• 1 yr. now measuring 9 weeks 2 days with heart rate 88. A low fetal heart rate can be an early marker of potential miscarriage. 97 doesn't sound that low to me at 6 weeks 3 days this baby's heart rate was 110 and I'm 36 weeks tomorrow. Ladies who have experienced this before and had a positive outcome, please share your story! TW: not a success story ——— Just going through this…I have been diagnosed with anembrionic pregnancy (bo) at 6 weeks 2 days. Fetal heart rate measures 76 bpm. 0 weeks (188 of 310), 17. 5 years ago) at 6 weeks 2 days after the ultrasound tech couldn't find a heart beat. Anybody experience a low fetal heartbeat and have it be okay? Posted by u/Marisa783 - 3 votes and 12 comments When I did my first scan I was 7 weeks, measured 6+4, and babies bpm was 119. The second ultrasound (this past Monday) showed multiple sacs (my OB for sure saw 2 but questioned if the one that had an actual embryo in it was split in two because of the “hour glass shape“ it had) but every sac was empty other than the oddly shaped sac which had one embryo measuring 7+0 (9. In my case, it was in the low 80s, and so I don't have a good news story to share, but at 107? Based on the 5-6 studies I read, I would be cautiously optimistic. OB told me to “protect my heart Measuring the right size for 6+3 apparently. Pregnancy Week 41. The doctor said stop Lovenox and endometrin and count this as a non viable pregnancy and I would miscarry in 2 weeks or we could induce a miscarriage. Just had my first ultrasound at 7w4d. Safe heart rate is 110-160, while 110 is on the low end, it's still safe. My baby was measuring at the 8th percentile for his abdomen. 6% for pregnancies with slow heart rates at 6. A normal heartbeat at 6-7 weeks would be 90-110 beats per minute. 5 weeks (Fetal pole 3. It was just the heart rate was low. Although there was a sac with a baby, the sac was smaller and the heart rate was also pretty low (but I could see the heart flicker) . At 6+4w it was 118 and at 8+2w it was 178! 124 is definitely normal in the 6th week! First US at 8w5d and heart rate of 170. My midwife found the embryo with a lower than expected heart rate but was confident that it was just a very early, just getting started heartbeat and I probably implanted later than I’d also expect this to be a loss. Sep 20, 2021 路 The lower the fetal heart rate, the worse the prognosis. Any experience with 6 week ultrasound. Best of luck! Thanks for sharing. Be real with me here. With my first 10 years ago I had brown spotting early on and rushed in for a check. INeedaUterusWindow. At 7w1d (yesterday), baby measured 6w6d and heart rate was 94. I’m now quite anxious and awfully terrified of a miscarriage. We have to go in next week for a follow up to see if it has gotten any better, or if the pregnancy will Hey everyone! So you can check my posts in my history. I was asked to come again 1 week later for a scan to check again, but he didn't sound Add a Comment. Saw an empty sac in uterus at 5 weeks 5 days and again today. Crypto With the bleeding, being around 6 weeks with no yolk sac and no fetal pole, cramping, a previous miscarriage, and the gestational sac measuring ahead, I was really expecting the worst. I know it's very hard. I would have been 7 weeks to the day on Tuesday. Strange thing is my HCG were still increasing but I haven't received the latest HCG results. I was really hoping to see the gestational sac and yolk at least based on what I’ve been reading on this feed, but I was only showing a gestational sac, no yolk, but something very faint. 馃檪. Feb 29, 2024 路 0505DPC. 62 and they said it measured 6 weeks. After struggling with PCOS for 6 years, this was a welcome and surprising pregnancy. I did a third one two days after that and it went up to 9800! Does anyone have any experience with low fetal heart rate or chorionic bump? I should add that my hcg levels have been good: Week 4 - 270 Week 4, day 2 - 582 Week 5, day 2 - 8624 Week 6, day 2 - 32,474 UPDATE: today I'm 7 weeks 2 days. 5mm) but the heart beat was only 60 bpm (taken According to the American Pregnancy Association, "Generally, from 6 ½ -7 [gestational] weeks is the time when a heartbeat can be detected and viability can be assessed. There is hope now! 馃寛. I had my first ultrasound Monday morning at 6 weeks 6 days (but I was measuring 6 weeks 3 days), and the heart rate was only 90. Same happened to me! Only saw yolk and gestational sacs at 5w+4. The waiting game is the worst. I thought I was 7W3D or so, ultrasound measuring 6w3d. I had another round of pink spotting that evening and upped progesterone again and stopped baby aspirin. Hello, So I went to get an u/s last Friday due to some spotting and baby measured 6 weeks exactly with a heartbeat of 185. ago. The next week on 12/27 it was 1055, and then on 12/29 slowed way down to 1500. Has anyone experienced anything like this with a good outcome? I was just barely 6 weeks last week. does my first ultrasound around 6 weeks. From what I can tell, most studies suggest defining a heart rate of less than 120 as a slow heart rate that gives a greater chance of pregnancy loss. Doubling in 96hrs+ is expected after 6,000. There’s always a chance it can improve but I’ve battled recurrent loss the last few years and each of my losses had low heart rates around this number at the 6 week, up to 6w5d, mark. Hello, everyone. The doctor is having me come back this coming Monday to check on the progress. At 7 weeks I had an ultrasound to confirm embryo development. I’m 7 weeks exactly today, and today was the first day we could hear the heartbeat. OB told me to “protect my heart I had an ultrasound today for my third pregnancy, one that resulted in my two year old in 2017 and the other a mmc in January. At seven weeks you are supposed to be at 120+. I went in for my first ultrasound today (7w4d) and the baby is measuring behind by several days (7w0d), and the heartbeat is slower than the normal range (98 bpm when it should be 100). I went in to the doctor on 03/08 thinking I was 8 weeks along, I got a transvaginal ultrasound and they only saw an empty gestational sac measuring at 6w+3d (No yolk sac or fetal pole), I was really discouraged and sad as I have had 2 miscarriages in the past and a Update: first scan they measured using the yolk sac they said I was 6 weeks 4 days. Heart rate only 96. I hate, obviously, to share this as I never want When 8 weeks pregnant, started having vaginal bleeding without any pain. 2 weeks (crown-rump length ≤4 mm) heart rate ≥100 bpm: 89% survival; heart rate 90-99 bpm: 68% survival; heart rate 80-89 bpm: 36% survival; heart rate <80 bpm: ~0% survival Dec 17, 2019 路 I am 6 weeks exact and had my 1st ultrasound today. It generally does not indicate a good sign of progression, that coupled with the dates being a bit off. Pregnancy Week 42. We were at 119. It's not uncommon for the heartbeat to be a little low/borderline at 5+5 or a few days later, because it's right around the time the heart starts beating, and the heart needs some time to get its rate up to the "normal, healthy" range. For that reason, my OB practice doesn't measure heart rates even at 7 + 0. At 6w mine was 104. Background: I am currently 8 weeks after a frozen embryo transfer in May. 5 weeks: 172/179 heart rates 9. I’ve had two previous miscarriages so now that we are expecting again my Dr. The pregnancy showed 6 weeks 2 days and heart rate measured 87. Aug 1, 2011 路 I'm sorry you are going through this. I’ve had spotting early on with all of my pregnancies. Last week I had an ultrasound at 6. A heart beat was noted, however I was told it was on the "lower end of normal" of 105 bpm for this gestational age. 2 weeks ago we did another growth scan and my baby is no longer fetal growth restricted. ” Doc said it is still early and looks ok, but that I’ll need to return next week and see it >100bpm to get some reassurance. Not too bad. Was guessing on my dates based on when i thought i ovulated. I have been crying about this so much and so scarred it too me 3 years to get this baby馃槥 pls lord tell me it can stick. I’ve read 90-110bpm in 6-8 weeks can be normal. Pregnancy Week 40. Fetus measured 3. Baby is measuring at 6 weeks exactly with a heart rate of 81. This resource says that a HR below 100 with CRL at 5-9 mm has a 0% chance of success. May 28, 2021 路 7 week scan, measuring behind with low fetal heart rate- Success stories please January 30, 2024 | by kfletch91 I went Thursday for my 7 week scan, I was 7W2D which I am absolutely sure of as I know when my positive ovulation test was. First one was 4300, two days later it was only 4701. I think it was 159 but that might’ve been the 8 week ultrasound. I've read so many studies saying this is very low, ,and that it should be at least 120 at this time. Went back at 6w+4 and saw a fetal pole with a heartbeat! Very normal to not see a fetus or hear anything before 6w. I had strong betas in the beginning and found a fetal pole/sac, etc at my 6 week ultrasound. Baby measured the right size and we saw the heart beat, but the rate was only in the 60's - which we were told was low but could be a sign that it had just started beating or it could mean possible mc. They doubled the progesterone dose and after 2 weeks it stayed in the parameters. If anyone has good news stories with such a slow heart rate 6 weeks GA please let me know. I had a scan at 8 weeks, with measurements closer to 6. In the 120s is above that, so that’s good. Aug 14, 2016 路 I had my first ultrasound (internal) the other day I was 6w4d. My doctor said it was low but could have just started beating. My hcg levels were not doubling like they should and I started spotting. At 6 weeks the heart rate was 107 bpm. Obviously at that time a heartbeat couldn't be found, they could only confirm that there was a little egg in a little sac. Hello All,Technically I am due (if a viable pregnancy) in November. 0 weeks and a normal heart rate at follow We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Feb 29, 2024 at 11:28 AM. I literally bought research studies. We made it, always outside the minimum until we hit 10 weeks, so it was a long wait. Has anyone experienced a low heart rate early on and it turned out perfectly? Tell me something good. I was nervous too when I saw it at 119, but she has been getting nothing but flying colors each check in. I had a private scan done today and the heartbeat measured 105. I thought I was 5w and 5d, so not too far off there. & when I googled heartrate at 6 weeks it says normal range between 90 and 110 I believe. The presence of an embryonic heartbeat is an assuring sign of the health of the pregnancy. This past Monday… 6+0. We saw a yolk sac at 5w5, but no fetal pole or heartbeat. Ultrasound tech also said baby was still a little more "curled" than they'd like to see at this point. Two days later they measured the fetal pole and heart rate this time and measured me 6 weeks 1 day. You are overanalyzing, low 150s is perfectly normal for 8 weeks. I’m also having fairly bad cramping today. Everything else measured where we expected. I thought for sure the pregnancy was not viable and was crushed. I inserted the misoprostol pills tonight and am hoping it all just comes out in… I had a scan last week at my OB’s office where no heart heart was found but she thought she saw a fetal pole - so she had me schedule a formal ultrasound. 0-7. It was a relief because around 5 weeks 5 days, there was just a sac. Projected outcome from the literature I found indicated odds were very much not in our favor. It is measurable sonographically from around 6 weeks and the normal range varies during gestation, increasing to around 170 bpm at 10 weeks Here were my levels: 11/8: 3,057 11/10: 4,535 11/13: 7,975. If the baby measured 7 weeks with a 100bpm, that would be a much bigger concern than measuring 6+4 with 100 bpm. Aug 1, 2005 路 The rates of first-trimester demise were 60. The heartbeat was really hard to find but when the tech saw it it was only 77bpm. I upped my protein intake and did weekly ultrasounds and NSTs. Today at my 7 week scan, the Doc said the baby's growth doesn't look like 7 weeks. My last miscarriage, there was no heart beat at all so I feel a little relieved but also worried. Yes, it can be completely normal. 6. Everything's been solid. It was an OB who did the… Results: The rates of first-trimester demise were 60. From my LMP I should… When we went for our 9 week ultrasound babys heart rate was 181 which according to some sources is high but apparently according to dr google, a hb is only considered high if it remains >200 after 12 or 13 weeks. My dating/viability scan was yesterday and based on LMP I would be 7W5D, however my results from scan showed: Gestational sac = 5. 0–7. The fetal heart rate was measured at 122bm. Baby had a fast heart rate & was wiggling around. It was low! Tech scanned twice and the fetal heartbeat was 84 and then 86 bpm. Yesterday we are at 7w4d gestational and the fetal age is 5w5days and the heart beat was 95-110 and measuring at fetus was measuring at 6w3d and sack at 7w. We are now 15+4 and found out she's a girl. My baby's heartrate was always 165-170, but I have a few friends whose heartrates were consistently around 185. Now I'm terrified is going to go badly. I had a low fetal heart rate at my 6 week scan. I waited to m/c naturally but it was a long drawn out process. I went in for my ultra sound yesterday. Has anyone else had a heart rate this low at this stage? Business, Economics, and Finance. 2nd update: Even more hope— heartbeat is 147 at 7w3d. This condition is also known as fetal bradycardia. Yeah its good if you can to stay on top on your food schedule, like make sure you eat enough. My next ultrasound is in a few days but I’m detecting a low heart rate for my baby using my at-home Doppler fetal heart monitor. Unfortunately at this point there isn’t much you can do but hold tight and wait. But the heart rate did seem low and to add insult to injury, the radiographer added a note at the bottom: “fetal demise highly likely. They told me it was on the low end of good and I stresssssed. But I wanted you to have context on the data. They’re concerned with how low it is at this point and said it’s a 50/50 shot of viability. 4% for those with borderline heart rates (103 of 593), and 9. Baby was measuring 6W1d, 8 days behind, with fetal heart rate of 79 BPM. Dec 30, 2015 路 The doc said although the baby, sac and yolk have all grown from 6 week scan, the baby is small (about a week behind what it should be) and it has a slow heart rate at 78 bpm (should be 100-120). Not much growth, it’s too small, and empty. In the time frame of 2 days, red bright blood changed to brown blood and stopped. I lost my previous pregnancy (2. However the Dr is concerned and said I have to come back in a week. Not in second, but by the end of first trimester. I thought I was 7 weeks 4 days based on LMP, but I tend to have 30-31 day cycles. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. The growth at my latest scan was still good (1 day ahead actually), but the heart rate was slower than the previous week. This is our first pregnancy and we’ve been struggling to conceive for a year and Hi everyone, I’m 6w4d today. There’s nothing that gives any indication you aren’t 6ish weeks, and the beta looks fine. My first positive was also 12/19, and my beta on 12/20 was 77, and 12/22 was 166. 17K subscribers in the CautiousBB community. 4 weeks pregnant on the day of a missed period only works for someone with a 28 day cycle. Everything I read says that 90 is dangerously low…. I basically learned the first half of 6 weeks you want above 100 (though if it’s slightly below it’s not automatic loss), and the second half of 6 weeks you want above 120. Here are the specifics (twins) 7. Being here is so anxiety inducing but hopefully my story can give you some hope. We just had our 6. Having this week wait has been simultaneously torture but maybe a blessing since it’s given me time to process the situation. We saw a fetal pole and the flash of a heartbeat on the screen. Heartbeat of 118 was heard at 6wk6d. 9mm CRL = 1. I hope you’ll be the unicorn with a good outcome, but do guard your heart. I know its hard. Which it did, my next scan was 170. I feel like I have officially exhausted google in my search for any kind of possibility so I’m turning to you guys. Thanks in advance! Mine did similar things, but I think even slower than yours. I had a colleague who in the second I went in at 7 weeks 3/4 days & was measuring slightly ahead at 8 weeks. The heartbeat went up to 129 and baby is measuring 7 weeks and 1 day. Research online has made me feel ever worse. Was the ultrasound abdominal or vaginal? If it was abdominal which many emergency room ultrasounds are it is significantly more difficult to see things this early I'm surprised they were even able to see if it'll pull if that were the case. The doctor (and everything I read online) says that is normal but I'm seeing so many other people with higher FHRs. A few weeks later at 9+3 it was 181 And at 10+6 175 measuring 2 days ahead. They all looked kind of somber and just left it at "well we'll see you next week. Went to ER they said fetus is measuring 5 weeks 3 days and heart rate is 62 bpm and i will miscarry. 1% for those with normal heart rates (186 of 2034). At 6w1d, baby measured 6w3d and had a heart rate of 120 bpm. Keep doing what you’re doing mama. I am so lucky to have found out everything is okay today at my ultrasound. I can’t really use my LMP because I ovulated very late. Please note I went to the ER because I had cramping/ a pricking feeling (not too crazy but certainly noticeable, say when I coughed) on my left side. Any success stories with a lower early fetal heart rate, or is another miscarriage inevitable at this point? Long story short, I went to the ER thinking I was 6w2d but the US put me at 5w6d. For cautious pregnant people on this great, perilous journey to parenthood. I counted about 106bpm for my 10-week fetus which is, from my understanding, very low. 5 weeks: 158/159 heart rates 8. She didn’t say the number (and I forgot to ask). gestational age ≤6. Everything else was high 20s. 5 weeks: 159/164 heart rates Jan 18 I was measured 8 weeks 4 days heart rate 175. I'm 6w 0 days baby measured 5 weeks 6 days. according to the er docs馃槥 I went to the er for other reasons but they check everything when you’re pregnant. Unfortunately the lowest success rate I’ve heard of turning around was in the low 90s (our clinic typically looks for 100-120 at 6 weeks) It’s also just one of those things that either will be viable or it won’t, nothing you do or don’t do will change the outcome at this point so try not to stress about trying to change your routine. She said to resume normal life as if I Jun 4, 2020 路 I am measuring at 6 weeks which is just about right. May 22, 2020 at 9:39 PM. Dr ordered a repeat for next week. 3rd update: Baby is healthy so far at 18 I had my first ultrasound on Monday at 6 weeks 6 days (but measuring 6 weeks 3 days), and the heart rate was only 90. I went in yesterday and based on my LMP was 5w6d, but measured at 6w3d as the fetus was 6mm. In general, a low fetal heart rate is considered to be fewer than 100-120 beats per minute. I was put in the higher risk category for fetal growth restriction at 27 weeks. To answer your question: at 6w3d the fetal heart rate was 120 bpm. It's been an emotional roller coaster. 5 week ultrasound with our fertility clinic and learned that our baby’s heart rate is only 79-80 bpm. I think the normal range according to the American Pregnancy Association for 6-7 weeks is 90-110. Then at 7w5d it was 157 bpm. This is my first pregnancy. I’ve been pretty anxious, after my scan at the ER Sunday I messaged my doc letting him know I was worried about the heart rate (checked my records it was 78) measuring 6 weeks, the nurse got back to me quick, saying it’s a little low and they like to see it around 100 at this stage. Our first ultrasound was at 10 + 4 ! Jan 12, 2016 路 7 week scan, measuring behind with low fetal heart rate- Success stories please January 30, 2024 | by kfletch91 I went Thursday for my 7 week scan, I was 7W2D which I am absolutely sure of as I know when my positive ovulation test was. At 6+5 (Bub was measuring at 6+3) it’s heart rate was exactly 120. Came home and was waiting for bleeding to be heavier and pains to start. There are much better articles out there about what a beta should be at 14dpo or 4 weeks gestation (which would be different from 6 weeks since LMP for someone with a long cycle). 5 weeks and the growth was right on track, but the heart rate was only 69. 1% for those From what I gather there's a 50/50 chance everything will be okay. Has anyone else had a heart rate this low at this stage? StableAngina. My doctor said that the sonographer wasn’t concerned at all, but my doctor is. My HCG measured around 10,000. Also, I did some research and most over 90 at that stage seems to work out. Hopefully good news next week! FYI-it can be normal to have a low fetal heart rate for the first 3-5 days when it first starts. At our scan we measured 2 days behind at 6w2d, and FHR was only at 111. . We had no heartbeat at 6 weeks. Sep 22, 2020 路 Today was my first ultrasound. However, she said fetal heart rate is pretty slow. Embryo not growing fast & lower heart rate at 8 weeks. As of 1/5 it was 4100. I had what some would consider a low fetal heart rate but the next time it was way, way up and everything was fine. I went for a transvaginal ultrasound today at 6 weeks 1 day and they saw a normal gestational sac, yolk sac, and fetal pole. I'm currently 28w4d with a healthy baby. Now 16 weeks & I can start to feel baby boy kicking me 馃寛 this was after a 12 (almost 13) week loss & a 7 week loss. I’m now at 12+3 and a home Doppler is a daily reminder that bub’s still growing. I’m really worried because this seems so low. 6 weeks low heart rate and small sac. Under 90 is "low" and below 100 I believe is borderline low, and borderline line low babies had a much better chance at survival, and something like 82% went on to have normal heart rates at 8 weeks. Low and slow betas, doubling between 60-35% in 2 days. Everything looked okay aside from a small subchorionic hematoma and (as the doctor on duty put it) “a little low” fetal heart rate of 96bpm. Ultrasound. I was really excited to see a heart because I had a miscarriage in February, a blighted ovum and never saw it. There were 59 pregnancies with a slow heart rate at 6. 35 mm) and Low FHR of 95, follow up at 9 weeks, measurements smaller (3. Low fetal heart rate. So I'm going back next week. They measured me at 7 weeks, which isn’t terrible to be a few days off, but the heart rate was only around 100bpm. Saw a small gestational sac at 5+4 that measured a few days behind when my hcg was around 2000. There was no heartbeat today. Baby is measuring 7w6d, which lines up perfect with my ovulation and had a heart rate Aug 1, 2005 路 RESULTS: The rates of first-trimester demise were 60. May 23, 2020 路 Empty sac at 6 weeks successful story! Mommy2bee2021. Apr 26, 2017 路 at my 7-week ultrasound, the baby was measuring 6 weeks with heart rate of 134 today (lmp) 9 weeks 3 days baby is measuring 8 weeks 5 days but they said heart rate is flickering but couldn't pick it up I've had 7 prior losses so this news is I had my first baby in 2019 and she was smooth sailing. A yolk sac is present. It sounds like it could go either way - but right now there is a heart beat so that is good news! My situation was similar but unfortunately ended in MMC. She said its not a good sign and said we must have another scan in a week. . The heart rate was 103. My ultrasound was last Tueday, they called Friday and said that there was no heart beat and wanted to start the proceedings to expel the pregnancy. 88mm HR = 77 Need Hugs! I had my 1st ultrasound today and I was measuring 5 weeks, 6 days. From what I’m reading online (I know, terrible to do this), the prognosis does not seem good. I have two healthy kids. My doctor said to prepare for this to be a loss, but my 1 week follow up ultrasound is tomorrow morning. It’s an IVF pregnancy so we know the date for sure. The sonographer wasn’t concerned at all, but my doctor is. In one of my past miscarriages, the heart rate never reached 100, so I was excited about that number. You're numbers sound good and that early, my baby looked just like a circle/gummy bear so there wasn't much to see or differentiate from the gestational sac. A normal fetal heart rate (FHR) usually ranges from 120 to 160 beats per minute (bpm) in the in utero period. 15mm) and FHR of 89. He’s 7 months old now! A lot of stuff on the internet says the heart rate should be around 120 at this point but that's just not true. The 5th percentile for 6+3 is 104, with median 120 - see here . Found the heart rate and it was 54 bpm. 3. This was heartbreaking, but doctor said it might be too early and scheduled me I had an issue with low fetal heartrate a couple of years ago. I was originally excited but now so concerned after reading articles saying this could be a predictor for miscarriage that it’s measuring behind and not over 120. But I was told not to worry, the heart could have just started and the rate will build up over the next few days. The next week I went back for another ultrasound and the heart rate dropped to 87. Seems low compared to others at this age. Measuring behind by up to 5 days can be normal and still end in successand yours is only off by 3 days. Turns out the heart rate is 64 at 6 weeks 3 days. • 4 yr. You can find a number of studies on different heartrates and fetal outcomes. I just had my 7 week ultrasound, and baby is measuring 6 weeks + 6 days which is great. They wait a bit longer. I've posted my story before, but I went in for a scan at exactly "6 weeks" and only measured at about 4 weeks and 5 days if I remember correctly. The heartrate was 90 also but she said it may have just started. My u/s at around 6 1/2 weeks showed a fetal heart rate of about 65. OBs and REs want to see a beta of about 50 at 14dpo or 4 weeks on the nose. In the study, the risk of miscarriage increased from 5% to 21% if both a low fetal heart rate and small Okay, so really all that is to be done is wait. I’ve had 2 MCs (both well before seeing the sac/heartbeat), so naturally am anxious and sad about this. (UPDATE) I ended up losing the baby. Add a Comment. Heart rates of <90 bpm in the first trimester are considered to have a dismal prognosis 3,8. I'm sorry you ate going through this. Praying praying praying when I go back in 12 days baby has grown and heart rate increased. My last m/c also ended badly and had a similar story to yours. Posted by u/V1ctory101 - 3 votes and 7 comments The growth shot ahead and now measuring 7w1d (2 days ahead!) with a more normal heart rate of 129! I’ll keep updating this because I went on a Reddit panic spiral looking for posts like this after the first slow heartbeat. 4 days later (yesterday) I had another ultrasound and pregnancy still showed only 6 weeks 2 days and heart rate only measured 81. 0 weeks and a normal heart rate at follow-up US Apr 22, 2019 路 Pregnancy Week 39. We've seen appropriate growth and increasing fetal rates up until now. And that heart rate would be expected in the early 6w gestation range. It is definitely lower than average, though. My midwife gave it a 50/50 chance of being fine, but I'm devastated, and I just don't know how to get through the next week until the follow-up ultrasound (when TW possible miscarriage - low fetal heart rate 6 weeks 3 days. I've also been experiencing cramping from about 5w2d until now (sometimes severe). Oct 23, 2021 at 1:33 AM. Sep 15, 2020 路 4. Second scan which was a week later we saw the fetal pole and heart rate they measured me at 6 weeks 2 days. Estimated gestational age measures 5 weeks 3 days. My dr told me that at 6w anything above 90 is good. vl lg tm vo zk sn ap tq tb yz