Aitah for telling my mom if she was a real mom. My mom then freaks out and yells at the dog and me.

I told her that she wasn't in my life for the hardest parts of my life which were ages 14-17 and that nothing she did was a good thing. I tell her I’d go inside and grab the vacuum, but she tells me she hates me and the dog and we’re the worst ever. I tell her that I chose the latter and then she gets mad again. He brought financial stability and is more of a father to me than my bio dad ever was. I don't think she actually wanted to be a mother, so the relationship has always felt fake. But Abby really liked our mom so it was going to look like visitation rights or something. I'm uncomfortable with the script an I'm 19m and my childhood was very traumatic. Know that nothing is ever good enough, no matter what. All of my life she bad mouthed my dad I defended him,a lot of yelling a things like that. She always talked about how it was her dream for me to get married wearing her dress or at least her veil. After he broke up with her, she stole his dog and took the dog back to our place. A friend of mine reached out to me thinking they found my account on a website called college confidential. This is not a very exciting update but a lot of the people have shown me love an support in this community. She never yelled at me. I (22) graduated from college yesterday and hopefully head to medical school some day. Background: I (19f) have been living with my mom (44f), brother (17M) and step dad (49M) since my parents got divorced when I was 7. Well Tw sh/suicide Me(17f) and my mom (34f) never had a great relationship. Advice Needed My dad molested me last February 13th and 14th i went into the foster care system the 15th (2023. 1. I have reached out and texted every single one of my family members Anyway recently my mom came crying to me about catching her husband talking to a woman online. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: 1)I told my mom she was a bad person 2) i texted after the I hung that I over her gaslighting me into believing my things don’t matter because they are not important. Anyway my mom's husband Richard (Dick) has always hated me. Your mom is in abusive relationship with a controlling man. My parents are divorced because my dad cheated on my mom with and old college friend of both of them. Instead, she has used your savings and PTO to preserve her savings for your brother. A few weeks ago, I found out that my mom was roleplaying as me online. She's derided your work, she can stay home and fume. AITAH for Rejecting Wedding Speech? My mom wants me to give a speech at her wedding, celebrating our new blended family. We spoke to each other on the phone and my grandma didn't care who I was talking to, but my mom on the other hand, didn't believe I was talking to someone on the phone. She is married to "Ryan" who is a decent enough guy and treats her very well, but he seems to have some issues. I don’t have a job currently because I don’t have a car to take me to and from work) I obviously not having a job said no, even though I did have SOME money I didn’t want to say I did because my mom is quite known for not paying We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Around 12 o’clock my mother comes into my room asking if I had money on my card because she needed gas money. (Update): AITAH for telling my mom that I will respect my dad's gf more than my step-dad. I told her “that sucks and I’m sorry that your sick but I don’t care “ she It just so happens that my ex also attended the game. I, (F 23) told my mother (F 47) I wish she died instead of my dad. She would give me gifts that would together be worth $500-$1000 or more. I addressed my concerns and the nurse asked if I wanted to have my mom in the room while she Now, fast forward 2 days ago, Patty (my cousin) got engaged and Andy didn't bother calling us for the engagement. cont. Your mom clearly bonds through touch so asking her to give that up without an alternative is really difficult, counseling could help her find tools that could So, I did, and my wife said that it wasn't weird and that this was a normal mother and daughter relationship and the only reason I thought it was weird is because I don't have a good relationship with my mom. My guess is she thought you’d be desperate to have your “mom” back. Fun, positive, or heartwarming updates from all over reddit Aitah for telling my uncle I would rather live with my mom. His boss is my stepmom, who is still with him to current day. Both my therapist and husband have She hates her. A random night when I was 14, I had a large fight with my mom that culminated in her sitting me down and telling me the "real reason" why her and my dad divorced. AITAH for telling my mom she ruined my life by marrying my step dad. Backstory: My (17F) mom (45F) cheated on my dad (46M) 7 years ago with my step-dad, Alan (50M). •• Edited. She would never turn me or my sister away but she struggles to communicate her frustration or boundaries. This frustrates me so I say something along the lines of. I spent my life trying to win her love. She’s also told me that men only want to sleep with me. So, AITAH for thinking that it's weird or do I just have extreme mom trauma and that's really how moms act. Also, my mom didn't cover it up, she wanted me to tell the court a 'softer' story so that he didn't have to do much time so that when he got out, he could pay our bills. So I covered what I was eating and went to do that. ) After a few years my mother (42 F) had a boyfriend at the time who was on hard drugs, SA’ed me when i was 8 years old and beat my mother. Saying “my bad “ doesn’t count. Things only got better when my mom left my dad and started seeing my stepdad. She came to visit me at my dad's house. Before she met my dad, she was a travel agent. I would no longer talk to her and the minute I turned 18, I was moving out and she would never hear from me again. About an hour into being there my dad, sister and I get a few messages about there condolences. That in and of itself is okay; they were paying for it, after all. My mom's siblings grew up in a somewhat lavish lifestyle ever since my mom found a job abroad. She wanted to talk to me and my dad. I discovered masturbation extremely young and he'd always catch me doing it in my room and he put up a camera to catch me doing it and even told me and my mom that was why he did it. Second-guessing myself, agonizing over whether to say anything to her, etc. We have this thing on buying can cheese and heating some up with popcorn. It had been going on for a couple moths when my dad confessed to my mom. Don’t beg her to hang out . Soon enough the day came that I went into labor Abby was little and she really liked Sophia the first for some reason and they exploited that against her. TW SA. He encourages my mom to go no contact, loudly announces how much happier she is during periods of no contact, and has said unforgivable things about my wife. My mom (36) and my dad (37) got divorced when i was only a few years old. I finally lost it and yelled at her that if she was a real mom she would divorce him, but I know the moment I leave she is going to cook his dinner and probably blow him, because she doesn't give a fuck about her kid. They have a daughter together, my sister . She returned me a week later. It was a LOT to process and she never AITAH for telling my mom she wasn't a good mother? TW Abuse. My dad rarely sees her. I put my phone on speaker, so Alexa could speak, and I could tell my mom had a sour look on her face. My mom "won" rights to take care of me. I (F18) have always been the kind of person to be a quiet kid growing up. Fourth of July 2022, spending the weekend with my parents at the lake (me, my son, mom, and dad) While heading back to the resort from the lake (dad driving, mom in the passenger seat, son behind dad, me behind mom) I notice that my mom is texting someone on her phone with the screen cover open so that dad can't see what she's doing. Spend time with your children and send your mom in-home aide information. The woman is 35 and works under my dad ( it is also co owned by my mom but she also works there as a dentist) The whole situation was so messed up. My problem comes from her constantly butting into my personal life. AITA for telling my mom I don’t want her help My (49F) mother (81) and I have had a particularly complicated relationship. AITAH for telling my wife that I would choose my mom over the birth of our baby. Brad has 2 kids Tessa (f26) and Jake (m18) my dad passed away shortly after I was born leaving my mom in mountains of debt. after that my dad took my mom back but split up again two years ago because I was honest with her and told her that if she continued to have him as her aide, she was dead to me. My father passed away a few weeks ago unexpectedly. She then proceeds to compare me to my siblings in the most negative way possible and it just frustrates me that I can't have a decent conversation where she doesn't end up comparing me to my siblings or her ex-husband. Mom was the best person ever. Flash forward five years and I’ve only seen my mom on holidays even that wasn’t always a given. However, she was the one that called the cops and told them to do whatever it took to get him behind bars. 89K subscribers. It is obvious that you're doing what you think is best for your mother. Cutting out a parent is difficult, but ultimately, it takes 2 to create and maintain healthy communication. YTA my mom cut my hair most of my adolescent life and she had no salon training. I have two younger brothers (M15) and (M13). I asked her to book plane tickets, since they’re coming to visit me in college My mother was selfish and abusive. He hates me. Legal definition of single parent. My mom confronted him but he gaslighted her and told her the woman was just a friend. The reason they tried so hard was cause 1. Growing up, if our family was to take a vacation, she would always pick the destination and time unilaterally - no input from my dad, or any of my siblings and I (even when we got older). A year ago it got soo bad,that I stopped AITAH for telling my mom she never cared about my feelings. " My (19m) parents had me young and on accident. AITAH for telling my mom to never invite me in any family vacations anymore : r/AITAH. I end the conversation by telling her and I quote, “Let me know when you’re done being mad at me. My mom never worked a day in her life and depends on me and my brother to take care of her. One night I came downstairs only to see mom crying on the sofa and clutching one of the soft toys we'd bought for my baby. Neither of them have ever been around kids. She might not ever see your side, but sometimes it is for your own mental health and peace. While my game was happening, apparently my mom saw my ex in the stands and went over and gave her a hug and started talking to her, while my mom was hugging my ex, my ex was making full eye contact with my gf and winked at her. 33K subscribers in the bestofpositiveupdates community. Our whole family was incredibly dysfunctional, which has led my brother and me to go temporarily NC at various times in the past. Saying she's dead isn't that far off or worse than saying she abandoned me and you and wanted me to tell you she was dead to an 8 year old. Told me I was the reason they'd never be able to buy a house when I was in such a bad spot mentally I tried to end it (said this as she was driving me to the hospital), then proceeded to yell at me to tell the doctors what I did which made me so embarrassed I shut down even more than I already did at that point. You know your mother better than we do, so you're the best person to decide how to deal with this news. Your mother refuses to spend her $250,000 on hiring the help she needs. Telling my mom to be ready and my MIL to go get my mother. He got off the highway safely, but the paramedics didn’t reach him in time. Before marrying my step dad my mom was married to my dad for 10 years, needless to say it was a very abusive marriage and my She isn’t a bad parent. A lot has actually happened since last week and while nothing is really fixed, I think things are going in the right direction. Karen didn’t want to get pregnant and ruin her body. I looked at the account in question, and it had a lot of personal details about myself that I do not share with people, as well as a mix of things that happened and She then texted me that she was a good mother to me and I needed to apologize for the things I did as a kid. Seemingly perfect health, no complications, just a sudden heart attack while driving home from work. younger one is super impulsive and doesn't like kids, and the middle one is always in her own world and would probably let them wonder off. I can tell he loves her but he's going through something, if she was to leave yes I would be said because she stepped in to be a mom I never got to bond with. She's a people pleaser, especially for her family. I (31 f) have two kids ( 8 months , 2 years) I'm a stay at home mom, but also work full time doing customer service from my phone. Update - 3rd January 2024. When I came to her at the age of 15 about how he used to sexually abuse me (up until I was 9 when he disappeared) she wholeheartedly believed me and was there for me but she cried and tried to relate to me by telling me of all her rape experiences including how when my bio dad proposed to her and how when she accepted she ended up dropping the The mom in this story reminds me a lot of my mom. (if you’re interested) I got promoted last year and she barely offered me a congratulations and put some anecdote about her past promotion. AITAH for telling my mom that I'm disgusted by and ashamed of my sister? This started when my (17m) sister (25) cheated on her now ex (25m). She wasn't there when I got my first period, she wasn't there when I got off drugs, she wasn't there One of my cousins looks up at me and says “we’re talking about you’re digestive issues” I sit down look at my mom, who was the one speaking and say “that’s rude please stop” she goes on to get upset and makes some under her breath comment about always being rude. That's weird as fuck. For context my parents were on again off again for most of my childhood, but the last time they were together r/AmItheAsshole. However, in undergrad, because I’m the first person to finish my degree, it was a lot of pressure and stress. ok, so, i've had a lott of fights with my mom over the years. AITAH for telling my Mom she failed as a parent after she put her hands on me? TW Abuse. I had a damn good childhood. Weird as we havnt told anyone yet but who? My mom who was watching my kids. My mom would normally for me and my sister‘s birthdays always give $1000 or more, to both my sister and me, but she of course wouldn’t give a 9 year old $1000 in hand. And 2. My (25f) mother (44f) just got mad because I told her I wanted to eat cheese with popcorn. I knew that my mom had another boyfriend that made them to get a divorce. She’s crying says she has breast cancer and needs me to move back in with her. She rolled her eyes and said I was being dramatic but after a For reference I am 19 female my mother is 38 my mother has never been active in my life and has never supported me or been there for me in any way or for my older brother (21) only coming around when she needed me to take care of my two younger brothers or needed money. She can learn to ask first, or just find a different way to show her affection. I have a mother who doesn't really listen to what I have to say, if I tell her something during an argument she'll cut me off trying to tell me she isn't in the wrong, if I try telling her something she almost always wants to argue with me, and whenever I try to be nice about how she needs to start listening to me she basically says that she's the parent so she can do whatever she wants. Original - 1st January 2024. I’d be honest with your “mom” and tell her you’ll make her life a living hell if she does this. I (M17) had a dark area on my genitals for about a week now and I was getting concerned. But ever since I turned 9, she would give me one $10 gift and She said that while her mom is her mom biologically, she doesn’t consider her as her real mom anymore, and that she now considers my sister as her real mom. I was 10 at that time. 4. Long story short im an awful daughter and dont support her and I should 100% support her in her crusade against everyone and how dare I cause she did her best and was the best mom. My mom had us pretty young in her life when she had me at 16. It’s February and I’m on my way to work when my mom shows up on our driveway. AITA for telling my mom I don’t want to hear how she’s feeling at my wedding? Advice Needed. An hour and 15 minutes later, MIL shows up at the hospital without my mom, my kids or my grandmother. I tell her she can pick me up at the end of the day, but she refuses and says I can just go to my cousins. I am super grateful for this. I was sit at Home on the phone with a friend when my mom gets home from work. Not the A-hole. She was just a victim of circumstance. So this entire thing took place a couple years ago, I was 15f now 21f. this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince After BF's important surgery when his mother refuses to visit him in hospital I ask her why she is not there, she says she was against the surgery and accuses me of pressuring him to get it and also likely pressured him to kick them out of his house, I tell her real reasons why, BF has no issue with it but his mom's side of the family is upset Now this all started when I was 9. She didn't drive, so she demanded that I drive 30 miles, 1 way to take her to work, 2 blocks away. Yes She has made mistakes. But sibling #6, Lyn, had all the convenience of a good life. She said "well it's late so we need to just let everyone sleep" (it was 9:30pm) and then sat her ass down on the chair in the delivery room and jumped on her phone. 1 update - Medium. The background and underlying issues may change how she takes the response, but doesn't make you an AH. If one day, she happens to find me unresponsive in the laundry room or on the kitchen floor, I want her to reminisce about all the things she did leading up to my tragic premature death. I finally spoke to my mom. Then we sat down. My dad was devastated to say the least. My childhood was nothing but money troubles and listening to my parents scream at each other. I (F26) and my fiancé (M29) are getting married in two weeks and my mom (62), dad (68), and dad’s girlfriend (26) will all be attending. To say that I saw red was an understatement. And that she never lets him have any friends. Congratulations!! Don’t let her bring you down! NTA. AITAH, I’ll try to make this short as I can. Stupid decision maybe of your dad, but I don't think your dad was being malicious. She was a single mom raising 4 kids on her own and working 3 jobs to make sure we were cared for. But I also have another brother “Hank” (33m) who’s happily married with My mom got out and said “let’s go”, my dog thought she was talking to her so she jumped over the car hammock we have for her and got sand all in my moms car. ADMIN MOD. Prestigious_Branch80. AITA. My dad died when I was 2 and my mom raised me as a single mom with a series of boyfriends and eventually a new husband. But maybe I should have not texted her. NTA - You can ask her not to come to your launch party for whatever reason you want. Many people criticized my dad for being an alcoholic. Original - 22 March 2023. I told her and she told me not to ever mention it 1. I am not the OOP. Go to AITAH. Sometimes Kate is quiet, reserved, practical, and my mom lives in a fantasy world, but they seemed ok. Dad went inside his room to give us some privacy to talk. I was in the middle of eating some when my mom told me to put my brother (3m) to sleep. Last time I hung out with the youngest she jumped down the last 4-5 steps on a moving escalator and when my mom demanded to know why she did that, she had no answer. She is my hero and one day you will realize how much your mom sacrifices for you. When I was around 13 she started to abuse MembersOnline. i'm 17, ill be 18 soon and for me, it's college time. She had me while being only 17 and she was living with my dad at my grandmas. Just tell her you’re here for her. If it were me and my mom, that dinner would be cancelled immediately, and I would tell her why. So he was also shocked to see her. She sucks now, but to be fair she used to be the best mom. Me and my brother pay for everything, she doesn’t drive and I (18 Trans Male) and my mom (47 female) got into a really big argument. I have 3 siblings, 2 of which are biological. My gf left the game crying and called me later and told me about it. And maybe her family. My mother has always overstepped my boundaries and never respected me. I am 25F and when I was 11 my grandpa (moms dad) sexually assaulted me. I (23m) live with my autistic brother Greg (36m), my girlfriend (22m), and (at one point) my mom (57f) in a filthy trailer that would be condemned if anyone saw what it was like. In april 2019, my mom moved to NEW YORK to be with this new man. My mom then freaks out and yells at the dog and me. Private school in high school (the pricey ones where celebrities go), good universities, funding for licensing prep school, funding to find job abroad, so many more. She was strict, but not overly strict. They were living together for 8 years there and suddenly my mom decided to run away(she literally kidnapped me and my younger sister to her new boyfriend who is 18 years older them her and we were AITAH for telling my step mom i dont want anything to do with her after she got together with my dad after he molested me. For some context my mom and I aren't that close. NTA. I never blamed her though. She expressed that she still wanted to be my birthing partner the next day and I perhaps stupidly glossed over it. I excused myself to go sit in another chair, so my mom doesn't hear our So of course the church, our town, starts looking at not only my mom, but her kids (4 of us) and my dad very different. Also, I need to address one thing. After Jenny said that to my mom over the phone, my mom went into a complete fit. TW Abuse. My son was about 6-7 when he would make hints about his dad. At 27, I realized she would never change and I cut all ties with her. 24. Asshole. She walks in and start to scream at me telling me I clearly wasn’t being a productive member of society. She has access to my bank account and logs into it, even though I For context, I love my mom a lot, but she has always been fairly entitled/controlling. Hard to say for sure, but likely concluded. She died in 2014 and I got custody of my sister who has down syndrome. I heat some cheese up for my mom before hand. ” My mom doesn’t trust my stepdad at all, he’s narcissistic and an outright dick, he’s even laid hands on her, went to jail for it, got out, they got back together— it’s a whole thing, just now he told my sister she can go outside by herself and I was doing schoolwork so I didn’t know. My stepdad from the ages of 3-9 was a pedophile who would always say really disgusting things about me in front of my mom. Which she has never seen in real life before. My (22F) mom has been a stay-at-home mom since I was born. She looked a bit out of the place as if she was entering Narnia. Stopping communication with your mom is what her controlling husband wants. Just kidding, yall are weirdos and watch too much porn. He was complaining about my mom, claiming he had no friends because of her and that he was unhappy because of her. She snaps and after, I eventually give up wanting to end this argument. I decided to go to the doctor to get it examined, so my mom had came with me. She saw me and yelled at me to go upstairs and leave her be. She was not to overly harsh with punishment. I don't think you are mad enough. i've been getting into fights with her about college since i was 14 (mainly her telling me i wasn't going and me telling her i was). I (16f) live with my uncle (38m) because my mom got arrested for drugs when I was 12. The OOP is u/GoodShirt360 posting in r/AITAH. She favorites the boys like those are her only kids she had. 2. SHE MADE A FACEBOOK POST! WTF! I immediately text her and tell her to take it down. 14. Basically, her story was that she had caught him cheating on her with his boss. . Jul 13, 2024 ยท OWJ Reads - AITAH for telling my mom if she decides who's her family, I get to decide the same! Old Woman Jenkins. AITA for telling my mom she robbed me of my dad's inheritance. he was arrested, spent 3 months in jail and my mom was the one who picked him up when he got out because she didn’t believe me. In your position, I would be doing the same thing you're doing. She know basically nothing about working or how the world functions. The problem that I'm having currently is this fight with my mom. If she finds this, I’d like her to know that she actively makes me want to end my life. I had to pull a lot of overnighters to pass an exam. I wasn't in the most happiest home but i had to deal with her "tough love" parenting for a few more years or PedMan22. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. I call my mom a terrible parent for not correcting my little sister's behavior, my little sister is 14 and still acts like a 4 year old she throws tantrums whenever she doesn't get what she wants and this is what I want my mom to correct, I call her a bad parent because she didn't grounded my sister for breaking our neighbors window by throwing a A rock, I feel sorry for my neighbors because AITAH for getting mad at my mom because she is sick and needs help. She once cut my bangs too short and I looked ridiculous. The one thing she refused to sell was her wedding dress. I was a bit shocked and reminded that her real mom will always be her biological mom, because she gave birth and went through all the struggles to raise her. r/AITAH. She screamed at her mom, asking her that why were they so reluctant in talking to AITAH for telling my mom that she's just like my Birth dad. ( We live in nc)… She moves in April 2019 and i don’t hear a single word from her until November 2019. Now she acts like she doesn’t even know how to book a flight or navigate an airport. Keep reaching out to her to remind her that you love her and you will always be there if she wants to see you. it was never a financial thing, but she felt i didn't have the personality to go to college. Both my parents were abusing dr*gs and or alcohol. This was not because of insurance issue it was because my mom didn't like the advice my first couple of therapists would give her as she thought the therapist was telling my mom she was a "bad mom". My parents are divorced and don’t keep contact with each other. Update: AITAH for telling my mom she is dead to me if she mentors my bully? To everyone who said my mom was sleeping with Dave You were right. I remember her constatly getting inches from my face and screaming at me. She cooks for me, drops me off at campus for my morning classes and is overall a nice mom. During this time me and my mom would get into screaming fights. In another story where I was like 8 I think where she actually kidnapped me,but no police was involved because she give me permission to talk with my dad and he knew what was going on. NAH except your mom. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. JadedSlayer. She needs to also learn that just because she’s your mom doesn’t mean she is exempt from your trauma. I had a cheer competition and she didn't come, the whole time the argument and what happened in the bathroom kept replaying in my head and that caused my team to be in 5th place. But then my mom takes this the wrong way and interprets it that I'm blamming them and being frustrated at them. You owe it to your daughter to show her what to accept and what not to and at the moment you are setting her up for a future with shitty boyfriends and when your having to comfort her when she older it will be on you for not leaving and showing her. She helps pay my university tuition and lets me live with her. •. She continued to go on about how she's never once lied to me in her life because she accepted Jesus Christ in her heart, and that I'm messed up in the head and she felt sorry for my son to have me for a mom. When she's upset she will just have random anger or sadness and outbursts instead of addressing the real issue. When the nurse had called my name, I walked in not knowing my mom had followed. I called her ex when she and mom were out of the house AITA for telling my mom to go to hell then moving out with my boyfriend. 92 views 1 day ago #aita #AITAH 100% she was telling you. She has always lived obsessed with money and nowadays lives off of her half of my dad's inheritance, which she invested in real-estate. He instead told Jenny to tell my mom "If she wants to come, she can". It's a gorgeous simple white dress with a long lace veil. So am I the ah I know some of this is her own mental health issues that she refusesto address but should i have just gone on ignoring her and her/our/my issues? She got here at 8/815 and I left to say my goodbyes with my dad, stepmom and sister. For context, my dad always has to take a lot of phonecalls for work when in Let's start this story at the beginning. The day it happened I waited for my mom to come home all day from work and i vividly can remember it til this day. She was choosing him over me and she would not longer be my mother. You need to talk to Donna and your dad. Now, the Issue at hand. I found out through an Instagram post that they all planned an entire trip to Disneyland without even telling me, despite the fact that I have a 9-year-old daughter that my parents pretend to care about, who would have loved to go. She said she was going to put the dog down as 'revenge'. I also saw that he had screenshotted a few of their texts which im pretty sure he saved as black mail or atleast kind of shows thay he is innocent ( he isnt) so that she cant tell my mom ever. I a (25 F) live in the same house with my mom (53F). " (15) The term “single parent” means an individual who— (A) is unmarried or legally separated from a spouse; and (B) (i) has 1 or more minor children for whom the individual has custody or joint custody; or (ii) is pregnant. AITAH for ignoring my mom's texts telling me she's devastated. I'm extremely burnt out, I've been self isolating, and might have some post partum depression. My mother is very similar, and I have been in similar situations with her. db lr ya zi ld yg xb mo sk us