Rad 140 strength gains reddit. ru/oslmbqke/prototype-pollution-htb.

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5 -> 181. Squat went up by 50lbs. I have put on muscle mass, strength gains, and have more endurance in the weight room. Pros of RAD-140: -Strength gains. I’ll add a pic below if it lets me. ) Dude gains were nuts. Relevant info –. Yes you can bulk on it, energy balance (so calorie intake compared to output) is going to determine the results in terms of packing on lbm. S23 blows rad out of the water, but the sides were brutal for me, if rad insomnia effects you good luck with s23 lol. Comparing these two SARMs makes it clear that Ostarine is much milder than RAD-140 and the better newbie option. Nothing too noticeable until almost week 5. CallmeDhatty. If you're tolerance is good up the dose by 5 or 10mg a day. By week 3 I was shedding my hair like a cat. m. Stacking SARMs is not like stacking steroids where by you start with a hormonal sledgehammer, stack it with an RPG and now RAD 140 bloat, lucid dreams, energy swings, and small strength gains after day 7 days. I felt huge confidence on it with amazing energy levels. In conclusion, RAD 140 is a great SARM that has incredible benefits of lean muscle gain, fat loss as well as amazing strength gains. Pretty good man, no substantial strength gains, no freaky look but definitely slow, steady muscle gains. Biggest selling point for LGD4 over RAD140, for me, is human trials. Sitting around 191 morning weight and 195 middle of the day. Rad140 is meant to be too. 25mg ED in the second week. Keeping gains is really dependent on where you are in comparison to your natural ability. Did the first week at 10mg then week 2 at 15mg and have now been on 20mg for the past 4 weeks and will stick to that dosage. I'm into week 6 and really impressed. And that is what will In 2021, the first-in-human Phase 1 study involving Testolone found preliminary evidence that RAD 140 offers “target engagement” of metastatic breast cancer (mBC) tissue. My cycle would be. This shit is strong. Motivation increase was huge with clear headed brain. I don't get the hate on RAD140 it seems very effective for a lot of Rad 140 muscle gain and weight loss. . The study by LoRusso et al. My friend gained 12kg in 6 weeks on 10-15mg of it so my expectations were to get atleast 5-6kg of lean muscle. 2 years training on and off 馃ぃ. So far absolutely no noticeable effects from the Rad. Overall great strength increase. You can really feel that extra wind at your back while on rad, and it translates into strength gains moreso than muscle gains. If nothing by week 3 with no sides you could increase but I would rather do 8 weeks at 10mg vs 6 weeks at 15 mg for example. Will do real cycles from now on but it was a good soft start. I know rad can cause hilarious strength gains and as I have been injured in the past due to ego lifting I am very good at dialing back the weights in favor of form and volume. I am currently in my PCT after a 8 week RAD140 cycle at 10/15mg. My shoulder press also went up, before rad I couldn’t even lift 60 kg above my head, but on rad I was repping it for 8!! Apr 9, 2024 路 RAD 140 VS LGD 4033 - Results. It's more than enough to have good gains and stay healthy . This stack is the same as the re-composition stack but your own diet However, take the bench press for example, I haven’t increased strength on that by day 8. Thinking of either. Anecdotal evidence by users of RAD140 Here are the most common RAD 140 side effects: Moderate Testosterone Suppression Lowered “Good” Cholesterol (HDL) Mild Levels of Liver Toxicity Increased Aggression Levels Accelerated Hair Loss First Rad-140 cycle 4 week update. Overall, I am planning for this bulk to be 18-20 weeks long, or until I no longer like what I see in the mirror. I've noticed strength gains but nothing huge . Alot of people lose gains due to not having as much of a will to workout because the "pump up" they get from the rad isn't there, and they don't work as hard as they did during the cycle. Diet, sleep, workout in check. Effects on a 16 year old thinking about taking Rad 140 to gain strength for Sports? I’m a 16 year old , Baseball player trying to gain strength for baseball , i’ve been weightlifting for strength gains for a few years and have gained a lot , i’m 6’0 175 and have friends on it and wondering what would be the risk if I took it. First one I got shredded on 10 MG's second one did 15 MG's and big calorie surplus. Get training for 5 years consistently with a nailed on diet. 8weeks should suffice. As far as strength I’ve seen interesting things. Definitely not complaining, the lucid dreams are fucked and put me in a weird state. I didn’t notice any sleep changes OSTARINE for semi rapid cut advice : r/sarmsourcetalk. I won't be running sarms again because it was very underwhelming. Not pct, felt like a champ. Some of it is fat. Eat, eat and eat! I’m on my first SARM cycle, rad-140 @ 10 mg. I have been taking RAD 10mg ED and started Enclo 6. So quick recap on RAD-140 vs Anavar. Been eating an maintenance/100 calories surplus. 10mg RAD-140, 5mg LGD, 20mg MK677 has been consistent through entire cycle. S23 is way stronger than RAD, but you can not take S23 without injecting testosterone. This is why you see many people stacking the two together so they can back up the strength gains from Rad-140 with increased bone density thy will support their newfound gains post-cycle for years to come. Here’s the difference between the look that rad-140 gives you and mk-677 gives you. Looking to gain as much muscle as possible with the least amount of side effects. Week 1-4 6mg rad140 Week 5-8 6mg rad 140/ 20mg cardine Week 9-10 20mg cardine/ 15 mg clomid Week 11-16 20mg cardine I offset the cardine to help keep the gains I get with the rad. Theoretically if you’re still within your natural limit and have test levels back up you shouldn’t lose much, if any strength. I gained 10lbs of lean muscle, no complaints though. -Endurance for lifts went up. Everyone is still coming down from the physiological upset that steroids cause. Please correct me if the thought process is incorrect. That was about 4 weeks ago, kept about 90% of strength gains. Week by week I notice my strength going down. 5 and now capped out at 10mg - noticed increased gym stamina pretty quick, starting to feel a little more swole, but hoping for more noticeable changes in upcoming weeks. LGD 4033 and mk677 is a sweet combo. My friend did the Sep 25, 2019 路 RAD-140 Cycle for Strength & Power. Apr 5, 2024 路 Conclusion. I will be posting before and after, just want to know your guys weight gain? Archived post. Really don't wanna end up ripping my shit, i've strengthened the tendon it to the point it's only a maximum of a 4/10 pain on heavy lifts and very explosive movements. This research just shows androgens affect cns. Websites that talk about sarms usually advise Rad @ 25-30mg range which I think is too much. You could pct w enclo and try mk-677 to help. SARMS arent the same as steroids so dont think youll gain 20lbs in one cycle either. The strength gains were absolutely mental, I put 20 kilos on my bench, went from benching 120 to 140 kg. out of the two given, rad. Training 6 days per week, as hard as I possibly can. After one week of rad I’ve noticed rapid strength gains in all my movements, while my main goal has been to body recomp, and stay at maintenance, my lifts have all shot up after 1 week. 25mg EOD till end of RAD cycle Week 9-10 - 12. Personally, the sides of RAD were way too many so I avoid it unless I am exclusively focused on strength gains Dec 11, 2023 路 In men, RAD-140 may lead to an increase in lean muscle mass and strength gains without causing common side effects associated with testosterone replacement therapy 1. Most likely because we have nothing else to reference it against. I don’t post a lot on here but am about 4 weeks into a run on AC-262. On the plus side, no insomnia, increased aggression, lethargy, hair loss, libido drop, etc. This is my second ever cycle; the last cycle I did was over a year ago running just Ostiraine. Rad, for me an for others, is almost like a stimulant. 5mg morning, 7. TESTOL 140 is FDA-approved and thus legal to purchase for human consumption. For reps, the strength gains were big. Rad140 whole sale prices are high so it's often underdosed or fake. I feel amazing and am thinking about upping the dose to 20mg for the final 2 weeks. bio is the best source I’ve come across. . Rad or s-23. It also makes you lose fat, while Ligandrol fails to impress in that department. I had trouble with repping weights over 5 reps per time. Same with LGD, some ppl report good results with as little as 2. Side notes: for my next cycle I want to document a lot more of the changes such as muscle size and strength measurements. Thought I’d share my results from 8 weeks of 10mg of Rad140 for 8 weeks. Certainly fake RAD. The more above and beyond your natty max the harder it will be to keep it. I've definitely gained weight. 2. RAD140 2WEEK TRANSFORMATION INSANE!! RAD140 2WEEK INSANE TRANSFORMATION!! I been on rad140 , LGD 4033 and MK677 for 15 days now and I’ve seen a significant improvement in my strength and stamina like very significant changes. people have noticed substantial strength increase with 5mg rad which is barely even androgenic. Still net above where I was prior to the cycle, but much lower than peak cycle. I do manual labor for work and train 7 days a week bjj and 3 days work outs. Weeks 1-8 RAD 140 at 10mg EOD Week 3-4 add Enclo at 3mg EOD to see how I react then up to 6. Everyone that says 4-5 weeks are capping imo, you should feel it a few days after you start taking it, it also depends on your dosage, you will feel faster effects with a higher dosage ( this does not mean it is better, the more unreal you feel, the worst the sides might be) you should feel more endurance, some strength Apr 5, 2024 路 Conclusion. Hi guys ! I’m currently 4 and a half weeks in on my rad 140 cycle first 2 weeks at 10mg then upped to 20mg ED for the remainder of the cycle (8 weeks total) not much noticeable strength increase at the minute except maybe abit for bench and squat. I’m leaner and strength has gone up. Took the pictures in the same lighting so you can see the difference. To understand the pros and cons. 5ish I notice the strength and crazy pumps (lgd has bigger pumps) kick in with rad and lgd. Rad 140 vs LGD 4033 for first cycle. I have always seen people say "Ostarine is made for Rad and test is a great combination. 42-year-old male. Im a ex college football player thats 6’1 and weighed around 275lbs so I’ve been big for a while, I’ve currently been on a big calorie deficit (around 1500 calories a day) my target weight is to get down to 220-230lbs but still maintain my muscle mass and weight I push when lifting. I did a cycle of Rad from SP and saw 0 results. Did one from science. So after my first sarms cycle of LGD+OSTA (which i thought to be a failure), i wanted to try RAD140, and i also threw in some mk-677. 5 weeks into my RAD 140 cycle, started 5 mg, 7. Week 4 of RAD 140. bio and it actually blew my mind how much size and strength I was able to gain. I do 20/20/10/10 tamoxifen (nolva) as PCT. And most noticeable leg press went up by 180lbs. Visually I maintained size pretty damn well but for example I was benching 315 for 3 at the end of my cycle and now I’m back to 275 for 3 and maxing out at 295 for 1. I’d expect to keep 15-20% of gains and strength you had on rad. 4 weeks is sorta low. 5mg at around 3pm. I did dirty bulk gains 10 kg on 15 mg. Week 2. Take the number of mg multiply by 100 subtract your weight and then divide by your height. For weeks 1-4 I dosed at 10mg/day Rad-140 sourced from Venogen. LGD 4033 is very good. In the first 4 weeks you'll gain less than in the second month but you can still put on good strength and mass if your nutrition is on point. I would suggest to use 10mg/day max. I’m training chest on Sunday and that’ll be day 15. We have no actual proof that rad increases strength due to its androgenicity. Ashwaghanda, Fish Oil, Maca Root, Multivitamin, Vitamin C, BCAA's, Vitamin B6, Creatine. I'm on week 3 of taking Rad 140. OSTARINE for semi rapid cut advice. Also, with these sarms less is more. Slight weight gain 4-5lbs, most likely water retention. During bulking, use Rad primarily for strength gains then size as secondary. I have seen a lot of strength gain and even been gaining weight and size. Now it's week 4 and I noticed changes in my body composition but barely made any strength gains (5lbs increase on squat, 5 on bench). Best RAD-140 Dosage for Lean Gains. And being on trt you will keep way more than doing PCT . ADMIN MOD. The real benefit of MK2866 that you find over Rad-140 is in bone formation and strengthening. Squat has jumped from 150 single to 165 single. It's possible to keep all your gains with a proper pct, diet and exercise. The body recomp and fat reduction in my chest was great. One thing I noticed quickly as well is my overall mood Stay at 10 mg no need to increase. No noticeable mental or physical gains or loss. The strength is the one thing that has me loving it. Before i started my weight was 72kg in total and 56. Man I expected to gain a little strength but holy shit. But test is even better, bioidentical and massive literature on side effects and treatment. 5 mg Weeks 3-8 @10 mg Source: US Gains Lifting Split: NSUNS 6 day squat Strength gains: Squat 260x2 -> 295 x2 Bench 170x2 -> 200 x2 OHP 125 x 1 -> 140 x2 Hey guys, Wanted to ask what the expected gains in lean muscle if I take rad 140 at 10mg a day for 8 weeks with a base of 1 year and a good diet and good sleep any advice would be great as well as taking enclomiphene citrate. META. Rad won't help you as you'll lose most of the small benefits you gain. I was like 187ish morning weight before starting and 190 middle of the day. Solo RAD140:Week 1 - 10mgWeek 2-8 - 20mg (Currently on week 4) (Might stretch to 10 weeks because these gains are incredible) Despite the debate online - I will be doing a 4 week - clomid 25mg/day PCT. Did u gain any weight, get acne or hair loss. I did 8-10mg for 8-9 weeks gained 7-10 lbs about the same body fat. See table for bloods and bodyscan either side of cycle. 5 mg ostarine for a 8 to 12 - week 1000 kcal -1250 kcal a day cut. Improved muscle endurance and some strength comes first, but the second month is when you'll see the most gains. Rad is cheaper than anavar, and legal to obtain. The strength and endurance gains I have been experiencing have been ridiculous. Currently on week 5 of rad 140 no side affects and gotten insane strength gains, did 10mg for weeks 1-3 and 15mg since week 4, started enclo week 5. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. High hopes for gains that day! Had a good arms sesh today, which is day 12 and made some strength gains in certain exercises. I take lifting pretty seriously and am curious what to expect. thinking about upping to 20mg every day, I’ve gained about 12 lb and stayed around the same body fat, I feel thicker and look a little bigger but nothing crazy and I am eating in a calorie surplus. I did gain around 20 pounds pf mass on a semi clean bulk at 10mg ed rad is no joke Mk is a great thing to take on and off cycle to help preserve gains and keep them coming. Can confirm, science. I've gained 5 pounds. Now onto the log -. So here's the results: WEEK 1: Overall not much that is noticeable. I lost about 60% of my strength gains though. I tried RAD-140 at 10mg per day and slowly increasing up to 15mg per day for around 8 weeks. b_woods89. No need to go over 20mg a day at most in my opinion. Bench Rad 140 How much muscle gain to expect? I will be running 10mg ed for 8 weeks. Just wondering if I’ll be able to retain my muscle and strength or even gain strength while in a deficit on rad140. Also, RAD 140 gives far more power and better pumps in the gym. Rsd140 is probably better for aggression and strength. Please read the rules! Rad-140 look vs Mk-677 look. You'll make much better gains without the Rad and not screw up your health markers. I've gained 3-5 lbs of muscle every cycle minimum. My strength blew up around weeks 3-4. My current bench is 225 pounds/100 kilo. I made a complete physical transformation in 4 weeks. Bench has increased from 90 3x8 to 100 3x6. also 150mg of testosterone which is cruise levels is more androgenic than rad-140 20mg yet rad-140 increases strength way more than a cruise dose of 150mg. Rad is more so towards strength. I have increased ALL of my PRs but 30%+. Take that number and multiply by the number of siblings you havethat will give you your answer. I’m a off and on user of PEDs for the last 15 years, usually 1-2 12 week cycles a year. 10mg and like 2 weeks. You will lose them slowly over the course of 3-6 months in my experience. I'm 1. Women might observe similar muscle and strength-enhancing effects, but due to their lower baseline hormone levels, the potential for androgenic side effects such as virilization Dec 2, 2023 路 RAD-140 provides better strength gains than Ostarine, and both are likely to help with fat loss similarly. You won't grow as fast as you did on rad, but maintaining won't be as difficult as RAD is great for strength gains and awesome pumps, you can keep most of the strength gains , although pumps may not be as much while on, big mistake however is to go into calorie deficit after, recommend mk 677 to keep hunger and calorie consumption high, but also continue to push just as hard or will lose it all Feb 13, 2023 路 TESTOL 140 is our recommended RAD 140 alternative, mimicking the anabolic effects of RAD 140 but without any testosterone suppression or liver toxicity. Rad-140 has a dry vascular look and mk-677 is a watery full look. Thats like comparing a ford focus to a ford mustang. I’m doing an 8 week cycle of 10mg rad-140, 20 mk-677, 10mg Cardarine, and 10mg enclo. Negative effects *Joint pain *Suppression symptoms *Possible hair thinning. It takes 4 weeks for RAD to fully saturate in your system, so the biggest gains you see week 5-7 after that in most cases your androgen receptors will be burned out and gains star to diminish. Or just run Test. I focus on medium weight and slow controlled reps to failure for about 8-10 sets on each machine I use for whatever muscle I’m training that day , I’ve been eating Might as well take anavar instead, rad140 is more toxic on your liver. I would be patient. Im doing a total of 8 weeks. I have done 4 cycles at 12 weeks each. First 2 weeks 12 mg last 3 weeks 7 mg (messed up on dosage first 2 weeks). ago. Common side for a lot of people. It's possible that it doesn't directly increase 1rm, just stamina with reps before failure. Or. I’ve recently transitioned to SARMs and my TRT dose. I had pretty much no results from my cycle despite some strength gain and 6kg bodyweight but no visible changes. In my opinion, better to stack SARMs with other SARMs or anabolics. Diet is a surplus of at least +500 cal/day. Going to use Enclo during week 3-4 and as pct. Happy Saturday brothers. -Muscles felt denser and popped more. While on rad-140. 1. any tips? Nolva is a good pct to have on hand just in case. 5mg and others @ 5mg. Definitely gained a few lbs of muscle, nothing crazy but for a low side effect cycle it’s amazing Rad will increase your strength more than anavar. RAD140: How to keep gains PCT? I am on my first ever PED cycle. I've been running RAD 140 15mg a day split doses (7. Totally plateued after the first 4 weeks and didn't see to much gains after that despite increasing my dosage to 20mg. Beginner SARM user, Need advice on RAD 140. As far as weight gains you wont get too much maybe a couple pounds. I ate clean with a well rounded diet, tracked my lifts, progressed every week numbers wise but my physique and weight stayed the same. Tldr; positive effects from a week of rad 140 *10lbs gain *95lbs bench press to 165lbs *Overall insane strength increase *Muscle definition increased. Testolone RAD-140 – 20mg per day, dosed once a day in the a. and 25mg 4-6 hours later. I put on a lot of mass with lgd but the strength gains weren’t great, on rad all my lifts shoot up within the first few weeks. Seems to be working well, I’ve went from 169 to 175 in 5 weeks, but look much leaner and weights have gone up. Just finished 6 out of 8 weeks of my first RAD140 cycle. 5 Dosing: Week 1 @5 mg Week 2 @7. • 1 yr. Yes it is man. Week 5-7 are the best in most cases. 8 kg muscle mass. Pct not needed. I initially set out to cut and had my calories on a deficit for the first 4 weeks, and then went to maintenance for the remaining 4 weeks as my appetite And if so, what would you say is more effective for bulky strength gains. Yk-11. Hope my results/recording benefits someone. Im 5'11" stick to a strict well balanced diet high in protien. Ideally you wouldn’t stack the MK677 with Rad since MK isn’t a SARM. Your water retention could possibly be coming from high test --> estrogen conversion on the enclo I've done 2, 5 week cycles. TESTOL 140 is best utilized when bulking for maximum hypertrophy and strength. I can bench 340lbs and squat 500lbs at 240lbs as a lifetime natural. Astrorugger88. LGD will blow you up but keep in mind water retention. Always stack everything. LGD was much better for me vs RAD gains wise, both same side effects, mild test suppression. Cardarine GW-501516 – 20mg per day, dosed once a day in the a. I haven't had any side effects so far. Gained 40 lbs on deadlift, 40 lbs on squat and 30 on bench. Now, as for Rad-140, it’s strong, one of the We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Firstly i can say without a doubt that my strength gains have been amazing. Week 5 my strength was insane. I will say this, it’s a great product. The best thing about this compound is that if you use a normal dosage (5-30mg a day) you won’t need a PCT and will recover naturally within a few weeks. RAD-140 requires PCT by male users, but it’s possible to get away with no PCT when using Ostarine. If you put on muscle with RAD though your 1rm should go up. 10mg LGD is like 20mg Anavar/rad140 they say. Whichever comes first. Just for reference, this is my first SARM cycle, I will be running Rad-140 for 8 weeks. On my 1 and only rad cycle I did not lose any mass. I love both compounds, they almost do the same thing but S23 is a bit better in regards to drying out and muscle building. LGD mass gained seems to be mostly water weight, while RAD-140 is dry muscle gain and you get stronger this lift heavier. I've been running 10 mg for 5 weeks and have noticed good strength increase and overall tightness of the muscles. I felt a lot stronger and just knowing I can move the weight helped a lot with my confidence. Been lifting and running for years. Does rad 140 help retain and even gain strength and muscle while in a deficit? Getting as much feedback and research as I can before deciding to hop on an 8 week cycle. Beginning of the cycle, I feel amazing and energetic, slight aggression increase and huge strength increase. RAD 140 Positive Mood/Mental Effects. I am 5'9" and 180 pounds, roughly 18% body fat. 5mg LGD 4033 for 8 weeks. Anecdotal evidence by users of RAD140 6 week RAD-140 transformation picture+ update. So I have been debating whether to run 5 mg of RAD-140 or 12. I have been doing 10mg daily and noticed both size and strength gains, although less than I was hoping for. cause there is a lot of false First Sarms cycle. If you keep pushing hard as fuck and eating then you wont lose any strenghth. Ligandrol seems to be better when gaining and building muscle mass is concerned, while RAD 140 wins when it comes to the strength of the muscle itself. 6kg muscle mass and 79kg total. Noticed massively after the 2nd week. During my cycle everything went well, and it was going much better than the last cycle, at the end i hit 60. Posted by u/GrahameHall - 2 votes and 3 comments We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 30lbs on my squat, 40lbs on my deadlift and 15lbs on my bench. MK helps your body produce more GH, improving appetite and sleep. I plan to do an 8-week cycle, I’m currently 5 days into it First SARM cycle - RAD 140 results here’s the before and after 174. SARMs are not steroids. Bench went up by 10lbs. 10mg is the right dose! Follow your intuition when you’re hungry. Hey Guys, Just thought i'd post an update on my very first cycle of SARMS (specifically RAD140) running a small dose of 10mg per day. No other cycles before. All those goods slowly fade after week 6 for me into slight acne and lethargy until I'll stop and fully recover. [META] Low dose RAD-140 VS. Did 10mg ED for the first week then went up to 15 mg for the second week and currently been on 20mg for the past 2 weeks. Rad140 is broscience, no human studies. It seems to work well with no noticable sides. No those lgd and rad (i tried only those) can be feeled the first week especially if you're a good responder and it's clearly not placebo My strength improved directly and in a relatively significant way Main goal is to gain mass and strength. This is my second cycle and my body does best with lower doses of most substances. My bench went from 350 to 450 and I’m nearing a 600 pound squat when my previous PR was 535. Currently stacking Rad-140 and LGD-3303. In the 1-3 rep range I didn't notice big strength increases yet. Diet and Training regimen are a big thing. PCT should be 20/20/10/10. In 2021, the first-in-human Phase 1 study involving Testolone found preliminary evidence that RAD 140 offers “target engagement” of metastatic breast cancer (mBC) tissue. 10mg Rad 140 for 8 weeks. You don't need to start enclo this early. concluded that RAD 140 shows strong “antitumor activity” and has efficacy as an oral mBC treatment. There’s 0 point in cycling sarms without test but this whole subreddit does it so ig there getting something. Both rad and lgd I notice when I start it day 1 because for the first week, my sleep sucks ass on the stronger SARMs and I sweat way more in the gym. check mk 677 for bulking. So far gained about 1kg but idk if its lean muscle tissue or just fat. Clomid after the rad is over. Wanted to follow up with my previous post from last week (which spiked a lot of attention lol). You won’t loose any gains. Strength gains (and by virtue of lifting more, gain muscle and loose fat) then RAD140. LGD 4033 is better for endurance and bulking. RAD 140 + ENCLO Cycle Advice. Rad will definitely give you suppression even at 30mg no need for 60 as won't increase gains just sides. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Archived post. Andarine S-4 – 50mg per day, 25mg in the a. SARMs are inherently mild and targeted in the body. You can get anywhere from 3-8 lbs of lean mass on a bulk. Thank you, I know s23 is supposed to be considerably stronger and promote more muscle growth, but I couldn’t find a straight up comparison in strength gains. In reality that will maybe help keep 5% more gains than you would have. If I had a choice between the two, I would pick rad. I'd keep Rad @ 10mg-15mg. Today marks the beginning of the 4th week of my RAD 140 cycle. 20mgs a day, intense lifts, and eat everything. but still i don't want to be lifting heavier than i used to and then just fucking rip it. I was hungry AF for the first maybe 3 weeks before my hunger leveled out. -Broke through plateaus by at least 40lbs more on the bar. Hi I’m looking to run a SARM cycle of RAD 140 I’ve never done any cycle before and was just looking for advice. Lean muscle mass - MK2866 20 mg even 30 mg if you can handle it. 5mg of enclo ED for PCT. For a SARM, it’s good for bulking yes. I’m two weeks in and feel amazing, helps recover from small injuries it seems and my recovery from bjj is amazing as well. Just wanted to post a 4 week update of my first rad-140 cycle. I have zero hair shedding on rad , health markers are untouched (personal experience, not a rule) when dosage is kept 10mg/day or less. This would be my first time using PEDs. mn bi sf nh tj xq nb pd ix cp