Dog only listens to husband reddit. 100% positive control over your pup.

When the pup pulls, your husband could use a pinky to redirect him until he is facing your husband (not that that is what you want to be doing). But yes it's common - my pup is much more attached to me than to my husband. Super friendly and cuddly. OC I regret letting him near our baby boy when Brittany Spears played, as "Baby hit me one more time" is not a good thing to do when they have glass bones. My resident dog resource guards her Chuckit ball. 110 votes, 50 comments. Mash up your dog's food in them and freeze. Get the dog to sit in front of you. He's a bigger dog, around 70 pounds and quite tall. I think it mostly stems from how you each treat your shiba. But when she is affectionate you know it's genuine. The instant the dog locks eyes with you again, treat. When you are both together, the dog will pick one of you to gravitate to, more often. And I like knowing that even with the dogs I have now, they will behave for anybody who asks them to. Generally, this dynamic among owners and the dog has We have a 4 month old shepherd/lab mix and he’s generally a good dog with the usual puppy issues. We have 3 English springer spaniels. She thinks that google is sexist and then calls her offensive words. 1. Keep reading to fully understand why your dog is Hi, My husband and I have a spayed 5 year old Saint Bernard female. Dog needed a home quickly (for the 3rd time in his short life - he's only 1. For example, if there’s someone in the house who is quick to shove or take jabs at your dog when he does something bad, then he’ll quickly associate these actions. , you showed it to him beforehand), start asking him for a trick with your hand behind your back, but without showing him the treat beforehand. We don't bother anymore, we just accept each other for who we are. Look up “It’s yer choice” on Have your fiance do training with you during the day, but only to be in the room. Mar 19, 2024 · Common Reasons Dogs Don’t Listen To You. But yeah, google home hardware has been an ongoing dumpster fire that just seems to get worse every month. Mine also shows affection very coldly, she's just reserved. When we got her 3 years ago from a no kill shelter she was nervous and didn’t… Shibas tend to see one partner as a playmate and the other as the leader. You really need more patience. Probably never has. Good luck! I'm happy she's back with someone who will be nice to her. Synaxis. Make two fists and place them on your knees. My daughter expressed a similar feeling when her dog was a baby. My dog listens to me mostly because I'm the one that feeds him, comforts him, exercises him, and trains him. As part of our commitment to that mission, the AskWomen subreddit is curated to promote respectful and on-topic DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. I've taught her to not bite, and she didn't for almost 5 months, and now she bites when playing again. No verbal cues of any kind, no touching, no looking. Your husband needs to make improvements because you don't deserve to be dismissed for everything you say. Either way, you and your children need to put in time and effort to work on training him, multiple times per day. Hearing loss, ear infections, and other health issues can all make it difficult for a dog to hear and respond to commands. Dog training links, discussions and questions are encouraged and content related to other species is welcome too. I would find a well reputed and very experienced aggression specialist and book them with or without your husband’s knowledge. When she wants to fetch, she’ll drop it at our feet. My husband worships his mother and takes his parenting advice solely from her while disregarding my wishes, especially if they conflict with his mother’s advice. After seeing her at the pound my husband first made the decision that he wanted to get her and then I decided I wanted her as well. 5 years together for 5. Other than that, we have a great bond. It’s funny to the humans in her life. When I'm home the dog is very well behaved. My shiba used to see me as the leader but my boyfriend as the playmate. And every time someone walks by the front window ( a pretty large window so he can easily see Posted by u/mrsarran - 1 vote and 3 comments Before meeting my husband, I fostered dogs. He shouldn’t expect sex if he’s not giving you basic respect. Gf's family start panicking because dog gets scared. And/Or. 54 votes, 32 comments. This is a place where you can ask for advice on many subjects. Find what they love, be that a certain food, a toy, playing or whatever and engage with them in that. It wasn't just this, it was housework, yardwork, care of the other animals, cleaning up after himself, listening to how I wanted affection( I didn't find being annoyed and grabbed at attractive). But we're thinking it might be reinforcing that the dog only has to listen to me if I keep stepping When you, your husband, or even guests enter your home, greet everyone in the house before greeting the dog. Posted by u/babyvs - 4 votes and 2 comments . My girlfriend been over for the holidays and it’s the same thing when I’m at work most perfect dog you can think of. Treats work usually, but he will stand outside the bedroom door… When he comes home I teach my husband what I've done and let him practice with the dog. So if the dog is too excited, tell your wife to ignore the dog completely. He is training in agility and I am his handler. It's 150 pages and can be read in a day or two. I can't wait for her next release to come out and make her shitty imitators explode. 2. She should 100% ignore the dog, and let you do the training. In dog language, there is a loud sound and everyone starts panicking (remember, dog doesn't know that they're panicking because of the dog, just attributes it to what has changed in the last few minutes ie the loud noise). He came home kinda resigned to having a dog at home. I (f) have a 3 year old male dog who is generally well trained. She had a green behavior score at the pound (the best score) and allows all handling. We got this dog, a 3 year old female Tibetan Mastiff, from the pound 1. She is a VERY well behaved husky. Some possible reasons for not listening to them include: Past abuse. Sep 16, 2022 · Fear. '. If he demands attention from you, i. My wife and I had a few asks/demands like this 20yrs ago in our first years of marriage. It could be protecting you or the kids, or it could be a form of reminding your husband that the dog is in charge. Hitting a dog is damaging and dangerous. But don't expect an overnight improvement. Tollers can be very one person dogs. 5 months ago. Siéntate - sit. Nah. You just have to start working more with your dog and create opportunities to It sounds like your husband doesn't respect your boundaries, doesn't listen, and engages in every type of manipulation in the book. Spend more quality time together and 2. She may need to listen to you, and attempt to mimic you when she tells the dog to do something. Second: got husband book 'dont kill the dog. It’s like little kids when Grandma comes. If someone outside the family argued with my parents, he'd defend my parents. You add the word and SLOWLY fade the lure/signal. Maybe try: Leaving the 6 foot nonretractable leash on him as your pup is indoors then, when you are in another room with the door closed, have your husband pick it up and, with treats walk outside. Designate a specific place in the house that is your dog's personal space. Some of the most common reasons why your dog follows you and not your husband include: perceiving you as their parent, leader, or having stronger positive associations with you. There is a real benefit to being emotionally healthy that men and sometimes women often overlook in themselves or in their partners. Our dog had me and my sibling on top. The dog listens to anon. Instead, take a deep breath and try a different approach, change your tone of voice, including a hand cue that your dog knows. You will create a biter. Mar 10, 2023 · Your dog listens to your husband more because he is the one that did all the training, is constantly working with the dog, taking the time to feed him and take him on a walk, and is showing more affection. If you go away for a few days, it might improve your dog’s bond with your husband. It will allow your husband the control he is seeking. We just don’t chase after her or make her give it to us. They are great family dogs overall but can be friendly but standoffish to strangers. Video tape and document any aggression the dog shows. It's only when the dog is hyped up about something like the cats that she stops listening to my wife. Example: if he grabs something he shouldn’t and I say “drop it” he’ll hardly ever do it, but almost always does it for my husband. And there is the problem. Wait. Half Boxer/Half Pit or Lab (will do a DNA test soon. Since you are the primary resource, try correcting him when he barks at your husband, since it sounds like he listens better to you anyway. Don’t worry, he doesn’t love your mom more than you, he probably acts that way because he doesn’t get to spend as much time with her, so when he sees her he’s super excited. Prove to the dog that nothing changes, even if your partner isn’t there and it’s just you. So, what we immediately begin doing is asking them questions to see “why” the dynamic of your relationship is the way it is. At the beginning of our relationship my husband was very attentive, engaged When I’m at work my family watches my dog. When the dog realized that I was a nice lady who gave him nice things, my ex's deep voice and intimidating presence meant nothing to him. My dog doesn't listen to my commands as much as he did before, do I need my dad to… Hi Reddit I have a German Shepard golden retriever 8 month pup. To me, it sounds like either, tour husband has trained dogs before or you were not involved in training the puppy. Scavenger hunt - hide treats in cardboard boxes and scrap paper. You will have to work on that, especially. hammy-hams. I've also seen tips for hiding treats out of sight around the house so you can train and grab surprise rewards to help your dog learn to obey without the Tranquilo - quiet. UhhmericanJoe. Vamos - let's go. Definitely something you want to nip in the bud and keep from escalating. And this is after taking care of a very well-behaved dog (listens to all the basic commands, doesn’t bark a lot, etc. Yep. For the only listening when you have food part, you can use a clicker or verbal cue to let the dog know they are getting a reward even if you don't have one in your hand at the moment. Whisgo. Dog sometimes growls at husband, but never me. Then your bond will strengthen for sure. jumps in your lap, seeks out petting/attention, ignore him. Only add the word when the dog gets to the point that they are guessing what you want after tons of reps. He'll learn that hand behind back = potential food, therefore trick is worth doing. /r/dogs is a place for dog owners of all levels of knowledge, skill, and experience to… My dad was his primary trainer but I take care of the dog mostly. Romance/Relationships. Every dog is bribeable. Skip to main content Dog only listens when treats are involved. AskWomen: A subreddit dedicated to asking women questions about their thoughts, lives, and experiences; providing a place where all women can comfortably and candidly share their responses in a non-judgmental space. Right/wrong, dunno, but he's listening. Posted by u/tarzancrazedcat - 1 vote and 5 comments My husband, a complete dumbass, only listens to commands from the radio. And he’s the most laziest couch potato dog. Put some treats (say, 4) in each hand. So I have a 17 month old German Shepard who only listens when he is training. It might be his personal space, the dog might think that your husband is encroaching on a space he values. We had a similar situation. The only other person he listens to as well as me is my friend who has a brother to my dog. This inconsistency can lead to confusion, anxiety, and frustration, causing him to only listen to you when he feels like it. As for commands, tell her to only give commands I've trained my dog many things, from sit, down, to spin, come and wait. Just can't figure out the only listening to my husband only part. Other reasons could be connected to the breed characteristics, separation anxiety, velcro dog syndrome, or instinct. My husband wants to get rid of our new dog. Similar to children, if one parent is more lax and another parent is more strict, you behave differently around them. Dogs don’t always transfer training well, so it may be that you go back to the very basics of dog training. Building a relationship takes time. Dog only listens while training, not when needed. It may have something to do with how your girlfriend approaches the command itself. She's always happy to see me and she's even already protective of me. It’s because the base attitude in her, and a lot of other women’s mind is that to maintain psychological control of a partner she HAS to be right and you have to be wrong. 5. The dog will naturally calm down if no one is interacting. Nov 21, 2023 · Each person might have a different relationship with the dog, and the dog may exhibit various behaviors to show their understanding of these roles. ) He wasn't adopted from a shelter, but via a friend of a friend of a friend on facebook. /r/dogs is a place for dog owners of all levels of knowledge, skill, and experience to discuss various topics related to responsible dog ownership. Tell your wife only to interact when the dog is calm. ) I've trained her to look at my face for a smile or a frown. help. When I step in, dog listens. The peeing, pooping, and vomiting are not intentional. Him digging in his bed isn't even bad behaviour. ”. How can that be . She probably only listens to you because you're her main caretaker, so she feels safest with you. She is fine off leash, she is not destructive, and she does not “talk”. I met him at work, which is important because I know the level of which he is capable of engaging, listening, and processing information. And the comment about choosing the dog over you is borderline I would start either putting him in a stay or teaching him to go to a specific place (like a bed) when you hug. Cállate! - shut up! ("CA-ya-te") Túmbate - lie down. Then compare it with how you tell the dog to do the same thing. She’s amazing. I have been resolving all of her issues, including resource guarding, through positive training. Go back to the very basics. When your dog is more consistently doing tricks when he knows you have food (i. We cannot understand why or what to do about it. In general, he listens to me as long… When I approach my husband for any conversation at all, most of the time if I do not look sexy , hot , pretty etc he won’t really pay attention to what I’m saying. That's between her and your husband, the way he behaves with her determinate the way she considers him - you can't force her to respect him. It can be a lot to take in, but dogs may listen more to other people because they’re scared of what might happen if they don’t. ). To the contrary, a dog that licks around the nose/mouth of another is typically showing submission by doing so. He just wanted to be left alone and snuggled on his terms. I, personally, would not want to have to raise my voice to get my dog to listen. A good way to get your family more involved in training and help her get more comfortable with them is to play the recall game (although at 9 weeks, you don't have to use the recall cue yet). • 2 yr. Sep 12, 2013 · Every single day at our dog training facility in Northern Virginia we hear people say, “My dog listens to my husband (or wife), but he doesn’t listen to me. He's listening, he's just not following through with your asks/demands. He was surrended to a shelter, along with some other dogs, because his former owner didn't want to breed dogs anymore. Reply. In other words, the pup will avoid pulling because it will get him nowhere. I get the angel version of our dog and my wife gets the demon. I also, have my husband be the one to take care of him when he comes home. The solution is an odd one. In this case, it would help to try being the one to give it food and exercise sometimes. Most dogs understand gestures, so you can probably teach her gestures to match whatever Spanish commands she knows and then transition to teaching her the English commands that match the gestures. This may come in handy if you need to leave with your child one day. He’s being horrible. If a dog is not listening to their owner, or ignoring them, it could be due to an underlying health problem. My dog is very much attached to me, but she and my husband are imprinted on each other. One issue we’re having is that he’ll listen to my husband much more than he listens to me. His mom is Moldovan and has many misguided and outdated ideas regarding parenting that’s negatively impacting my baby’s wellbeing. Make your dog hunt around for them. It might also be the case that he has trained your dog to listen to him. The dog is a start. Think about your needs first. If a stranger argued with a family friend occasionally, he'd defend the family friend. You've only had the dog 2 months now and he's not even a year old. For instance. My husband doesn’t listen to me. If you want to convince someone not to ever want a dog, I highly recommend taking care of someone else’s dog for a few days. Begrudgingly lol but she listens. If you want your dog to like you more, I can just tell you: 1. However, 90% of the time she wouldn't do any of them unless there's a treat, not any treat even, just a few. Dogs feel safe around such a "leader" personality. It’s a simple way to communicate household & social standing to your dog and she’ll be more likely to listen to you. Your dog is just scared. I'm a guy, and I think Olivia is like a breath of fresh air to the music industry. A bit of background first. 916K subscribers in the Advice community. But unfortunately, it has a major impact on the dog’s mindset. r/AskWomen. You lure over and over and over. Stop thinking about how YOU’RE doing things wrong, that YOU’RE not making HIM happy. Out of training during normal situations he only listen or will to a small extent then go right back to what he was doing. But when I get home it’s like a Dogs have a loyalty tree but it's not necessarily the oldest. If recalling her is the struggle, practice calling her throughout the day when you know she will definitely obey, and give her a treat. There is another school of thought that dogs have been domesticated for a long time now and there is no longer an alpha or a pack leader. They have a dig living with them that the bf (22, M) has had for 4 years… If my husband is home and I have him do the same damn thing, she listens. " Other signs might include "seeking specific individuals DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. There are plenty of men out there that would never tell their partner they don’t care what they’re saying. My dogs don’t give AF about anyone but me. Don't be fooled, he's only keeping the dog for himself. DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. They may refuse to mind, or refuse to be consoled, when their person isn’t Quick backstory: We recently adopted a dog, whom I adore. It’s normal for a dog to sometimes have a favored person, but a well trained adult dog (not a puppy) should reliably listen to all members of the household if they’re giving consistent commands. Award. My dog doesn't know negativity (interpret loosely. This subreddit is a great starting point for a lot of information, but you should always verify and expand upon what you've read from reputable sources before putting it to use in your daily life. He gets distracted after like 1 minute and doesn’t even listen. Health Problems. For example, a dog might be more submissive to one person (rolling over for belly rubs) and more assertive with another (jumping or barking). Do a short hug, stop, treat and praise him for not barking and running over. From that point on you only say the command once. •. true. They didn’t even like ex husband except the one that he had before we got married. Here you'll find content that will help you train your dogs. He was kept outside in a run/shed for most of his life and was used as a breeding dog. ) But no, he's right. Jul 28, 2023 · If your dog is only listening to you, there may be some reasons why they are refraining from listening to others. The reason your dog follows you around rather than your husband could be that your dog is afraid of your husband. The dog only gets the reward if she listens to YOU, and your fiancee can have no input in that. Even my best friend who he sees multiple times a week doesn’t have the bond with my pup that I do or my other buddy. In this case, if the dog is only licking the SO's face, she is showing submission to the SO, but not the OP - SO would be the alpha in the family. My whippet River listens to my husband when I am not around. Make it more rewarding to go to her than to you for a while. Everybody has issues that they run into, and… 4. MockingbirdRambler • Wildbear Pointing Griffons • 2 yr. Spend time training the dog just you and use high value treats like hot dogs or cheese at first. I know a lot of things are interconnected and I cannot expect certain things to improve without also addressing other things (specifically I always tell people that my dog is a “dogs dog” when they get upset cause he’s aloof and doesn’t want anything to do with them. A couple that I’m friends with just moved in together for the first time. Having a dog that's scared of its own shadow is the way to go. While she listens to my husband's commands I’m 23 and still living at home due to financial reasons, and we have a 2 year old husky that I bought as a puppy for my dad after our last dog passed away. It boiled down to consistency in rules. Reply More replies. Try letting your partner give a command with you next to them, and then you give the reward. Listen to how she tells the dog what to do. 5 years old now) or else he was being brought to a shelter. Your dog will be confused if you tell him to “ sit ” one day, “ go down ” the next, and “ sit down ” the third. Avoid this problem by If he is barking at your husband, your husband yelling at him will not help or eliminate his behavior. He’s back to looking at his phone as I’m talking. There is, of course, the obvious reason for this; violence. Especially since your followup comment said your son gets overwhelmed by the dog's behavior too. Use play work toys like kongs, lick mats, snuffle mats etc. Positive reinforcement is a much better way to go. It's like she knows my husband doesn't like dogs and continues to charm him everyday. She knows sit, jump, shake, other paw, sit… The difference here being that my dog could actually kill her and doesn't back down (which we have been working on, but fights have only ever happened with this single dog, of the hundreds of dogs that my dog regularly encounters. Try some positive, relationship-building games like teaching Leave It. After a week, my husband confirmed that he never wants a dog. I'd say don't lose sight of all he DOES do. I usually try to teach something new each time he goes away. You need to start building a bond with the Check them out and work with your pup on this. We are dialed in, so when someone storms in screaming no or not being relatively gentle dog is confused. 6M subscribers in the dogs community. Make sure the dog sees them and knows they're there. 100% positive control over your pup. When you teach your dog to sit, first you lure. Most of our google homes completely ignore my wife and only listen to me (not just broadcast). Mar 2, 2023 · If your husband is the one that feeds and exercises your dog, it would be very likely that your dog listens to him because your dog wants food or exercise. May 21, 2024 · This is actually reinforcing your dog to ignore you and only listen to the partner. 11 votes, 14 comments. My husband and I have been married for 2. We recently adopted a 7 yo Elkhound about a month a half ago. However, this doesn’t mean that your dog doesn’t like you. All other aspects of the training have gone perfectly, including when my wife has training sessions with the dog. If he truly cares, he will make improvements like my hubby did. He was more annoying the dog than anything else, wanting to play, but the dog wasn't into it. There is also the fact that the husband might look more like the trainer than she does, meaning that the husband is a closer discriminative stimuli to the trainer than she is, which would make it easier for the husband. Frozen puzzles like Kong, toppl, lickimat. You being right means she might have to give you an equal voice in the marriage and that’s not on. For recall, make sure your wife has super awesome treats (cheese, real meat, etc). There is a toy on Amazon that looks like 3 bottles which dogs need to flip over to dispense treats. So something he does (or does not do) giver her the impression that she is better than him. He makes me chase after him or corner him if it’s time for bed or for me to leave. Jun 19, 2021 · Truly one person dogs are only happy when they are around their person. I had one dog when we met (nearly 8 yrs ago) and continued fostering for about a year after we met. e. -2. 4. ajoy1990. Sometimes it happens that we are not aware of things that have happened to them in our absence. MrsDirtbag. That said, a good dog trainer should be trying to get the dogs behavior to generalize to anyone working with the dog instead /r/dogs is a place for dog owners of all levels of knowledge, skill, and experience to discuss various topics related to responsible dog ownership. Required reading. We both got him as a puppy and have done training together, attended puppy classes together, and done lots of in house training. This community is geared towards modern, force-free, science based methods and recommendations. My mouth dropped. The next day they were kissing each other and playing on the floor. However, there are also many other reasons your dog could be fearful of your husband aside from your husband physically harming your dog. You can start ignoring him whenever he tries to talk to you and then tell him, you're doing to him what he does to you. ago. You will have to train the jumping on others out of them, but I still haven’t mastered getting them to listen to other people telling them to sit or come or stop. It builds your dogs trust in you, it builds their confidence, and it decreases their anxiety. The dog will begin to inspect your hands (for those treats). Sheprador licks everyone and anyone she's just a ham. But you can't get her to listen to both of you. There's my girls, one who loves people and never met a… A professional dog trainer with an amazing dog told me that her dog pulls on the lead with her husband. They can be nice/aloof but obedience wise. In severe cases, they may mope, hide away, refuse to play or even eat when “their” person is away from home. Your dog should understand exactly what you mean when you say “sit. Sometimes I'll purposely ignore her and then she'll go over to him for attention. They may become stressed or uncooperative if they need to be handled or transported. Set her up for success to build those pathways in her mind. If our parents yelled/hit us, he'd defend us. It may be that when you are together, the dog will listen to one of you better than the other. It only trains the dog not to listen to the commands. Hello everyone. Then try saying the command and giving the treat with your partner still standing there. When I come around he gets burst of energy,jumps on everyone and everything,play bites everyone. Hello, I've been working steadily with my reactive dog for a year and a half now and have involved a trainer this year, but I am very discouraged by her progress. bq eu mc bg uf qt yq bb nh dv