she got cold feet, and a lot of people get cold feet, and to just give her time because she seemed like a genuine person. ADMIN MOD. Once the physical fear response was over, he should've asked if you were ok, of course. Her being your mom doesn’t give her a right to verbally degrade and abuse you under the guise of “love” and “concern”. This is 1,000% her fault and 0% your fault. No one would call their bf and ask for a favor like that, and in some bizarre case they did do this why the f would that be more important than a spouse in the hospital with very serious, life changing even, events happening? YNTAH, she broke up with you. I (28M) posted last week regarding my girlfriend Julie (29F) accusing her friend and co-worker Mindy (28F) of sabotaging our relationship. What OP has potentially created for the neighbors is an easement, which allows rights to certain use of a land, but not ownership. My mom paid for me to fly to NJ , where we are from. Unless she has lived on her own for a good bit, managing money takes getting used to. AITAH for cancelling my credit card after my wife took it from me and spent $2000 on a pair of shoes without asking? AITAH for blocking my husband and considering divorce after him not prioritizing our family? OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: My step dad stole $400 from me so I had to put a > $1000 charge to save my cat’s life on his credit card when he and my mom are already in massive debt and cannot afford the baby they’re having. MrChaddious. 3-2-1 rule: 3 backups, using 2 different media, 1 stored offsite. She didn't even let me explain my whole medical case such as the tests that have been done previously, the symptoms, amount of blood discharge, nothing. She either leave you after her education is comple… The police ended up coming to my door and asking about the noise in which I told him the whole situation and how my ex was being really violent towards me. If she’s such a good friend to him she should respect his decision. Sep 9, 2019 · Credit: Getty Images - Getty Images. She seemed to really like me tho so I was trying to end the date. (Realistically, it's always out of line, either you trust your partner or you don't, and blocking people doesn't help either way). She should at least call it what it is. Somewhere along the lines he fell back in with bad people who had him relapse, and somehow he compartmentalized his past prison trauma. Try to understand where the other is coming from. Sometimes, a family member may be the one who has used your credit card without your knowledge or permission to rack up charges. Life goes on girl. It sounds like there is alot more going on here than just whether she used yhour card without your permission. He was my first boyfriend, high school sweethearts, and we did everything together. I would not respond. But ive always just ignored them, corrected them or blocked them. We broke up right when we both started college because of the distance. Take notice of them. Reply reply. After this I asked her to just leave me alone for a while because I needed time to process things. ). You don’t owe her access to you and clearly she doesn’t deserve it. Go to account management and switch off your card. It’s “moving in with us”. Will post on my feed MAYBE once every 6 months. Anyway today I noticed an 8 dollar charge on my card from where she works, it has to be her. Just ignore her and keep your BF informed of any further contact. Looking through my credit card statements, I noticed a bunch of charges on my backup credit card piling up originating from California (over $500). She found out and she told my whole family. About half a year later, he charged around $80 to my credit cards (not a lot, I know) but had to go through hell getting it expunged from my cards and was told that I could still be on the hook for it if they couldn't prove that I hadn't given him permission. My daughter is very close to her mom, and she even sided with her on her affair. NTA, but you should know you are worthy of better actual friends The first thing my father advised me of was to change the door completely. The new house also came with a ring door bell camera. If my SO had left early, I would have been right behind him, even if he said for me to stay. She texted me that this wasn't the time to play games, and she then told me that if I texted or called her again, she would block my number. As a result, the card I have 3 siblings, 2 of which are biological. Then if you decide to let them back in at some point discuss boundaries and enforce them. My boyfriend (38M) and I (36F) have been dating for 1. And as long as you’re paying off the credit balance on the credit card it isn’t an issue. I didn't. I again tried calling her, but she declined again, and when I tried calling her a second time, I realized she actually blocked me. So this just happened. You’re not the asshole, if it’s a joint account and you’re contributing. But my daughter was always extremely cold with me. My friends helped with the general clean up and unblocking the toilet. That was a huge expense he paid out of pocket. He asked if I was dating my ex, and I told him what happened. ac nt qw gl tp rw ah np uh zu