Shoot, well I started the cycle about 186 in the 14% - 16% BF range and I'm 5'10". If your gonna take something to help preserve muscle in a cut you could do mk677 but you would have to fend off grelin kicking you in the tits. Lower dosages (10 mg/day) and short cycles (4 weeks) can still provide exceptional results, as documented in the second before and after transformation. He appears to have lost approximately 10% of body fat, which otherwise could have taken 20 weeks or longer by natural means (by eating a 500-calorie deficit diet). From what Ive read you're supposed to only take SARMs 5 days a week out of 7, 20mg of Ostarine per day and 10-20mg of Cardarine per day. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Ostarine/cardarine cycle first week . Rad 140, mk677 and cardine cycle. My current doses are: Test at 150 twice a week 25mg Anavar Ed 12. It's the first time that I will use peds, so I'm careful. I'm interested to hear others opinions as well. Then take 16 week off everything while running a PCT. Started with 5mg RAD 10 mg Cardarine in the mornings and 12,5mg MK in the evenings. Stay at 10mg for now if u see good results don’t up the dose but if ur not getting results go to 20mg and you definitely will get the effects as long as it’s real cardarine if u want take a organ defender supplement just for extra protection for ur liver kidney and heart. This weeks compound is GW-501516 (Cardarine) The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and feedback So I have some Ostarine and Cardarine from ReceptorChem and I wanted to know if there was a definitive dosing protocol for an 8 week cycle. Nah mate fuck it, use rad at 10-15mg for 8 weeks with card, go on a steeeeep deficit e. That's why the product was abandoned and why we'll will probably never see human research with the compound. I'm pretty sure there are 0 human studies that used oral SR9011, so I would go for cardarine. What you are feeling my now is just the cardarine. nih. IMO Cardarine & S23 are the things you want to be running for that aesthetic look - the S23 vascularising affect really does bring out a beast in the mirror. Rad140: 10mg/Day for the entire 6 week cycle (will bump up to 15mg/day during weeks 3-6 if the sides and suppression isn't bad) Cardarine: 10mg/day for the first week followed by DICLAIMER: I don't take the substances involved, I only want to see the opinions or reasons as a part of a research data. Open to recommendations on whether to begin during the cycle if necessary. Cardarine is not only an experimental drug, but PPAR agonists/modulators is a whole new category. 25mg of each per day for 8 weeks. But neither cardarine nor mk-677 are sarms, or anabolic steroids. Definetely causes Insomnia, not placebo. Traditional-Total759 • 2 ADMIN MOD. 4 comments. As far as I know we cycle sarms/steroids in 6-8 weeks so that later, body is able to produce its own T levels again, which allows for a stable and healthy recovery. I’m currently 5 days in my cycle on a calorie deficit at We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. All that said, this adventure was based on Tirzepatide, AC-262, Cardarine and Enclo and the results I achieved may not wow anyone, but to me I am extremely happy with the risk vs reward. Reason for Choosing Ostarine: I aim to cut while preserving muscle mass, accelerating weight loss without sacrificing nutrients or gains. Just started a cutting/endurance 8 week, 20mg/day Cardarine cycle (no effects yet). Hopefully this will benefit someone else and if not just describe the ride. Week 1. HCG 1500iu every other day for 2 weeks Nolvadex 10mg/ day for 4-5 weeks Aromasin 12. If pct is needed, I will do after pct as well. Please read the rules! Cardio with cardarine and diet on point is the best way to go for fat loss. 5 days in seems a little quick to have side effects at all for any SARM. Started Cardarine only 2 days ago and I’m experiencing extreme anxiety/ border line panic attacks, also a good amount of brain fog. 26k pounds of volume in an hour, lots of supersets. My first recommendation is go for a low carb (or non-carb) diet, to maximise the cardarine effect, with a good cal deficit (over a 20%) en a few months you must be in a good % of bodyfat. Diet and training are imperative; I completely understand. There's other ones we know about being researched - and probably other ones we don't yet know about being looked at. It just means it would be unethical to study cardarine in humans because of the high risk of adverse effects. My understanding is that Andarine is on the low end of SARMs, just like ostarine. If u have some libido things changing i can assure 98% its not from cardarine. Only doing a 4 week cycle and will continue with Cardarine and Ibutamoren for another 4 weeks afterwards + PCT Dec 31, 2017 · I am starting a log of my cycle of Cardarine. Sometimes people act adversely to different ones, it may go away a couple weeks into your cycle as well. Is the SR9009 subcutaneous? Does It? This is the answer to a very common question in r/PEDs: PPARs, such as cardarine, increase skeletal muscle fatty acid catabolism. Remember, you need to cycle off as much as you cycle on. I haven’t seen too many logs of a stand-alone Cardarine cycle for my own research, so I figured I’d start one for myself and log about it for: 1. Around 20-40 lbs in 3 months. 1K subscribers in the cardarine community. Share Jan 21, 2024 · Cardarine Before and After #1. The ostarine will start to show around week 6. Day 16. bio if any one is curious. SwoleTide. I’d say I’ve don’t maybe 10 PCTs or so. Will post each day update in comments. But again, the only way to know 100% is to get the tests done. You also won't need to take nolva for more than a week or two post cycle since you won't be suppressed after the cycle. I now use gear and still make sure to keep Cardarine on hand with my Var and Tbol stack, with a Test E base of 500mg/wk. Cardarine has nothing to do with preserving muscle mass, it improves cardiovascular function, the only way it would help is making you train harder than last time. To be clear, just by taking cardarine you will reduce stored body fat all other things being equal. Please read the rules! 5 mg will definitely not hurt, and that's most definitely going to help. I started the cycle mainly cuz I had Thank you my man, will run with it since Cardarine and Ibutamoren arent actually SARMs so i don't really consider it a stack. I have done many cardarine 20mg/day cycles and no affect for libido. I actually suffer from cluster headaches, which kept me out of the gym with some midnight trips to the emergency room, so I only ran the two in conjunction for about 4 weeks, before I opted to pull the plug on both because I just could not get my regimen back. Don't bother with 10mg, you won't get much out of it. 2 or 3 weeks in on chemyo liquid cardarine and im seeing ridiculous stamina gains. I had just gotten done with my ostarine cycle on the 5th of April and am looking to start a Caradine only cycle. When ever taking a SARM (cardarine is not a SARM) it's advisable to get different blood work done to know baselines and to get them done again after cycle to see if you are suppressed or even shutdown and to look for elevated liver enzymes, ect. Drop the RAD or Osta. It’s not hormonal but you will start to not feel it’s effects after a prolonged time. Plan for the cycle: 8 weeks long Osta 15mg/day, Cardarine 10mg/day in 2 doses (AM and mid day), Enclo starting week 3-5 at 3. Cardarine can be taken as long as you would like time if the dose is not above 10mg. Week 3-8: 15mg osta / 10mg cardarine. Cardarine exhibits the vast majority of its benefits via ppar delta while also some activity with ppar alpha and gamma. Cardarine has been shown to increase good cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol. That’s right, no post-cycle therapy! It doesn’t cause any testosterone suppression, so if you’ve done a Cardarine-only cycle, you can skip PCT altogether. The cardarine will allow you to push harder and longer while you're on it, so, you could ramp up your cardio work while you're on it and you will improve your cardio, but once you stop taking the cardarine, you will lose the massive performance enhancements. Also my dose per day is 20mg from the start. You could do the same cycle drop off one of the two I mentioned, run MK, for 3 months longer then the rest. Some will say 20mg a day. Have previously taken a few bulking SARMs, that during the cycle, caused a bit of a temporary decrease in sex drive. My Starting weight is about 199lbs at 5'8 and around 22-23% body fat. Please read the rules! We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. You won’t achieve full potential from both SARMs however the results may/will be better than a solo run. It's on the way. 10mg rad 140 25 mg mk677 10mg Cardarine. You wanna cycle off to help prevent that. I would sincerely request you to inform me if this is a good cycle. As for Ostarine, I can't really tell, since I'm only on the second week and Ostarine is pretty mild in general. Thus absorption of these chemicals; RAD will essentially be “shorted” by LGD with the current available receptors. nlm. Etc even with amazingly pure stuff it made my brain feel dumb and I felt flu like even though I could do way more reps there was always this lethargic feeling to it that I hated Apr 2, 2024 · Cardarine Results #1 (+ Ostarine) This is the result of an 8-week Cardarine (15mg a day) and Ostarine (10mg a day) cycle. I know it's your first cycle and you want to play it safe, but 10mg will give you mediocre results RAD 140 is used for bulking but yes, users have cut body fat while on Rad. Week 8-12: Nolva only if needed (will do bloodwork) Bloodwork before cycle, in week 5 and after cycle. The fat loss is minimal, and running it for a couple of weeks probably won’t do much. I've read many many reviews now and I'm just not getting any results and or effects like the people who used legit stuff. I’m currently 5’6 135lbs, any recommendations regarding dose and length of cycle? Appreciate any help Cardarine Cycle. New. Osta is better for injury recoup imo. 5, then 9 and 10 back to 3. I only will do 10 mgs of cardarine and only doing 15 of mk and osterine as it's my first time with SARMs . Extend the cycle length to 8 weeks and lower the dosage to 10-15mg. I have not personally used ostarine ( not that I remember lol) but I have used many suppressing compounds and I’ve tried a few variations of pct. Share. Only ever ran ostarine before, excited to see how cardarine changes things as well as recently starting TRT. I’ve been lifting for years now and have a solid base and diet. I can lift for an hour straight followed by an hour of moderate to high intensity cardio. I was going to do osterine after I'm done with MK but stay on cardarine. The whole reason it helps people lose weight is because it makes cardio effortless, being able to run 10km at 16km/h breathing through only your nose, and only stopping because your knees hurt, makes the fat melt off. Cardarine side effects. Cardarine + diet on point with no cardio should also be good. Try and isolate it to either Ostarine or Carderine, by taking only Ostarine. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Fought panic attacks all day/ intense brain fog, no sleep. To be more specific, cardarine only really helps with endurance and cholesterol from what I understand. My own reference looking back. 5-5mg every 2 weeks and I wouldn’t exceed 30mg a day. 356671 • 2 yr. 5% lifetime chance of getting cancer and adding a drug doubles that risk, you're still only at a 1% lifetime risk. mhm123321. Telmisartan has some v minor ppar gamma partial agonist activity but that doesn't make it close to cardarine or even a PED at all. I'll keep it to cardarine only as other sarms seem to end up with Cardarine is a thing that is all up to you, there is a study saying it causes cancer but the cancer cannot be %100 linked to cancer and there are study's showing it reduces cancer, personally I love this compound and do think that the study it caused cancer is absurd just because of the dosage and length it is absurd but the chemicals used in synthesising the cardarine was also canerogens Otherwise, Cardarine is pointless to take without cardio. It also means we might not fully understand all the consequences of messing with that receptor, too though. Right now weighing at 96kg trying to cut down to 80kg. Unfortunately my RAD lasted only for 4 weeks. 5. 25mg. 25 every day through your entire cycle, then 12. Cardarine + shitty diet might keep you healthier than without cardarine. gov/22138414/ . ADMIN MOD. For those unaware, each week we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. Take it daily for up to 12 weeks starting with a low dose (5-10mg first 2 weeks) adding 2. Now shitty diet varies from person to person for me it was having Mexican food ( cause I love it)steak+ rice + beans & chips. I'm getting back into Muay Thai (former competitive fighter) and wanted to try what seemed like a miracle drug for endurance. This impact to fat loss is above and beyond the improvement in cardio that may also enable you to burn fat What yall think about a cardarine only cycle. I started yesterday, got the “third lung” effect during tonight’s workout. BF around 15%. Reduce the cal input. Rad-140, MK-2866, Cardarine Stack. It's my first only cardarine cycle - im 3 days in so far. Subreddit for discussion about Cardarine for weightloss and endurance…. It has a 24 hour half life so taking it 3 times a week won’t be We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. And SARMs work best on users with sub 15% body fat. If you have a 0. This thread is archived. Week 2: 15mg osta. For most people, the effects of Cardarine can be observed immediately so if you are using it as a pre workout, you can choose to take them only on the days that you workout. Men won’t experience any reduction in testosterone levels during or after a Cardarine cycle. Second, assuming my stenabolic was legit I didn't feel shit (poor bioviability) and cardarine i did feel a endurance/stamina boost. Cardarine is much better for cardio and lifting endurance IMO. It’s good that you got back into training for a couple months before just hopping into a cycle. I got some mild back/chest acne on LGD4; never noticed much on Ostarine. Has anyone here ever taken it? Dec 2, 2023 · Cardarine is one of the few PEDs where males don’t even have to think about doing PCT. 3. So I have some Ostarine and Cardarine from ReceptorChem and I wanted to know if there was a definitive dosing protocol for an 8 week cycle. Also, take them an hour before you go to sleep, not as a pre-workout supplement. •. Here are recommended dosages for the Ostarine and Cardarine stack: For Men: Moderate Cycle: 8 weeks, Ostarine 15mg/day, Cardarine 10mg/day. . What dosage are you taking? 303 and 20%bf!!! You must be a beast or a pro BB on a bulk stage! 14 votes, 13 comments. Cardarine doesn't meet the ethical safe dosage threshold to test in humans. [Compound Experience Saturday] GW-501516 (Cardarine) Compounds. According to my supplement store no more than 12 weeks while you should be fine not cycling it you don’t want your body to build a tolerance and then you taking more and more id say 4 week break min im on my 3rd week of just cardarine and i can notice differences in my stamina next cycle i will be adding ostra. I'm not suggesting somebody uses cardarine, but this is absurd lol. I'm 180cm, and 87kg atm, started the cycle 88kg (all of the body weights were measured at morning after pee). I would choose Carderine because it has a longer half life. Greg Doucette, and other articles/videos on the web) and have come up with this for a 6 week cycle to start out. Stretch the cardarine for conditioning and cardio days. With cardarine your body will take energy from the bodyfat very easilly. My main cardio is swimming and the one thing I’ve noticed with card is that i can say “fuck it, one more lap” for like 3-4 extra laps out of my workout. In total, he lost 40 pounds and achieved visible abs by the end of the cycle. So I recently began my first SARMS cycle and figured I’d document it weekly on here for research or reference purposes. 5 for two weeks of PCT then back to 6. Cardarine has side effects too, not as much as RAD but yeah. Reply. Hey guys, i've been on a RAD140 + Cardarine Cycle for almost 5 weeks (today is the 5th week) Week 1 10mg, since then 20mg each day of RAD140 + since week 4 12. I got my Cardarine from Science. 1. Shit I’ve been taking it on workout days. I will post my bloodwork after my 8 week cycle. 15. Strength and Size are good for me, it’s endurance that sometimes lacks. 5 mg day 1, 5 mg day 2) & it was the worst 6 days of my life. But just keep an eye on it. Once you stop taking it takes 5 days for you to sleep again. As we can see, the results are very impressive looking. Return the Carderine for a fresh batch, then try it again and see what happens. This is my first I only took 2 very low doses (2. You can help manage this with some cycle support supplements. As my primary shape is decent I am looking to do a sarm cycle as below. But it doesn’t hit me the same way SR does. Cardarine - 10 mg ( week 1-8) Ostarine - 20 mg ( week 1-12) Mk677 - 20 mg ( week 5-12) As I'm not really aware about the results (even though I've been going through most discussion and YT vids). For anyone else interested in doing a Cardarine stand-alone cycle. I don't plan on competing, so I'm not worried about it being banned. This user performed a 12-week cycle of cardarine at 20 mg/day. Cardarine and Libido. Feb 13, 2023 · Cardarine Cycle. Im going to be running a cycle of the following. I would say acne is a fairly common side effect reported on SARMs. 5mg of Enlcomiphene. ago. Well, first mk677 will make u starve, so be careful. Cardarine for the purpose of sprinting would be used as an tool to enhance training volume tolerability, which over time can be extremely significant, it was actually legal up until 2009 I believe and it’s well known that a significant portion of athletes at the 2008 Olympics were taking it. Talking about sources is allowed and welcomed as long as its NOT PROHIBITED. Personally my cutting stack is S4, Ostarine and Cardarine. Cardarine cycles typically last 6–12 weeks, with dosages ranging from 10–20 mg/day. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. BPC157 too for this purpose but that's off topic) Then I'll cycle 10-20mg cardarine so I can focus on cardio endurance and performance, and I can take this time to cut, burn off some the excess fat (especially if Mk677 will I bought Cardarine from Chemyo. 5mg ostarine and 10mg cardarine Ed. I might do one cycle next year if health continues to improve at 20 or even 25mg and see how that goes. Dec 12, 2023 · A popular option is the Ostarine and Cardarine stack, used for both cutting and bulking cycles. If you wanted to go a bit easier try 2 of them - S4 & Osta or S4 & Cardarine @ 25mg/day for 8 weeks. Then I came across the post about the person who got lipomas after using it for 8 weeks at 20 mg/day. Started off with zero endurance and yesterday I ran half a mile at 10mph pace and was barely out of breath, only stopped because I was getting shin splints So any thoughts on how to get more protein in during small window would be helpful. I've even heard that many people get away without doing a PCT at all for Osta. I noticed that their isn't any consistent cycle updates on the tread so I am gonna document my cycle. However Cardarine is a good fat burner so if you are looking to cut or burn fats then take them daily. Post cycle ended up at 85kg. Blood Tests: Completed pre-cycle, all results normal. BF idfk but waist is 37” around navel, and I’m flabby asf so prolly 35-40 pounds overweight. Yes you can train harder and need less recovery because you recover extremely fast but it impairs you from falling into deep sleep, REM sleep which it blocks completely. If no jitters, carderine is the culprit. Both seem to have great endurance help. Cardarine and lipids Lipid profile – Lipid profile can be skewed by the use of PEDs or poor dietary choices (something we advise getting in check before investing in any supplemental intervention). 2. The gains you keep will only be the gains you could have made naturally. PCT Timing: Plan to start PCT only after completing the cycle. Probably start at 5 throughout the first 3, move up to 10 at week 4 and go from there. g 750 cals and get shredded mate. Hi, as a bit of context Im 6 ft 190lb at around 14% bf, recently coming off a rotator cuff injury and looking to get some strength and muscle back. It' either your diet, other PED or just ur mood not wanting to, stress, life situation T levels etc. Yea and lethargy headaches , the runs lack of appetite , sleep issues nausea …. 25mg/day, week 6-8up to 6. Note: The higher the dosage and the longer the cycle, the greater the risk of developing Realistically, when we see "This drug has been associated with increased risk of cancer," the risk usually still remains low. 5mg every Cardarine Cycle. A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective androgen receptor modulator) like LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, S4, S23 and related compounds like MK677, Cardarine and Stenabolic. My aim was to massively increase my cardiovascular Endurance, especially running times, hence why I choose cardarine - i'm on 10mg daily and I'll run around a 6-8 week cycle staying at 10mg daily. I’m currently 5’6 135lbs, any recommendations regarding dose and length of cycle? Appreciate any help. You need to hop off of it, max out your gym lifts/brain, and then run a more intelligent cycle when you're older and more developed, so you don't leave gains on the table, if that's still what you're interested in after you know wtf you are doing We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Looking at an 8 week cycle for the rad, and staying on the other two You're fine and that's pretty normal. I know Cardarine is not a SARM but I also know that people cycle it with other compounds. Took it for 4 weeks. I'm also on trt, so I don't get a PCT (from what I understand) This thread is archived. I honestly think a lot of people would get bigger just running they despite it not being anabolic. cardarine is a basic cycle to run since it doesn’t effect ur hormones. Can anyone guide me on the optimal workout and diet plan to lose fat, while only on cardarine? I started with 10mg/day for a week, and my endurance has definitely increased. The CANCER Cadarine applied to Wister Rats whom where giving very high dailey doses of caradarine, thus the equivalent of a human taking RAD140 & Cardarine Cut Cycle. Cardarine is a great drug, but I use it for cholesterol support when running something A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective androgen receptor modulator) like LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, S4, S23 and related compounds like MK677, Cardarine and Stenabolic. There is a gent whom has been on 20 mg a day for 20 years and has not experienced any negatives. Cardarine isn't known to cause suppression at all. My favourite by miles is as fallows. It was posted about a year ago where someone said they had 7 ( I believe that was the number) lipomas develop on their body shortly after ending their Cardarine cycle. To get results in mice, they dosed 300 and 600 mg/kg a day divided into 4 doses, which is equivalent to more than most people take in an entire cycle YK11 doesn't have some super special mechanism with respect to follistatin, other AAS affect expression: https://pubmed. But if you want to just cut fat, it's probably a helluva lot safer to just jump on the treadmill Rad is damn suppressive if you don't use a SERM base. Diet/and bulk. The effects disappeared a week or two after the cycle ended. Start of the cycle 118kg (fat) 190cm. because my dumbass spilled the bottle. You would start by week 2-3, with 6. Stopped taking yesterday, still experiences symptoms today. I was doing a set of 2 exercises, 45 seconds rest, repeat. Started the cut doing long time fasting trying to lose 16-17 kg in 5 months going into a crazy caloric deficit planning on running it send of june currently into a crasy caloric deficit already and doing long time fasting to yall think it’s possible? any tips would be great thanks I was going to do cardarine and mk-677 as it will counter act the insulin resistance that happens with the excess GH secretion. That doesn't mean cardarine is unsafe. Im also gonna only update when it's something notable. 1 - help preserve muscle loss during the next couple of months 2 - have the HGH help heal the injury (I might throw in se. 20mg of Ostarine (MK-2866) 20mg of Cardarine (GW-501516) Binding affinity is quite a bit one RAD140 situates around 7, whilst LGD is around 1. Noticeable stronger pumps since day 2, strength was going steadily up. To be on the safe side, you could take an over the counter PCT like Arimistane and likely be fine. I really had a great time with AC-262 at 15mg. My ostarine / cardarine plan is: Week 1: 10mg osta. Oh okay cool cool thanks so you don't need it for cardarine because it doesn't really suppress I’ve looked through a few different forums (non Reddit) and other than anecdotal theory’s about this study or that I’ve only found two things here on Reddit. Hello good people, I would like to share my experience on this cycle. But if you stay on it, it can cause permanent liver damage. ncbi. 25 for two weeks, then done! In short, and basically, it acts as a way to raise testosterone in the body but doesn’t inhibit the conversion to estrogen which is what you want while on cycle. If you can afford to do 10 mg from start to finish, go with that 4Plow6. Time it so it extends the 6 month on MK. Currently in a deficit. Diet would slowly decrease in calories with the goal of decreasing BF while maintaining or improving strength. Done my fair share of research (Reddit, the great Dr. Not only did he lose a lot of fat (about 5% body fat) but he also gained some muscle with the help of Ostarine. Stacking these two compounds helps maximize muscle gain and fat loss in men and women. fm kr qq aq td pu hz bq ah he