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Firms. for producers. Organic growth is where the firm grows by increasing their output, for example increased investment or more labour. Cambridge International AS and A Level Economics is ideal for Topic 6: The International Economy. Firms and households interact and exchange resources in an economy. 1 Public expenditure. It usually happens as the structure of an economy changes e. Therefore, producers supply less. quilibrium price of labour, i. more people are in employment and wages increase. For 0987 Cambridge says ‘this syllabus is graded from 9 to 1 but is otherwise the same as Cambridge IGCSE Economics – 0455. Almost all growth of firms is organic. This leads to an injection of more income into the circu. This allows the firm to maximise supernormal profit in the short-run. 1. 16 MB. A key assumption that is made is assuming that events occur with ceteris paribus. 20th - 22nd August. Any quantity demanded can be met without changing price. Environmental accounts for the cost of pollution, loss of natural areas, CO emissions, ozone depletion and the depletion. conomic and social welfare of countries over time. External benefits occur when the social benefits of an economic transaction are greater than the private benefits. Divisibility: to be a valued medium of exchange, currency must be divisible. Economists need to make assumptions. Our A Level revision courses run throughout the year and are led by high-calibre tutors and teachers. here else to sell to (there is only one buyer). All economists agree that an increase in LRAS will increase the potential level of output in an economy. 3 The Economic Problem; 1. d to a change in price. 1 Role of financial markets. A cartel is a group of two or more firms which have agreed to control prices, limit output, or. Economics Summer Refresher Course. real GDP and it is usually meas. as raised, the wage rate would fall from W to Real GDP is the value of all goods/services produced in an economy in a one-year period - and adjusted for inflation. 1 The characteristics of Aggregate Supply. The formula for this is:A price ela. en command and free economies in reality, though. rs) use trains at peak times, than off-peak times. The UK used to be the ‘workshop of the world’, exporting huge amounts of goods but the 1970s and 1980s saw a process of deindustrialisation with exports of services becoming increasingly important. 1 Economic growth and economic cycle. n price leads to an even bigger ch. Investment is spending by businesses on capital goods, such as new equipment and buildings as well as working capital e. These three-day courses will give soon-to-be Year 13 students a great head start for the new academic year. prevent the entrance of new firms into the market. There is no long-run erosion of supernormal profit as competitors are unable to enter the industry. Apr 8, 2015 · The emphasis throughout is on the understanding of concepts and the application of Economics ideas in novel contexts as well as on the acquisition of knowledge. Revision for CAIE Physics IGCSE, including summary notes, exam questions by topic and videos for each module. 1 – 2. We know exactly what support ome more expensive, whi. sidiesNoteswww. educationFiscal policy involves the manipulation of governm. For example, when the free market causes a lack of equity (inequality) or environmental degradation. Consumers feel more confident in the economy, which increases consumption and leads to higher living standards. The standard of living. 2. 4 The Financial Sector. as is the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). Book Tutor. nt spending, taxation and the budget balance. This exceeds the value of opportunity cost of investing funds into the firm. the secondary sector is declining and the tertiary sector is growing. the wage rate. 3 Emerging & Developing Economies. Free Revison & Teaching Resources. Macroeconomics. All the notes below have been updated to match the CIE IGCSE Economics (0455) syllabus for examinations in 2020, 2021 and 2022. Our AS Level Economics course is an excellent choice for students looking to optimise their exam technique in preparation for end-of-year assessments or looking to round-up of Year 12 ahead of the new academic year. Imports are when goods/services come in, so money goes out. There are three main types of market failure: Externalities: An externality is the cost or benefit a third party receives from an economic transaction outside of the market mechanism. education. ference between short run and long run growthShort run growth is the percentage increase in a country’. Assessed on practical skills rather than knowledge of theory. Exports are when money comes in, so the good/service goes out. stocks and work in progress; it makes up about 15-20% of AD. 28th – 30th August. Developing models: Economists develop models to explain how the economy works, for example theories of supply and demand or the circular flow of income. ar flow of income, which leads to economic growth. They may open new stores, increase their range of products etc. University of Edinburgh - MA Economics and Politics. 1 Business objectives. Consumers pay firms for these. Moreover, they aim for equity and equality by providing services to individuals or Course Description. ies and is the most common economic system today. For economic growth to occur, there needs to be an increase in quality or quantity of one of the four factors of production: land, labour, capital or enterprise, or these being used more efficiently. PMT is your one-stop shop for exam preparation and revision. The balance of payments is a record of all financial dealings over a period of time between economic agents of one country and all other countries. The firm has complete market power & is able to set prices & control output. 1 Nature of Economics. 6 Free Market Economies, Mixed Economy and Command Economy Edexcel Economics (A) A-level Theme 2: The UK Economy - Performance and Policies 2. We create free tools and resources to help GCSE and A Level students pass their exams and navigate their path through education. Acceptability: the currency must be valued and widely accepted by society as a valid way to pay for goods/services. For example, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a free trade area. Tutors to suit a variety of budgets, from £20/hour. 4 Production Possibility Frontiers; 1. The lift expectancy compon. Characteristics of perfect competition: A perfectly competitive market has the following characteristics: Many buyers and sellers. 4. education Indirect Taxes Indirect taxes are imposed by the government. it cheaper to stay in the industry tha. pdf, 951. Revision Courses. This leads to more jobs being created, higher average incomes, mor. 1 The characteristics of AD. Financial markets are where buyers and sellers can buy and trade a range of services or assets that are fundamentally monetary in nature. Context of the questions may be outside the syllabus content. This is when TR > TC. Long run economic growth occurs when the productive capacity of the economy is increasing and it A monopoly is a market structure in which there is a single seller. Our online Economics summer refresher courses are designed to give students a thorough recap ahead of the new academic year. Durability: the currency must be robust, not 4. 1 Fiscal policyNoteswww. The government spends money for a number of reasons. This means consumers have more. 9:30am - 4:30pm. 6. There are two types of indirect taxes:o Ad valorem taxes are percentag. Supply is perfectly elastic when PES = infinity. 9 – How Markets Work. Advertisement. (see notes above). nflation and deflationNoteswww. Any factor which increases the LRAS, will 2. During this exam technique-focused course, our experienced tutor will guide students through the key topics The economic value of an individual’s skills, experience, training etc. The course encourages creative thinking and problem-solving skills which are transferable to any future career path. The six characteristics of good money. Check out our website for more revision resources and other subjects and levels. Measures an economy’s development based on income, health and education. onomies of scale, which will lead to lower prices. Practical Skills. es into a single, international market. Creative Commons "NoDerivatives". 2. ponsive to a change in price. Consumption is consumer spending on goods and services; it makes up about 60% of AD, so is the biggest part. Available for one-off or weekly lessons to prepare for upcoming exams. pmt. The World Bank uses a measurement based on the number of people living on less than $1. nt uses a life expectancy range of 25 to 85 years. Paper 5 (A2) Planning, Analysis and Evaluation: Two questions of equal marks based on practical skills of planning, analysis and evaluation. e supply of labour and the demand for labour meet. This makes the market less contestable. 10 – 2. Application and entrance exam preparation for university admissions. ed annually. For example, the higher price at peak times on trains is a form of third degree price discrimination, because generally, a different group of consumers (usually commut. 35% of GDP) and Cuba is more centrally planned. and they increase production cost. 1 Economics as a Social Science. 3. iminishing returns,which states that theBenefitsThe average consumer income increases a. m184. A firm with monopsony power is able to negotiate lower prices, because their suppliers have. t exports become cheaper. A range of revision materials – from videos and flashcards to traditional notes and questions by topic. 8 KB. It is caused by increases in AD. Profit maximisation occurs where marginal cost (MC) = marginal revenue (MR). Since the value is negative, the supply of wheat is relatively price inelastic. They exist for two main reasons: to meet the demand for services, such as saving and borrowing, from individuals, businesses and the government and to allow speculation and Supernormal profit: Supernormal profit (also called abnormal or economic profit) is the profit above normal profit. If the supply of labour increases, such as if the retirement age. isersFactors of production are perfectly mobileIn this market, price is. of schooling and the expected years of schooling. Globalisation is the economic integration of different countries through increasing freedoms in the cross-border movement of people, goods/services, technology & finance. A famous example of. Similarly, adults, students and children pay. For example, firms might improve the quality of their customer service, such as having more available delivery times. Information gaps exist in nearly all free markets and distort market outcomes resulting in market failure. 2 Positive & Normative Economic Statements; 1. The cost of making workers redunda. The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) work to promote competition for the benefit of consumers and investigate mergers and breaches of UK and EU competition law, enforce consumer protection law and bring criminal cases against individuals who participate in cartels. 90 per day. 5 Role of the State in the Macroeconomy. They are a great revision tool for students to use alongside their studies. 4 Normal profits, supernormal profits and losses 3. A firm’s profit is the difference between its total revenue (TR) and total costs (TC). 3 Aggregate Supply. This means that buyers and sellers have exactly the same level of information about the good/service. Facilities required for an economy to function, such as roads. It involves the free trade of goods and services, the free movement of capital and labour and the free 3. the average price level in the eco. In other words, each extra unit produced gives ect occurs when there is new demand in an economy. It is used for macroeconomic management to control AD and achieve macroeconomic objectives: economic growth, low and stable inflation, balanced current account and low unemployment. The Basic Economic Problem. racts. It measures spending on goods and services by consumers, firms, the government and overseas consumers and firms. Maths Summer Refresher Course. One of the underlying assumptions of a free market is that there is perfect information in the market. Edexcel (A) Economics A-level. 6. s, such as VAT, which adds 20% of the un. For example, if nominal GDP is £100bn and inflation is 10% then real GDP is £90bn. The UK’s entry to the EU led to an increase in trade with Europe. 5 Specialisation & the Division of Labour; 1. 3. Absolute poverty tends to fall as GDP increases, assuming that the state provides support to those who are unable to benefit from a growing economy. A movement from A to C is an extension in demand, the quantity demanded rises due to a decrease in price. utility consumers derive from consuming. Losses: A firm makes a loss when they fail to cover their total costs. educationInflation is the susta. to leave. Revision for CAIE AS and A-level Physics (9702) papers, including summary notes e unemployment since wages are not able to adjust. This determines t. The supply of labour is affected by: 4. posable income, so consumer spending increases. Economists cannot conduct scientific experiments, like in the natural. The One-Stop Shop for Education. eness of a change in dem. Detailed Notes. Robin Marris suggested that managers aim to maximise the growth of their company above any other objective. If the price of producing wheat increased by 15%, and the quantity supplied decreased by 20%, the PES of wheat is: -20% / 15% = -1. educationPrice elasticity of demandThe price elasticity of demand is the responsi. This will increase the prestige of the business. In other words, thechange. e form of lower taxes or more government spending. ned rise in the general price level over time. The two main causes of growth of relative poverty are if those on higher salaries. l GNI at purchasing power parity (PPP) per capita. is still considered a cost of leaving the market. 4. e market the wage rate would fall from W to W1. Free markets often work very well. instruments:Government spending and taxationGovernments can change the amount of s. Free entry to and exit from the market. hich means they are able to negotiate low prices. However, the free market sometimes leads to market failure, a situation where there is a less than optimal allocation of resources from the point of view of society. ationCharacteristics of globalisation:Globalisation is the ever increasing integration of the world’s local, regional and national econom. Lower interest rates makes saving less attractive and borrowi. 5. 13. 2 Poverty & Inequality. Deflation is the opposite, wher. 22 KB. However, this causes wages to increase, which can lead to more consumer spending and an increase in the average price level. They allow 4. i think they’re pretty good but make sure you don’t use them as your only source of revision, i use econplusdal along with the pmt notes and it’s worked pretty well so far but main thing is exam practice that’s more effective than anything else. This integration of global economies has impacted national cultures, spread ideas, speeded up industrialisation in developing nations & led to de-industrialisation in 0455 || 0987. The government could influence the size of the An external cost (negative externality) is the damage not factored in to the economic activity (for example, generating air pollution when producing electricity) Private cost + external cost = social costs. There are no substitute products. Absolute poverty is defined as living below subsistence. €50 notes can be exchanged for €10 euro notes or €1 coins. GDP per capita = GDP / the population. It is often easier for people to judge the level of growth achieved rather than the level of profit. Losing a brand and consumer loyalty is hard to put a monetary value on, bu. The UK is generally considered quite central, whilst the US is slightly more free (although the government spends arou. and the purchasing power of money decreases. Uni Admissions. Firms supply goods and services to households. When the demand for labour falls, such as during a recession, in a. Perfect knowledge. Topic 5: Atomic Physics. It is made up of the following components, which make up the equation: A movement from A to B is a contraction in demand, the quantity demanded falls because of an increase in price. 33. ies5. This causes AD to rise. It could mak. It measures. It can have b. Factors that influence the supply of labour to a particular occupation: The supply of labour is calculated by the number of workers willing and able to work at the current wage rate, multiplied by the number of hours they can work. The ability of a country to compete effectively and become attractive in international markets. The market is controlled by both t. You can find all CAIE Economics IGCSE (0455 and 0987) Paper 1 past papers and mark schemes below. They might keep their shops open for longer, so consumers can visit when it is convenient. The education component combines the statistics of the mean number of year. Online tuition using our bespoke classroom and advanced whiteboard. Sellers are price takers. Course Description. 1 International Economics. spending, and eventually, more income is created. A current account will worsen before Revision for AQA Economics AS and A Level Papers, including summary notes and past exam questions. e. 2 of non-renewable resources. This was possible since they con. PMT Education is a non-profit education platform for students and teachers. This is called symmetric information. Topic 4: Electricity and Magnetism. £245. 1 Government Intervention. What We Offer About Us. A firm profit maximises when they are operating at the price and output which derives the greatest profit. Causes of changes: Poverty is caused by unemployment, a lack of skills, health problems and income dependency. This assumption is that other things are being held equal or constant, so nothing else changes. . PMT Courses has been running revision courses for over 5 years. Passionate tutors who are personally interviewed and hand-picked by us. Organic growth: There are two main types of growth: internal/organic growth and integration. Topic 3: Properties of Waves including Light and Sounds. 4 Balance of payments. As economic growth increases, unemployment falls due to more jobs being created. There is no longer a need for a specific type of worker e. There are different balances betw. ship builders in Glasgow. The economic category looks at personal consumption, inequality and the cost of unemployment. During the three-day course, our professional teachers will walk students back through the key topics they covered in Year 12, ensuring their knowledge and understanding are completely up to date. with other members without protectionist barriers. 1 Globalisation. This means that the cost of living increas. Jan 20, 2021 · pdf, 460. Non-price competition aims to increase the loyalty to a brand, which makes demand for a good more price inelastic. However, cutting wages during times of weak consumer spending would cause further falls in consumer spend. Revision notes for the Edexcel A Level Economics A syllabus, written by the Economics A experts at Save My Exams. 3 Pattern of trade. 2 Supply of labour. The AS curve: Aggregate supply is the volume of goods and services produced within the economy at a given price level. Relative poverty is measured by comparison to the average in Market failure occurs when the market fails to allocate scarce resources efficiently, causing a loss in social welfare loss. tic good is very re. 1 Economics as a Social Science; 1. www. pdf, 1. Access past papers and mark schemes for various subjects and levels, including Maths, Physics, Biology and Chemistry. Theme 1: Introduction to Markets and Market Failure. Structural unemployment occurs when there is a mismatch between jobs and skills in the economy. 4 Conflicts and trade-offs between objectives and policies. Components of AD and their relative importance: Aggregate demand is the total demand in the economy. This means that the person is unable to meet their basic needs of food, clean water, sanitation, health, shelter and education. Firms wit. 4 – The Basic Economic Problem. Online. These detailed and easy-to-read notes cover all the content required for OCR A-level Economics. 9:30am – 4:30pm. Classical economists would argue that by letting wages be flexible, by removing trade union power and removing the NMW, wages could fall and unemployment would fall to 0. ed a different price for the same good or service. This is because their salary may be linked to the size of the company. 1. Fiscal stimulus in t. It. Households supply firms with the factors of production, such as labour, land, capital and enterprise, and in return, they receive wages, rent, dividends and profit. e paying leases and contracts, even after closure. A Level. 1 National income. 11 – Market Failure and Government Intervention. a cartel is OPEC, which fixed their output of oil. Tuition. During this time, we have supported thousands of students on their academic journey and helped them fulfil their potential. Topic 3: Economic Performance. g. The multiplier effect refers to how an initial increase in AD l. Homogeneous goods. £40 / hour. Book Now. It shows the mean wealth of each citizen in a country. Our team is made up of tutors specialising in GCSE studies to A Level and beyond, with 15 years’ experience between us. The Allocation of Resources. 1 Economic as a social science. You can find all AQA Economics A-Level Paper 2 past papers and mark schemes below: Simple and effective revision that’s personalised to your qualification and exam board. Notes. 1 – 1. assumed that monopsonists are profit maximisers. Most investment is by the private sector (about 75% to ensure development does not limit the amount produced and consumed in the future. teswww. nding and taxation to stimulate the economy. firms, consumers, employees and suppliers:CostsIt is the monopsony power of superm. 5 Trading blocs and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and bilateral trade agreements):Free trade areaThis is where countries agree to trade goods. lt ww su uj qj et qp yl ry ey